Thursday, May 9, 2013

Internal Selection JA/Admn Selected Memo



Er.A. RAJA,  B.E,
Chief Engineer/Personnel,
VIII Floor, N.P.K.R.R. Maalagai,
144, Anna Salai,
Chennai – 2.

All Superintending Engineers.

Lr.No.092550/698/G.56/G.561/2012-11, Dated:09.05.2013.

Sub:  Recruitment – Class III Service – Filling up of vacancies of
        Junior Assistant/Adm. post by Internal Selection – Particulars called for- Reg.

                   Ref: This office Letter No.092550/698/G.56/G.561/2012-1,  


I am to inform that 78 Nos. of RWE employees (as mentioned in the Annexure) are selected to the post of Junior Assistant/Adm. in the Pay Band of Rs.5400 – 20200 + 2200 Grade Pay by Internal Selection.

2)       I am also to inform that the above individuals fully possess the required qualification to hold the post of Junior Assistant/Adm. and their pay can be fixed under B.P.Ms.(FB)No.95/Secretariat Branch/Dt:20.11.1985.

3)       It is further informed that the allotment orders to the above selected employees will be issued separately.

Yours faithfully,

Encl. : Annexure                        sSENIOR PERSONNEL OFFICER/RECRUITMENT

Copy to:-

 All the Chief Engineers and all Unions.

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Enhancement of HBA from 40 to 50 lakhs G.O. adoption orders

HBA Enhancement 40 to 50 lakhs