Saturday, November 19, 2016

Assessment Officer Duties Responsibilities Orders

Finance Branch

From                                                                To
Tmt.V.Umamageswari, B.Com., ACMA,                 All the Superintending Engineers,
Chief  Financial Controller/Rev,                            Electricity Distribution Circle,
TANGEDCO,144, Anna Salai,                               TANGEDCO
Chennai – 600 002.                                                          

Lr.No.CFC/R/DFC/R.1/AO/F.Instructions/D.  /16, dt.08.11.2016.
                   Sub: TANGEDCO – Duties and Responsibilities of Assessment 
                           officers in EDCs  orders issued – Strict Adherence – Regarding.

                   Ref: 1. (per) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.8, dt. 23.01.2014
  2. Lr.No.CFC/FC/R/AO/Rev/D.  /2014, date.25-6-14
  3. Lr.No.CFC/FC/R/AO/Rev/D.  /2015, date.9-9-15


                     In the above reference (2) & (3) , the work allocation of the ATOs in the Circles office was  furnished as below:-
1.      Inspection of collection and camp collection centers in the Circles  and to verify the collection made and to ensure prompt remittance of collection then and there into Bank to the maximum extent  possible and to ensure safe custody of balance cash if any in the section office after remittance into Bank.  Checking the works of Assessor/Inspector of Assessment and Revenue Supervisor so as to ensure no leakage of revenue in that section.
2.          The Inspection should be so arranged that the all the sections in the Circle  are covered within a year. The tentative program should be got approved by the  Dy. Financial Controller and a copy sent to SE/EDCs concerned for review.
3.          The inspection report should be sent to the SE/EDC  before 5th of every month.
4.          To attend the consumer complaints  regarding Assessment and collection besides making random check of readings of meters /readings recorded in the While Meter Cards and with the figures entered in the Computer to ensure that the readings are correct .
5.          To watch whether  rotation of the collection staff is made in the Sections periodically and report the position to the SE/EDC.
6.            To watch and ensure that the services of the defaulting consumers (except Government/Local Body) are disconnected and to test  check few services.( minimum 30 services in a month).
7.            To verify the defective meter register at the time of surprise   inspection of  sections and to arrange to ensure that all the defective   meters are replaced within the next billing cycle and verify the   correctness of the assessment ( meter defective average) in such cases.
8.            At the time of section inspections the ATO must ensure that collections made by the Assessor/Inspector of  Assessment/ RS in the forenoon are remitted into the Bank partly or  fully on  the day itself and to see that the cash is not retained in the   section office except to the minimum level.
9.            Whether cheque issued by the consumer is dishonored, ATO must   ensure collection of amount with relevant penal charges by way of  DD or cash until restoration of cheque facility.
10.          To verify the correctness of assessment in respect of meter less /meter  defective services.  If any short levy identified that should be      included and collected in future assessments.  After inspection of  section office by the Assessment officer if any huge short   assessment is identified by any squad ,responsibilities will be fixed    on the Assessment Officer concerned.
11.       To check at the time of inspection  to the sections  the remittance Chelan with collection records are sent to the Revenue Branches within the stipulated time.
12.        In respect of LT CT service, the ATO must ensure  proper application of tariff  is made in assessment, multiplying factor/power factor compensation charges are correctly applied.
13.       The Assessment Officers should make field /Section inspections frequently
  ( minimum 15 days in a month).
14.       Further, ATOs must ensure whether actual assessment has been made by Assessors below 100 units of consumption (bi-monthly).

                B)  Further, the Superintending Engineers/Electricity Distribution Circles were  instructed to  monitor that the  Duties and Responsibilities  are performed satisfactorily by the ATOs.

                 C) Hence, it is reiterated that the Assessment Officers may be instructed to perform well to augment the revenue of TANGEDCO by strictly following the instructions . The SE/EDCs must review the performance of ATOs periodically.

                                                            Sd xxx (08.11.2016)
                                                                   Chief Financial Controller/Revenue
Copy to:
All the Chief Engineers/Distribution Region.

Copy submitted to:
The Director/Finance/TANGEDGO, for kind information, please.

The Director/Distribution/ TANGEDGO, for kind information, please.

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