Friday, March 15, 2013

Asst (Accts) to Acct.Supervisor Promotion particulars called

Most Urgent
Preparation of panel
Assistant (Accounts) to Accounts Supervisor

(Administrative Branch)


Chief Engineer/Personnel,
144, Anna Salai,
Chennai - 600 002.


The All Chief Engineer's and  Superintending Engineer's,
Chief Financial Controller,

Letter No.012575/155/G.29/G.292/2012-6,    dated   .03.2013.

Establishment - Class III Service - Panel for promotion of Assistant (Accounts) as Accounts Supervisor - Particulars called for - Regarding.

1) This Office Lr.No.012575/155/G.29/G.292/12-1,
     dt. 16.4.2012.

2)  Letter No.012575/155/G.29/G.292/2012-5,   
     dated 12.03.2013.


                   Suitability Reports with D.P. Particulars were called for from 52 Assistants (Accounts) who have obtained B.Com/M.Com degree through Open University.

                   2. Now it is brought to notice that apart from the 52 Assistants (Accounts) for whom particulars called for, some other Assistants (Accounts) who have been qualified through Open University also available in almost every circle.

                   3. Hence, I request all Superintending Engineers Electricity Distribution Circle to furnish the suitability reports with D.P. Particulars for those Assistants who have been qualified B.Com/M.Com through Open University for the Crucial date dt. 20.3.2012.

                   4. The abovesaid Reports shall be positively sent at the maximum by 20.3.2013 without fail.

                                                                        Yours faithfully,

                                                                        Sd/- 15.03.2013
                                                                       R. SRINIVASAN
                                                            CHIEF ENGINEER/ PERSONNEL.

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Enhancement of HBA from 40 to 50 lakhs G.O. adoption orders

HBA Enhancement 40 to 50 lakhs