Saturday, February 22, 2014

Assessor Gr II to Assessor D.P. & Suitability reports Called for Further Reports


Er. N. KRISHNAMOORTHI, B.E.,                                        144, ANNA SALAI,
Chief Engineer/Personnel,                                                CHENNAI - 600 002.
D.O. Letter No.072028/997/G.26/G.261/2012-   ,  dt.    21.02.2014.

Dear Thiru.

Sub :-
Estt. – Class III service – Assessor Grade II promotion to the post of Assessor – D.P. and suitability reports called for – Further reports submission of – Regarding.

 Ref :-  1)


This office Memo No.072028/997/G.26/G.261/2012-1 dt.12.01.2013 amd reminder dt.15/02.2013, 23.05.2013, 01.06.2013.
This office Lr. No.072028/997/G.26/G.261/2012-6 dt.17.10.2013.


                   I invite your attention to the reference cited above wherein it has been called for to furnish the suitability report of Assessor Grade II for considering for promotion to the post of Assessor. Accordingly, the Superintending Engineers have furnished the suitability report of Assessor  Grade II and panel for promotion to the post of Assessor is already finalized and orders issued on 14.02.2014.

                  On finalization and issue of panel and postings, some of the Superintending Engineers have furnished suitability reports of Assessor Grade II to consider the same. 

                  In view of the obove, it is requested that the reports may be called for from the Executive Engineers and suitability reports furnished to this office on or before 26.02.2011, and the panel will be finalized immediately.

                It may be noted that any reports received after the above date will not be considered and the Superintending Engineers will be responsible for any subsequent representation from the individuals.

             With best wishes.
                                                               Yours Sincerely,

                                                                         (N. KRISHNAMOORTHI)

All Superintending Engineer's/Distribution Circles
Copy to the all  Chief Engineer/Distribution.
                  It is requested that it may be ensured that suitability reports are sent before the above date

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