Thursday, July 10, 2014

Helper cum Meter Reader fixing of seniority clarification orders

(Administrative Branch)

Er. N. Krishnamoorthi, B.E.,
Chief Engineer/Personnel,
144, Anna Salai,
Chennai- 600 002.
All the Regional Chief Engineers/ Distribution.

Letter No.101343/332/G.46/G.462/2014        dated   09.07.2014.
Sub :
Estt. – RWE – Helper and Helper cum Meter Reader – Fixing of seniority by combining ITI Helper recruited 2009 and Helper cum Meter Reader appointed from TCL – Clarification – Regarding.

Ref  :
1)   M.No.083609/1153/Adm.5(1)/Adm.Br./92-1 dt.01.12.92.
2)    M.No.083609/1153/Adm.5(1)/Adm.Br./92-2 dt.20.03.93.
3)    Lr.No.100459/265/G.57/G.572/2007-17 dt.28.02.2009.
4)    Lr.No.100459/265/G.57/G.572/2009 dt.03.06.2009.
5)    M.No.100718/583/G.57/G.572/2012-1dt.26.03.2012.
6)    M.No.100718/583/G.57/G.572/2012-2dt.06.06.2012.
7)    Lr.No.100718/583/G.57/G.572/2013 dt.05.05.2014.
8)    M.No.003907/G.58/G.582/2007-28 dt.02.06.2010.
9)    SE/ Mettur EDC’s Lr.No.SE/M/ADM.(1)3/F.Helper/ No.378-1/2013 dt.26.11.13.
10) SE/ Dharmapuri EDC’s Lr.No.1133/Adm-1/A2/F. Promotion/ 2014-1 dt.13.02.14.
11) SE/ Krishnagiri EDC’s Lr.No.273/SE/K.giri/ADM.1/A.1/ F.Helper/2014 dt.02.05.14.
* ** ** *

                   The attention of all the Regional Chief Engineers/ Distribution is drawn to the references cited above.

                   In the reference (3) & (4) cited above 4000 candidates with ITI qualification were appointed as Helper (Trainees).  Also Helper Cum Meter Readers were absorbed from the Contract Labourers based on their educational qualification.  Clarifications were requested for fixing the seniority among the above two categories appointed / absorbed during the same year.

Fixing the seniority of Helper (Trainees) recruited with ITI Qualification  :

          (2)     (i)      In the memo dt.01.12.1992 cited under reference (1) it has been instructed vide Para – 3(ii) as below:-
          “ The seniority in the post of Helper / Office Helper shall be assigned based on the date of joining duty after issue of regular appointment.”
:  2  :

          (3)     Subsequently, the Para – 3(ii) has been substituted vide memo dt.20.03.1993 cited under reference (2) as follows:-

          Para – 3(ii)
          “ The seniority in the post of Helper / Office Helper may be assigned based on the date of joining duty as Helper (Trainee) / Office Helper (Trainee) though their services are regularized on satisfactory completion of 3 years training. No separate joining report as such in the post of regular Helper / Office Helper is necessary. The date of regular appointment may be specifically indicated in the regularization orders.”

          (4)     After issuance of the above memo, orders were issued selecting 4000 Nos. of ITI Helper (Trainee) by direct recruitment through employment exchange at a consolidated pay of Rs.2,500 per month vide reference (3) and (4) cited above.  The selection of 4,000 ITI Helper (Trainees) were made purely on the Communal Roaster issued by the Government and the selection was made at State level.  Hence, it was instructed that the seniority should be fixed based on the date of issue of selection order (i.e.) 28.02.2009 and 03.06.2009. 

          (5)     The extract of the order issued in memo 26.03.2012 and dt.06.06.2012 cited under reference (5) & (6) is reproduced as below  :

“ (2)   The seniority of the 4000 ITI Helper (Trainee) should be assigned taking into based on the date of issue of the Selection Order (i.e.) 28.02.2009 and 03.06.2009 respectively.

 (3)    The 2500 ITI Helper (Trainee), who were appointed on 28.02.2009 in the first batch should be kept as first in the Seniority and the 1500 Helper(Trainee) appointed on 03.06.2009 in the second batch are to be kept below to the first batch.  This seniority is purely based on the Communal Roaster and fixed in the Selection List.

(4)     The copy of the Selection list of 4000 ITI Helper (Trainee) in Communal Roaster wise is sent through e-mail to all the Chief Engineers and all the Superintending Engineers concerned for fixing of Seniority (i.e.)

First Batch         :  Sl. Nos. 1 to 2500
Second Batch    :  Sl. Nos. 2501 to 4000”


:  3  :

          (6)     From the above, it is very much clear that the seniority of Helper (Trainees) recruited with ITI qualification through the employment exchange should be assigned based on the date of issue of the selection order (i.e.) 28.02.2009 and 03.06.2009 and not based on the date of joining duty after issue of regular appointment order or on the date of joining duty as Trainees.

Fixing the seniority of Helper cum Meter Reader  :
          (7 )    A new category of Helper cum Meter Reader was created as per the 12(3) settlement entered with the unions based on the demand for absorption of 21,600 Contract Labouers who were not covered under the Khalid Commission report. The Contract Labourers were absorbed under 12(3) settlement in a phased manner vide Per. BP. (FB) No. 44 (Adm. Branch) dated 6.09.2007.  The para 9 (1) (b) of the B.P. reads as below  :

 “The Contract Labourers with ITI qualification in the Trades specified in the service regulations of the Board and those with Diploma qualification shall be appointed as Helper cum Meter Reader in the time scale of pay of Helpers. They will do the field work and also, according to need, the Meter Reading and Assessment Work”.

          (8)     Also, it has been mentioned in Paras – 9 [(3), (4), (5) (6) & (7)] that the remaining 15,600 Contract Labourers will be absorbed in the various categories according to their educational qualification with effect from 1.12.2008, 1.12.2009 and 1.12.2010.

          (9)     Among the above Contract Labourers, the Helper cum Meter Readers were also absorbed based on their qualification and appointment orders were issued under references below :

(i)   CE/Personnel Memo No. 105179/G65/G651/2008, dated 30.05.2009.
(ii)  CE/Personnel Memo No. 003907/G58/G582/2007-28, dt.02.06.2010.
(iii)CE/Personnel Memo No. 003907/G58/G582/2007-36, dated 24.2.2011

          (10)    Even though they were absorbed at a later date under the references cited above, the absorption of the said Helper cum Meter Reader is to be made with effect from 01.12.2008, 01.12.2009 and 01.12.2010 as provided in the settlement as mentioned in the respective memos.

          (11)    Hence, the seniority of the Helper cum Meter Reader is to be fixed based on the Chief Engineer/ Personnel’s above memos (i), (ii) and (iii) under which they were absorbed with effect from 01.12.2008, 01.12.2009 and 01.12.2010 as the case may be as mentioned in the respective memos.


:  4  :

          (12)    In view of the above, it is informed that.

          (i)      The seniority of the Helper (Trainee) recruited with ITI qualification may be fixed based on the date of issue of selection order.

          (ii)      The seniority of the Helper cum Meter Reader absorbed under 12(3) settlement may be fixed based on the orders under which they were absorbed wherein the date from which such absorption should be given effect to has been specified (i.e.) 01.12.2008, 01.12.2009 and 01.12.2010.

                   The receipt of this letter may be acknowledged.

Yours faithfully

Sd/- 09.07.2014

Copy to  : 

All the Superintending Engineers/ EDCs.
The Secretary/ TANGEDCO
The Deputy Chief Engineer/Adm.Branch/Chennai-2.
The Senior Personnel Officer/Labour/Adm.Branch.
The Senior Personnel Officer/Recruitment/Adm.Branch.
The Personnel Officer/Implementation/Adm.Branch/Chennai-2.
(Section – G.45, G.46)
The Personnel Officer/Court Case/Adm.Branch/Chennai-2.
(Section – G.58, G.55, G.61, G.65)

 The Personnel Officer/Staff Sanction/Adm.Branch/Chennai-2.

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