Friday, July 12, 2013

Secretariat Branch some amendments and orders


Establishment - TANGEDCO - Secretariat Branch - Redesignation of the post of Assistant in the Secretariat Branch as Assistant Section Officer - Orders issued - Amendments to Regulations 88, 92, 93, 94 and 105 of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Service Regulations - Issued.

(Per) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.35             Dated the 5th July, 2013.
                                                                                      Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2044.

(Per) CMD TANGEDCO Proceedings No.75 (SB) dated 07.04.2012.

          In the Proceedings read above, orders have been issued redesignating the post of Assistant in the office of the Secretariat Branch in the Pay Band of Rs.5400-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2700/- as "Assistant Section Officer" without change in duties and responsibilities and also without any additional monetary benefit. It has also been ordered that necessary amendments to the TNEB Service Regulations read with     Tamil Nadu Electricity (Re-organization and Reforms) Transfer Scheme, 2010, will be issued separately.

          2. Accordingly, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 79(c) of the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948 (Central Act 54 of 1948), read with section 185 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and G.O.Ms.No.100, Energy (B2) Department, dated 19.10.2010, the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited (formerly Tamil Nadu Electricity Board) makes the following amendments to the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Service Regulations:-
In the said Regulations,-

(1)     in regulation 88, under the heading "CLASS-III", under sub-heading "DIVISION VI-A, OFFICE OF THE BOARD OFFICE SECRETARIAT BRANCH", for the expression "Assistants" against the expression "Category-1", the expression "Assistant Section Officers" shall be substituted;

(2)     in ANNEXURE-I (Referred to in  Regulation 92),-

(a)  under  the  heading  "CLASS-II",  under  the  sub-heading "DIVISION-I", against the expression "Category-2", in Column (1) and the corresponding entries in Column (2) thereof, for the expression "Assistants" in Column (3), the expression "Assistant Section Officers" shall be substituted;

(b)  under the heading "CLASS-III", under sub-heading "DIVISION VI-a Board Office Secretariat Branch",

(i)         against the expression "Category-1" in  Column (1) and the corresponding entries in Column (3) thereof, for the expression "Assistants" in Column (2), the expression "Assistant Section Officers" shall be substituted;


(ii)       for the expression "Assistants" occurring in the proviso in Column (3), against the expression "Category-1" in Column (1) and the corresponding expression "Assistants" in Column (2) thereof, the expression "Assistant Section Officers" shall be substituted;

(iii)                 for the expression "as Assistant" occurring after the proviso in Column (3), against the expression    "Category-1" in Column (1) and the corresponding expression "Assistants" in Column (2) thereof, the expression "as Assistant Section Officer" shall be substituted;

(3)     in ANNEXURE-II (Referred to in Regulation-93), under  the  heading   "CLASS-III SERVICE", under sub-heading "DIVISION VI-A Board Office Secretariat Branch", for the expression "Assistant" in Column (2), against the expression "13" in Column (1) and the corresponding expression "Deputy Secretary" in Column (3) thereof, the expression "Assistant Section Officer" shall be substituted;

(4)     in "ANNEXURE-III (Referred to in Regulation 94)", under the heading "Board Office Secretariat Branch",-

(a) for the proviso in Column (3) against the expression "Section Officers" in Column (1) and the corresponding entries "Promotion of staff employed in Secretariat Branch" in Column (2) thereof, the following proviso shall be substituted, namely:-

"Provided that any Assistant Section Officer/Assistant-cum-Steno Typist who does not hold any such degree may be promoted".

(b) for the expression "Assistants" in Column (1), against the expression "Direct recruitment" in Column (2) and the corresponding entries in Column (3) thereof, the expression "Assistant Section Officers" shall be substituted;

(5)     in ANNEXURE-IV (Referred to in Regulation-105), under the heading             "III. Employees in Class III & IV Service", under the sub-heading "Board Office Secretariat Branch", for the first expression "Assistant" in Column (1) and the corresponding entries in Column (2) thereof, the expression "Assistant Section Officer" shall be substituted.

          3. The receipt of these proceedings shall be acknowledged in the slip enclosed.




Establishment – TANGEDCO - Amendment to Rule 9(21)(a)(i) of Fundamental Rules issued by the Government – Amendment to regulation 10(19)(i) of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Service Regulations - Issued.

(Per) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.36             Dated the 5th July, 2013.
                                                                                      Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2044.

G.O.(Ms) No.176, P&AR (FR.IV) Dept., dated 10.12.2010.

          The Government of Tamil Nadu, have recently revised the pay structure of the State Government employees under Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay Rules, 2009. In the said Rules, the Government have changed the earlier pattern of "Scale of Pay" to "Pay Band with Grade Pay". Consequent on this, the Government have issued necessary amendment to Rule 9(21)(a)(i) of Fundamental Rules - vide G.O. read above

          2. The Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Service Regulations have been framed based on the Tamil Nadu State and Sub-ordinate Services Rules and also Fundamental Rules of Government of Tamil Nadu. Further, the TANGEDCO has also revised the Pay structure of its employees based on the Government's Pay structure and also changed the "Pay" as "Pay Band with Grade Pay" based on the orders of the Government of Tamil Nadu. The regulation 10(19)(i) of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Service Regulations is corresponding to rule 9(21)(a)(i) of Fundamental Rules of Government of Tamil Nadu. Hence, a proposal for making amendment to regulation 10(19)(i) of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Service Regulations, has been placed before the Board of TANGEDCO. After careful consideration, the Board has resolved to amend the said regulations suitably.

          3. Accordingly, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 79(c) of the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948 (Central Act 54 of 1948), read with section 185 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and G.O.Ms.No.100, Energy (B2)  Department,  dated  19.10.2010,
the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited (formerly Tamil Nadu Electricity Board) makes the following amendment to the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Service Regulations:-


"In the said Regulations, in regulation 10, in sub-regulation 19, in      clause (i), for the expression "the pay", the expression "the pay drawn in the prescribed pay band plus the applicable grade pay", shall be substituted".

          4. The receipt of these proceedings shall be acknowledged in the slip enclosed.



Establishment - Prescription of Computer Qualification for the posts of Typists,       Steno-Typists and Personal Clerks - Orders issued by the Government - Adopted in TANGEDCO - Amendments to regulation 96 of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Service Regulations - Issued.

(Per) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.37             Dated the 5th July, 2013.
                                                                                      Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2044.

1. G.O.Ms.No.130, P&AR (S) Department, dated 22.07.2008.
2. G.O.Ms.No.43, P&AR (S) Department, dated 17.04.2009.
3. (Per) B.P. (FB) No.21 (Administrative Branch), dated 29.12.2009.

          The Government of Tamil Nadu, in its G.O.first read above, issued orders, prescribing the qualification on Computer knowledge (viz. Certificate course in Computer on "Office Automation" awarded by the Directorate of Technical Education) for the posts of Typists and Steno-Typists prior to completion of probation. The said qualification has not been prescribed as a pre-requisite qualification for recruitment to the post of Typists and Steno-Typists. Hence, it has been ordered that the new entrants to the Government service should acquire the said qualification within their probation period.

          2. Subsequently, the Government, in its G.O.second read above, issued a clarificatory order that apart from the Typists and Steno-Typists, the Personal Clerks, Personal Assistants and Private Secretaries should also acquire the said qualification. It has also been ordered that the existing employees (who are in service at the time of issue of the said Government Order, i.e.22.07.2008) shall be exempted from qualifying the certificate course in "Computer on Office Automation".

          3. The above said two Government Orders have been adopted in TANGEDCO (erstwhile Tamil Nadu Electricity Board) - vide Board's Proceedings third read above.   It has been ordered in the said Board's Proceedings that necessary amendments to the TNEB Service Regulations will be issued separately.

          4. Accordingly, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 79(c) of the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948 (Central Act 54 of 1948), read with section 185 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and G.O.Ms.No.100, Energy (B2) Department, dated 19.10.2010, the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited (formerly  Tamil  Nadu



Electricity Board) makes the following amendments to the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Service Regulations:-

"In the said Regulations, in sub-regulation (3) under regulation-96,

(i)                in the Tabular Column, after the Sl.No.(6) in Column (1) and the corresponding entries thereto in Columns (2), (3) and (4), the Sl.No.(7) and the corresponding entries relating thereto shall be inserted, namely:-

A member appointed as Typist, Steno-Typist and  Personal Clerk, on or after 29.12.2009.
A pass in the Certificate course on Office Automation, awarded by the Directorate of Technical Education.
Within the prescribed period of probation. Otherwise, he/she will be dealt with as per sub-regulation (f) under regulation 95 of TNEB Service Regulations.

Provided that those who possess a Degree (or) Diploma in Computer Science (or) Computer Engineering as one of the subjects approved by the University Grants Commission (or) All India Council for Technical Education (or) Directorate of Technical Education (or) an equivalent body, shall not be required to acquire the said qualification.

Provided further that the existing Typists, Steno Typists or Personal Clerks, who are in service as on 29.12.2009, shall be exempted from passing the Certificate course in Computer on Office Automation".

          5. The receipt of these proceedings shall be acknowledged in the slip enclosed.




TANGEDCO – Conducting the Departmental Tests for the officials internally in TANGEDCO – Proposal approved by the Board – Prescribing new names for the tests –Amendments to Regulations 94 and 96 of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Service Regulations - Issued.

(Per) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.42             Dated the 8th July, 2013.
                                                                                      Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2044.

1. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.34 (SB), dated 03.07.2013.
2. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.35 (SB), dated 05.07.2013.


          In the Proceedings read above, it has been ordered that the Departmental Tests which are conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission for certain categories, shall hereafter be conducted internally in TANGEDCO. Among other things,  it has been ordered in the said Proceedings that necessary amendments to the       Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Service Regulations will be issued in this regard, separately. A proposal to make amendments to this effect, has already been placed before the Board of TANGEDCO for its approval. The Board, in its 38th meeting held on 28.06.2013, approved the proposal to make suitable amendments to Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Service Regulations.

          2. Accordingly, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 79(c) of the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948 (Central Act 54 of 1948), read with section 185 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and G.O.Ms.No.100, Energy (B2) Department, dated 19.10.2010, the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited (formerly Tamil Nadu Electricity Board) makes the following amendments to regulations 94 and 95 of the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Service Regulations:-


In the said Regulations,

I.       in Annexure-III (referred to in regulation 94),

(i)                under the heading "Board Office Secretariat Branch", against the post "Assistant Section Officers" in Column (1), for the expressions "Account Test for Subordinate Officers, Part-I" occurring in Column (3), the expressions "Departmental Accounts Test for Subordinate Officers", shall be substituted;

(ii)              under the heading "BOARD OFFICE AUDIT BRANCH ", against the post "Auditors" in Column (1),

(a)  against the expressions "By promotion" in Column (2), for the  expressions  "Account  Test  for   Subordinate   Officers  


Part-I" occurring in Column (3), the expressions "Departmental Accounts Test for Subordinate Officers", shall be substituted;

(b)  in the Note thereunder, for the expressions "Account Test for Subordinate Officers Part-I", the expressions "Departmental Accounts Test for Subordinate Officers", shall be substituted.

(c)   against the expressions "By appointment of Assistants in the Board Office Administrative Branch, Technical Branch and other Subordinate Offices" in Column (2), for the expressions "Account Test for Subordinate Officers Part-I" occurring in Column (3), the expressions "Departmental Accounts Test for Subordinate Officers" shall be substituted.

(d)  against the expressions "Promotion from the category of Typists/Steno-Typist in Audit Branch" in Column (2), for the expressions "Account Test for Subordinate Officers Part-I" occurring in Column (3), the expressions "Departmental Accounts Test for Subordinate Officers", shall be substituted;

II.    in regulation 96,

(A) under sub-regulation (1) under clause (a),

(i)                in Column (3) of the Table,

(a)  against Sl.Nos.(1), (5) to (11), (12) and (14) in Column (1), for the expressions "Electricity Department Account Test", the expressions "Departmental Test for Technical Officers", shall be substituted;

(b)   against Sl.No.(3) in Column (1), for the expressions "Departmental Test for Accounts Officer", the expressions "Departmental Test for Accounts Officers", shall be substituted;

(c)    in Note under Sl.Nos.(5) to (12) of the Table, for the expressions "Electricity Department Account Test", the expressions "Departmental Test for Technical Officers", shall be substituted;

(B)  under sub-regulation (1) under clause (b),

(i)                in Column (3) of the Table, against Sl.Nos.1(i),(ii), 2(iii), 3 and 4 in Column (1), for the expressions "Account Test for Subordinate Officers Part-I", the expressions "Departmental Accounts Test for Subordinate Officers", shall be substituted;



(ii)              in the Note under the second proviso, for the expressions "Account Test for Subordinate Officers Part-I", the expressions "Departmental Accounts Test for Subordinate Officers", shall be substituted;

(C) under sub-regulation (2), in Column (3) of the Table,

(i)                against Sl.No.(i) and (iv), for the expressions "Account Test for Subordinate Officers Part-I", the expressions "Departmental Accounts Test for Subordinate Officers", shall be substituted;

(ii)              against Sl.No.(ii), for the expressions "Departmental Test for Pay and Accounts Officers", the expressions "Departmental Test for Internal Audit Officers", shall be substituted".

          3. The receipt of these proceedings shall be acknowledged in the slip enclosed.



jkpH;ehL kpd; cw;gj;jp kw;Wk; gfph;khd fHfk;
( RUf;fk; )

jkpH;ehL kpd; cw;gj;jp kw;Wk; gfph;khdf; fHfk; - jkpH;ehL kpd;rhu thhpag; gzpahsh;    rpwg;g[ nrk eyepjp kw;Wk; gzpf;bfhilj; jpl;lk;/ 1984 jpl;lj;jpd; fPH; tl;o fzf;fpl;L   tH';FtJ Miz btspaplg;gLfpwJ.
( brayff; fpis )

(epiy) KG thhpa bray;Kiw Miz vz;.39/  ehs; 06-07-2013.
                                                jpUts;Sth; Mz;L-2044.

1. B.P.Ms.(FB) No.76 (SB), dated 31.08.1985.
2. murhiz vz;.61/ epjp (Xa;t{jpak;)j; Jiw/ ehs; 28-02-2013.


     jkpHf murpd; Mizia gpd;gw;wp/ ghh;it xd;wpy; gof;fg;gl;l thhpa epiyahizapd;go/ jkpH;ehL kpd;rhu thhpag; gzpahsh; rpwg;g[ nrk eyepjp kw;Wk; gzpf;bfhilj; jpl;lk;/ 1984 vd;w jpl;lk; 01-04-1984 Kjy; jkpH;ehL kpd; cw;gj;jp kw;Wk; gfph;khdf; fHfj;jpy; (Kd;dh; jkpH;ehL kpd;rhu thhpak;) bray;gLj;jg;gl;L tUfpd;wJ.  ,j;jpl;lj;jpd; tpjp 5-d;go/ ,j;jpl;lj;jpd; fPH; tH';fg;gLk; tl;oj;bjhif mt;tg;nghJ bghJ tU';fhy itg;g[ epjpf;F tH';fg;gLk; tl;oapd; mog;gilapy; fzf;fplg;gLk; vd Mizaplg;gl;Ls;sJ. mjd; bjhlh;r;rpahf/ ghh;it 2y; gof;fg;gl;l murhizapd; thapyhf/ ,dp tU';fhy';fspYk;/ Xa;t[ bgWk; muRg; gzpahsh;fSf;F/ jkpH;ehL muRg; gzpahsh; rpwg;g[ nrk eyepjp kw;Wk; gzpf;bfhilj; jpl;lk;/ 1984-d; fPH; tH';fg;gLk; tl;oj; bjhifapid/ mt;tg;nghJ bghJ tU';fhy itg;g[ epjpf;F jkpHf murhy; tH';fg;gLk; tl;o tpfpjj;jpd; mog;gilapnyna fzf;fpl;L tH';fpl Mizaplg;gl;Ls;sJ. mt;turhiziag; gpd;gw;WtJ Fwpj;j xU fUj;JU/ jkpH;ehL kpd; cw;gj;jp kw;Wk; gfph;khdf; fHfj;jpd; thhpa Tl;lj; bjhlhpy; xg;g[jYf;fhf rkh;g;gpf;fg;gl;L/ chpa ghprPyidf;Fg; gpd;/ mf;fUj;JU Vw;Wf;bfhs;sg;gl;lJ.

     2. mjd;go/ jkpH;ehL kpd; cw;gj;jp kw;Wk; gfph;khdf; fHfg; gzpapypUe;J Xa;t[ bgWk; gzpahsh;fSf;F/ jkpH;ehL kpd;rhu thhpag; gzpahsh; rpwg;g[ nrk eyepjp kw;Wk; gzpf;bfhilj; jpl;lk;/ 1984-,d; fPH; tH';fg;gLk; tl;oj; bjhifapid/ mt;tg;nghJ jkpH;ehL kpd;rhu thhpa bghJ tU';fhy itg;g[ epjpf;F tH';fg;gLk; tl;o tpfpjj;jpd; mog;gilapy; fzf;fpl;L tH';fpl/ jkpH;ehL kpd; cw;gj;jp kw;Wk; gfph;khdf; fHfk; ,jd; \yk; MizapLfpwJ.

     3. ,j;jpl;lj;jpd; fPHhd gpw epge;jidfs;_tpjpKiwfspy; khw;wk; VJk; ,y;iy.

     4. ,t;thizia bgw;Wf;bfhz;likf;fhd xg;g[ifia jtwhky; ,t;thiza[ld; ,izf;fg;gl;Ls;s rPl;oy; mspf;ft[k;.

( thhpa Mizg;go )

jkpH;ehL kpd; cw;gj;jp kw;Wk; gfph;khd fHfk;
( RUf;fk; )

jkpH;ehL kpd; cw;gj;jp kw;Wk; gfph;khdf; fHfk; - jkpH;ehL kpd;rhu thhpag; gzpahsh;    rpwg;g[ nrk eyepjp kw;Wk; gzpf;bfhilj; jpl;lk;/ 2000 jpl;lj;jpd; fPH; tl;o fzf;fpl;L   tH';FtJ Miz btspaplg;gLfpwJ.
( brayff; fpis )

(epiy) KG thhpa bray;Kiw Miz vz;.40/  ehs; 06-07-2013.

                                                jpUts;Sth; Mz;L-2044.

1. (Per B.P.(FB) No.37 (SB), dated 22.05.2002.
2. murhiz vz;.62/ epjp (Xa;t{jpak;)j; Jiw/ ehs; 28-02-2013.


     jkpHf murpd; Mizia gpd;gw;wp/ ghh;it xd;wpy; gof;fg;gl;l thhpa epiyahizapd;go/ jkpH;ehL kpd;rhu thhpag; gzpahsh; rpwg;g[ nrk eyepjp kw;Wk; gzpf;bfhilj; jpl;lk;/ 2000 vd;w jpl;lk; 01-06-2002 Kjy; jkpH;ehL kpd; cw;gj;jp kw;Wk; gfph;khdf; fHfj;jpy; (Kd;dh; jkpH;ehL kpd;rhu thhpak;) bray;gLj;jg;gl;L tUfpd;wJ.    ghh;it 2y; gof;fg;gl;l murhizapd; thapyhf/ jkpH;ehL muRg; gzpahsh; rpwg;g[ nrk eyepjp kw;Wk; gzpf;bfhilj; jpl;lk;/ 2000-d; fPH; tH';fg;gLk; tl;oj; bjhifapid/ 01.04.2013 Kjy; mt;tg;nghJ bghJ tU';fhy itg;g[ epjpf;F jkpHf murhy; tH';fg;gLk; tl;o tpfpjj;jpd; mog;gilapy; fzf;fpl;L tH';fpl Mizaplg;gl;Ls;sJ. mt;turhiziag; gpd;gw;WtJ Fwpj;j xU fUj;JU jkpH;ehL kpd; cw;gj;jp kw;Wk; gfph;khdf; fHfj;jpd; thhpa Tl;lj;bjhlhpy; xg;g[jYf;fhf rkh;g;gpf;fg;gl;L. chpa ghprPyidf;Fg; gpd;/ mf;fUj;JU Vw;Wf; bfhs;sg;gl;lJ.

     2. mjd;go/ jkpH;ehL kpd; cw;gj;jp kw;Wk; gfph;khdf; fHfg; gzpapypUe;J Xa;t[ bgWk; gzpahsh;fSf;F/ jkpH;ehL kpd;rhu thhpag; gzpahsh; rpwg;g[ nrk eyepjp kw;Wk; gzpf;bfhilj; jpl;lk;/ 2000-,d; fPH; tH';fg;gLk; tl;oj; bjhifapid/ 01-04-2013 Kjy;/  mt;tg;nghJ jkpH;ehL kpd;rhu thhpa bghJ tU';fhy itg;g[ epjpf;F tH';fg;gLk; tl;o tpfpjj;jpd; mog;gilapy; fzf;fpl;L tH';fpl jkpH;ehL kpd; cw;gj;jp kw;Wk; gfph;khdf; fHfk;/ ,jd; \yk; MizapLfpwJ.

     3. ,j;jpl;lj;jpd; fPHhd gpw epge;jidfs;_tpjpKiwfspy; khw;wk; VJk; ,y;iy.

     4. ,t;thizia bgw;Wf;bfhz;likf;fhd xg;g[ifia jtwhky; ,t;thiza[ld; ,izf;fg;gl;Ls;s rPl;oy; mspf;ft[k;.

( thhpa Mizg;go )

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Enhancement of HBA from 40 to 50 lakhs G.O. adoption orders

HBA Enhancement 40 to 50 lakhs