Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Joining Time Instructions for New Selected I.T.I. Holders

புதியதாக பணியில் சேர உள்ள களப்பணி உதவியாளர் (பயிற்சி) ஐ.டி.ஐ. படித்தவர்கள் பணியில் சேரும் போது அளிக்க வேண்டிய சான்றுகள் மற்றும் தெரிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டிய விஷயங்கள். 

1. The selected candidate should produce satisfactory certificate of Physical Fitness. The prescribed form of certificate is enclosed with  the  selection order and he/she shall obtain
the certificate from a Medical Officer not lower in rank that of Civil Surgeon. If he/she has defective vision, he/she should also produce a Special Certificate in the form annexed in page 3 of the Physical Fitness Certificate duly filled in and attested by an Ophthalmic Surgeon employed in a Government Hospital.

          2. The completed certificate of Physical Fitness with a declartion in the form annexed should be furnished to the reporting officer in the selection order within the time as specified.

          3. If the Certificate of Physical Fitness is not received within the Stipulated time, it will be construed that he/she is not interested in accepting this offer of appointment and his/her selection will be thereby be liable for cancellation without further notice.

          4. The selected candidate should produce satisfactory records in original regarding his educational qualification, proof of date of Birth and Community Certificate to the Officer  concerned before joining duty. If any discrepancy is found in the certificate or if he/she is found to be unqualified for the post now offered with reference to the certificate produced by him/her selection and appointment will be cancelled.

          5. The Selected candidate is informed that initially the training period is for one year.  During the training period he/she will be paid a consolidated pay of Rs.3250/- per month.  After successful and satisfactory completion of the training period he/she will be appointed as Helper in the regular time scale of pay of Rs.5400-20200 + 1900 (Grade Pay) in TANGEDCO.

          6. No request for modification of posting orders will be entertained. Even if an attempt is made for modification through third person, the selection order will be cancelled. If he/she does not join duty within the time limit, the orders of appointment and selection will be cancelled without any further intimation.

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Enhancement of HBA from 40 to 50 lakhs G.O. adoption orders

HBA Enhancement 40 to 50 lakhs