Saturday, July 19, 2014

CPS Instructions Issued

S.M.J.RAJAKUMAR, M.Com., M.B.A.,                   AUDIT BRANCH,                                                         CHIEF INTERNAL AUDIT OFFICER                     TANGEDCO,
                                                             144, Anna Salai,
                                                           Chennai – 2.

Circular Lr.No.036314 / 340 / F 15 / F 151 / CPS / 2014, Dt. 17 .07 .14 .

The Chief Financial Controller / TANGEDCO,
The Chief Financial Controller / TANTRANSCO,
All the Chief Engineers,
Deputy Secretary / Administration / Secretariat Branch,
All the Superintending Engineer’s.

              Sub: Pension – Contributory Pension Scheme – Allotment of
                     CPS  numbers  to  the  existing  employees / newly joined
                     Employees \ further Instructions  -  Regarding.

              Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No.259/Finance  (Pension) Department,
                         dated 06.08.2003.
                     2. Per B.P. (ch) No.264/dt.03.12.2003.
                     3. Per B.P. (FB) No.6,dt.31.01.2005.
                     4. Finance (PGC),Sec.Lr.No.63734/FS/T/PGC/13,dt.23.05.14.
                     5. TNEB Engineer’sSangam.Lr.No.GS/TNEBES/F.5/D.189/14,
                     6.Note Approved by Secretary Dated 14.07.2014

         In the reference 2nd cited, Tamil Nadu Electricity Board has  introduced Contributory Pension Scheme to the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board employees with effect from 01.04.2003 on par with Tamil Nadu State Government employees.

        2. The Chairman cum Managing Director / TANGEDCO has ordered to maintain proper Accounts for the Contributory Pension Scheme in reference 3rd cited. Accordingly, the New Software  Phase-I has been developed and  installed in Centralized Server and this can be accessed through “Intranet” via URL:
3. The Finance (PGC) Department Government of Tamil Nadu has given strict instruction in Lr.No.63734/FS/T/PGC/13,Dt.23.05.14 that the CPS Index Number should be assigned before 31.08.2014 for all the employees appointed on or after 01.04.2003.  Now, it is understood from the Audit reports  and  from the Union representations  that many offices have not assigning CPS Index Numbers allotted by Audit Branch  and not issuing Annual Account Statement to the individuals every year.

4. The above issue has been examined in detail  in the light of the existing orders in force and  the following further guidelines are issued for  adherence:-

i. Employees recruited on or after 01.04.2003 should mandatorily be  assigned the contribution Pension Scheme Index Numbers by the pay drawing authority within the span of Numbers allotted by Audit Branch to each Chief Engineer’s/Superintending Engineer’s and other offices.

                  ii. The Head of offices/Head of Departments/Drawing Officers shall be responsible for obtaining the Contributory Pension Scheme Index Numbers   as in the case of GPF Numbers from Audit Branch.              

              iii. An employee appointed on or after 01.04.2003 who have not so far enrolled in the  Contributory Pension Scheme shall fill up the prescribed form for enrolment in the  Contributory Pension Scheme and furnish the same to the Head offices (i.e.) the concerned Chief Engineer’s/Superintending Engineer’s  office for assigning  Contributory  Pension   Scheme Index Number.

         iv. The Drawing Officers concerned should ensure that the new  recruits have applied for the Contributory Pension Scheme Index Numbers.

          v.  The concerned Chief Financial Controller’s / Chief Engineer’s / Superintending Engineer’s on receipt of application forms from the employees shall assign the Contributory Pension Scheme Index Numbers and the same should be intimated to the Pay Drawing Officer concerned immediately. The particulars may be incorporated in the CPS Master Data without any delay.

          vi. The employees to  whom  the Contributory Pension Scheme Number have not been assigned so far have to be  assigned  on or before 31.8.2014 without fail or otherwise pay bill will not be generated to the employee for whom CPS Index Number has not been assigned as per allotment from Audit Branch.

  vii. No inconvenience should be caused to the employees in drawing their salary  due to non – assignment of the Contributory Pension Scheme account numbers. The  CPS number should be assigned to each employee within the allotted Numbers to each CE’s / SE’s. The dummy number should not be  operated in the pay bill after  31.08.2014 .

              5. All the Head of the Departments are requested to give necessary instructions to update in CPS Index Number in Pay Bill.
         6. Suggestions for the improvement of CPS Software are invited.
7. The receipt of the communication shall be acknowledged
Sd/- 17.07.2014
                                                S.M.J. RAJAKUMAR
Chief Internal Audit Officer

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