Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Collections Old Notes from 15.11.16 to 24.11.16 Orders Issued

                                                                                      ACCOUNTS BRANCH
                                                                                      REVENUE DIVISION

Circular Memo No.CFC/Rev/FC/Rev/F.Collection/D.748/2016, dated 15.11.2016

                   Sub: TANGEDCO - Collection in LT counters -15th to 24th Nov 2016 -
                           Instructions issued - Reg.

                   Ref: (i) Circular Memo No.CFC/Rev/FC/Rev/F.Collection/D.732/2016,
                                dated 9.11.2016
                           (ii) Circular Memo No.CFC/Rev/FC/Rev/F.Collection/D.738/2016,
                               dated 10.11.2016
                           (iii) Circular Memo No.CFC/Rev/FC/Rev/F.Collection/D. 744/2016,
                                dated 11.11.2016
                           (iv) Circular Memo No.CFC/Rev/FC/Rev/F.Collection(2)/D.744/2016,
                                dated 11.11.2016
                           (v) Press Information Bureau –GOI-MoF-Release ID-153601,
                       Further to the reference (v) cited, the following instructions are issued:

     a) TANGEDCO LT counters shall continue to collect the old Rs.500/- &
         Rs.1000/- notes in its counters from 15.11.2016 to 24.11.2016.
     b) The collection of old Rs.500/- & Rs.1000/- notes shall be restricted for the
         payments made only by LT individuals/households for arrears and/or
         current bills. No advance payments or any other charges will be allowed.
     c) The collection of old Rs.500/- & Rs.1000/- notes will not be extended for
         advance cc payments/any other payments.
     d) Since advance payments are not allowed, the officials concerned shall
         ensure that the amount only to the extent of the bill value is collected.    
     e) However the extension of time for the payment of electricity bills for the
        LT consumers as issued vide Circular under reference (i) may continue to
        have effect.  
                      The Superintending Engineers are instructed to adhere to the above instructions and the compliance report may be submitted to the undersigned.


All the Superintending Engineers/EDCs.

Copy to:
All the Chief Engineers/Distribution Regions; H.Qrs. & Generating Stations.
The Chief Financial Controller/Revenue; Regulatory Cell; General & TANTRANSCO.
The Chief Engineer/Information Technology – suitable modifications in the LT software.
The Financial Controllers/H.Qrs. & Thermal Stations.
The CIAO; RAO; LA & Secretary.
Copy to the Asst. Personnel Officers/Tamil Development for published in the Bullettin
           (2 Copies)
All the Directors of TANGEDCO & TANTRANSCO.
EA to the CMD.


                                                                               Sd xxx (15.11.2016)
Chief Financial Controller/Revenue

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