Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Results of the Departmental test conducted during the May 2014


                                                     (For Employees Of TANGEDCO/TANTRANSCO only)

Departmental test for Accounts Officers

Departmental test for Internal Audit Officers

Departmental test for Sub-ordinate Officers

Departmental test for Technical Officers

Departmental Tests May 2014-Making corrections in the details of passed candidates-Instructions issued 
vide GM/HRD's Lr. dt. 16.07.2014


Many representations are being received at this office for making corrections in the details of the candidates, who have passed in the Departmental tests conducted during May 2014. 

In this connection, in order to make corrections in the details like Name, Initials, Designation, Circle, Office address, etc., the candidate may submit the correct details to be updated along with the supporting documents (Office Id card, Hall ticket) through proper channel with an advance copy to the General Manager/ HRD on or before 31.07.2014 so that corrections may be made in the Result Proceedings. 
The General Manager/HRD/TANGEDCO 
 “Examination Cell”, 
 5th floor, Eastern wing, 
 144, Anna Salai, 

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