Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Enhancement of consolidated wages to the posts of Mazdoor (Trainee), Helper/ Office Helper (Trainee), Assessor Grade-II (Trainee), Assistant Engineer (Trainee) - Orders



Establishment - TANGEDCO - Enhancement of consolidated wages to the posts of Mazdoor (Trainee), Helper/ Office Helper (Trainee), Assessor Grade-II (Trainee), Assistant Engineer (Trainee) - Orders - issued.
(Administrative Branch)

(Per.) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.10,            Dated  01.07.2014.
                                                                 Aani 17, Sri Jaya Varudam,
                                                                      Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2045.


          1) (Per) B.P (FB) No.29, (Adm.Branch)   
              dated 27.11.2000
          2) (Per) B.P (FB) No.29,  (Adm.Branch)
              dated 02.12.2002
          3) (Per) B.P (FB) No.08,  (Adm.Branch)
              dated 01.10.2010
          4) (Per) FB TANGEDCO Pro.No.05,  (Adm.Branch)
              dated 23.01.2014
          5) (Per) FB TANGEDCO Pro.No.03, (Adm. Branch)
              dated 23.01.2014.
          6) Item No.19, of Minutes of the 48th  meeting of
              TANGEDCO held on 23.06.2014  


                   In the reference 1 to 4th cited, orders were issued fixing the monthly consolidated wages for the post of Mazdoor (Trainee), Helper/ Office Helper (Trainee), Assessor Grade II/Trainee and Assistant Engineer/ Trainee at the rate of  Rs. 3100/-, Rs. 3250/-,  Rs. 2500/- & 7500/- respectively.

                    2) In the reference 5th cited, the daily wages, of the Contract Labourers have been enhanced from Rs. 120/- to Rs. 250/-. Based on the above and insufficient quantum of the existing rate of consolidated wages, to run the families of the incumbents holding the posts mentioned in para 1 above, certain unions have represented to  enhance  the    monthly   consolidated  wages  to the said posts.



                   3) Considering the above, the said proposal have been examined in detail with all facts and placed before the Board. After careful consideration the Board have resolved to enhance the existing rates of consolidated wages to the posts mentioned in para 1 above. Accordingly it is hereby ordered that the existing rate of monthly consolidated wages to the posts mentioned below  are enhanced as follows:-

Name of the Designation
Existing Consolidated wages per month
Enhanced consolidated
wages per month


Mazdoor (Trainee)
Rs. 3100/-
Rs. 6,300/-

Helper (Trainee)/
Office Helper (Trainee)

Rs. 3250/-

Rs. 7,300/-

Assessor Grade II/(Trainee)
Rs. 2500/-
Rs. 7,300/-

Assistant Engineer (Trainee)

Rs. 7500/-

The receipt of this TANGEDCO Proceedings should be acknowledged.



 All Chief Engineers.
 All  Superintending Engineers.
The Secretary/ TANGEDCO/ Chennai-2.
The Chief Financial Controller / General & Revenue/Accounts Branch/Chennai-2.
The Chief Internal Audit Officer/TANGEDCO/Chennai-2.
The Residential Audit-Officer/ TANGEDCO/Chennai-2.
Copy to:

The Chairman cum Managing Director's Table.
The Managing Director /TANTRANSCO. (Addl. Charge).
The Director General of Police /Vigilance.
The Legal Adviser.
The Industrial Relations Adviser/TANGEDCO.


All Deputy Secretaries/BOSB/Chennai-2.
The Deputy Chief Engineer/Administrative Branch.
All Senior Personnel Officer/Administrative Branch/Chennai-2.
The Personnel Officer/Implementation/Administrative Branch.
The Personnel Officer/Court Case/Adm.Branch/Chennai-2.
The Under Secretary /Wage Revision Section /BOSB
The Assistant Personnel Officer/Tamil Development - for Publication in the TNEB Bulletin (2 copies).
B.P Section (2 Copies)
A 10 Section/BOSB.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Workers' Federation
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Workers Progressive Union (LPF).
Central Organisation of Tamil Nadu Electricty Employees (COTEE).
Minsara Pirivu Anna Thozhir Sangam.
Tamil Nadu Minvariya Janatha Thozhilalar Sangam.
Tamil Nadu National Electricity Workers' Federation (INTUC) (2 Groups).
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineers' Sangam.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Employees Congress .
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Thozhilalar Aykiyya Sangam.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineers' Association.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Finance & Accounts Officers Association.
Bharathiya Electricity Employees Federation.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Card Billing Staff Union.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Dr. Ambedkar Employees Union.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineers' Union.
All other signatory Unions.

C:\APO\CA\G8\Eng Note Abstract.doc

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