Saturday, February 25, 2012

APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING Engagement of Engineering Graduates / Technicians (Diploma Holders) as Apprentices in TANGEDCO / TANTRANSCO for the year 2011 - 12 - Approval



           APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING - Under Apprentices (Amendment Act 1973 and 1986) - Engagement of Engineering Graduates / Technicians (Diploma Holders) as Apprentices in TANGEDCO / TANTRANSCO for the year 2011 - 12 - Approval - Accorded.
(ROUTINE) B.P.(CH).NO.  09 (TECHNICAL BRANCH)    DT: 20.02.2012
                                                                                            Kara  Aandu, Masi 08
                                                                                            Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2043.
          Read: 1. Lr.No.BAT/SRD/78-466/06 dated 27.07.2011
                        received from the Director/Board of App.Trg/Chennai
                     2. N.F. No 03713-1/GM/HRD/N21/N2124/2011 approved by
                         Chairman cum Managing Director dated 16.02.2012

            1. The Director / Board of Apprentice Training / Chennai has requested that the TNEB may engage 3000 Engineering Graduate apprentices and 5000 Diploma Holder apprentices during the year 2011 - 2012.
            2. Taking into consideration of the prevailing financial condition,               General Manager / Human Resource Development / Chennai -2 has evolved a proposal for engaging 450 Engineering Graduates and 600 Diploma Holders by TANGEDCO / TANTRANSCO as apprentices for the year 2011 – 2012 for imparting training to them to meet the statutory requirement of Apprentice Act.
3. After careful consideration, approval is hereby  accorded to engage            450 Graduate Engineers and 600 Diploma Holders in various disciplines as per Annexure-2 for Apprenticeship training in TANGEDCO / TANTRANSCO for the year 2011 - 2012 by incurring an initial expenditure of Rs.3,74,40,000/- (Rupees Three Crores, Seventy four lakhs, Forty thousand only) and claim a reimbursement of 50% share of stipend amount of Rs.1,87,20,000/- (Rupees One Crore, Eighty seven lakhs, Twenty thousand only) from Board of Apprenticeship Training, Taramani, Chennai.

 4. The apprentices are eligible for the stipend as detailed below,
     The rate of monthly stipend payable to the apprentices fixed by the Govt. of India, Gazette Notification G.S.R.228 (E), dt.23.03.11 of Ministry of Human Resource Development is furnished below.

a)     Engineering Graduate Apprentices                              -   Rs.3560/- p.m
b)     Technician Apprentices (Diploma Holders in Engg.)   -      Rs.2530/- p.m

Government of India will be bearing 50% of share of stipend payment  which will be reimbursed by the Board of Apprenticeship Training, Taramani, Chennai and TANGEDCO / TANTRANSCO will bear the balance 50% of expenditure incurred towards stipend payment  for imparting training to the apprentices.

        5. The procedures to be adopted for selection and engagement of the prospective candidates are indicated in Annexure 1 to 6.

        6. The expenditure is debitable to A/C head 75 - Employees costs-75.170- Salaries - Apprentices.

                                                                                    CHIEF ENGINEER / R-APDRP                                                 
Encl: Annexure 1 to 6
The Chief Engineer/R-APDRP                                                                    
Copy to the Managing Director/TAN TRANSCO/Chennai-2.
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                   for Publication in TNEB Bulletin
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       /True copy/Forwarded by order/                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sd/- 20.02.12
                                                                         Senior Manager/Training

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