Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Deceased Pensioners/Family Pensioners of TANGEDCO beyond the age of 25 years – Restricting the quantum of Family Pension to Rs.3,050/- - Orders - Issued.


Pension - Sanction of Family Pension to the eligible Unmarried/Widowed/Divorced daughters of the deceased Pensioners/Family Pensioners of TANGEDCO beyond the age of 25 years – Restricting the quantum of Family Pension to Rs.3,050/- - Orders - Issued.

(Per) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.20                      Dated the 3rd May, 2013.
                                                                                      Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2044.


          1. G.O.Ms.No.325, Finance (Pension) Department, dated 28.11.2011.
          2. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.51 (SB), dated 06.09.2012.
          3. G.O.Ms.No.29 Finance (Pension) Department, dated 31.01.2013.


          Based on the orders issued by the Government in its G.O. first read above, orders were issued in the Proceedings read above, allowing Family Pension to the eligible unmarried/widowed/divorced daughters of the deceased Pensioners/Family Pensioners of TANGEDCO beyond the age limit of 25 years, subject to fulfillment of the following conditions:-

(i)      The Unmarried/Widowed/Divorced daughters of the Pensioners/Family Pensioners, who are aged above 25 years, are eligible to get the Family Pension till their life time.

(ii)      The Unmarried/Widowed/Divorced daughters of the Pensioners/Family Pensioners, who are aged above 25 years, shall be eligible to get the Family Pension till their life time, only if the Children aged below 25 years who are eligible to get Family Pension, complete the age of 25 years; or if no disabled Children exist in the Family.

(iii)     If the said Unmarried/Widowed/Divorced daughters who are aged above 25 years, contract with a marriage/remarriage, the Family Pension shall be stopped immediately. In order to ensure the above, the said Pensioners should furnish a certificate to the Pension Sanctioning Authority to the effect that they have not contracted with marriage/ remarriage.

(iv)     The Family Pension to the Unmarried/Widowed/Divorced daughters aged above 25 years, shall be sanctioned to the elder/ eldest daughter based on her age. If the elder/eldest daughter contracts with a remarriage or expires, then the next younger daughter shall become eligible to get the Family Pension.


(v)      The monthly income of the Unmarried/Widowed/Divorced daughters should not exceed Rs.2,550/- and to this effect, an Income Certificate should be  furnished  to the  Pension  Sanctioning Authority every year in this regard.

          2. As the Family Pension is allowed to the unmarried/widowed/divorced daughters only to meet their livelihood, the Government, in its G.O. third read above, have issued orders restricting the quantum of Family Pension to the Unmarried/Widowed/Divorced daughters at the rate of Rs.3,050/- (i.e.to the level of minimum pension allowed to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners) with the admissible Dearness Allowance plus the Medical Allowance of Rs.100/- per mensem, with effect from 28.11.2011 (i.e.the date of issue of G.O.first read above).

          3. Generally, the TANGEDCO has been adopting the orders issued by the Government from time to time in connection with Pension and Pensionary benefits to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners. Further, the recent order issued by the Government in its G.O. third read above, is only an extension of the earlier G.O. first read above. Accordingly, a proposal for adoption of the said Government Order in TANGEDCO, has been placed before the Board of TANGEDCO for its approval. The Board has carefully examined the above issue and decided to adopt the above orders of the Government.

          4. Accordingly, the TANGEDCO hereby directs that the quantum of Family Pension payable to the Unmarried/Widowed/Divorced daughters, be restricted to Rs.3,050/- (i.e.the level of minimum pension allowed to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners) with the admissible Dearness Allowance plus the Medical Allowance of Rs.100/- per mensem.

          5. All other conditions laid down in the TANGEDCO's Proceedings read above, shall remain unchanged.

          6. The above orders come into effect from 28.11.2011 (i.e.the date of issue of the Government Order first read above).

          7. The receipt of these Proceedings shall be acknowledged in the slip enclosed.

                                                                                     SECRETARY (ADDL.CHARGE).
All Chief Engineers.
All Chief Financial Controllers.
The Chief Internal Audit Officer/Audit Branch.
All Superintending Engineers.



All Deputy Secretaries/Secretariat Branch.
The Residential Audit Officer/Chennai-2.

Copy to:
The Chairman-cum-Managing Director's Table.
The Managing Director/TANTRANSCO.
The Inspector General of Police/Vigilance/Chennai-2.
The Secretary/TANGEDCO /Chennai-2.
The Legal Adviser/TANGEDCO /Chennai-2.
The Deputy Chief Engineer/Administrative Branch/Chennai-2.
All Senior Personnel Officers/Administrative Branch/Chennai-2.
The Chief Medical Officer/TANGEDCO Headquarters Dispensary/Chennai-2.
All Under Secretaries/Secretariat Branch/Chennai-2.
All Unit Assistant Personnel Officers/Headquarters (5 copies).
The Assistant Personnel Officer/Headquarters/Adm.Branch.
The APO/Tamil Development – for publication in the Bulletin (2 copies).
The Director/Computer Centre/Chennai-2.
The Chief Public Relations Officer/TANGEDCO/Chennai-2.
The Resident Manager/T.N.E.B. Limited/New Delhi.
"A-10" Section/Secretariat Branch/Chennai-2.

The President/TNEB Retired Officials Association,
          No.14 (Old No.7), 2nd Main Road, Ram Nagar, Chennai-600 082.
The General Secretary/Federation of TNEB Pensioners Associations,
          G2, Plot No.87, Door No.31, Ramyam Apt., Nehru St, Alwarthirunagar,Chennai-87.
The General Secretary/TNEB Pensioners' Progressive Union,
          No.9, Sundaram Chetty Street, Kottikulam Road, Dindigul-624 001.
The General Secretary/Electricity Board Pensioners' Welfare Association,
          No.27, Mosque Street, Chepauk, Chennai-600 005.
The General Secretary/Tamil Nadu Electricity Retired Workers' Association,
          No.16, 10th East Main Road, Gandhi Nagar, Vellore-6.
The General Secretary/TNEB Retired Employees & Officers Association, 
          No.18, Ellaiyamman Koil Street, West Mambalam, Chennai-600033.

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Enhancement of HBA from 40 to 50 lakhs G.O. adoption orders

HBA Enhancement 40 to 50 lakhs