Thursday, January 10, 2013

Special Ex-gratia for the year 2011–2012 to the Officers of TANGEDCO who are not covered under Payment of Bonus Act Orders Issued.


TANGEDCO –  Special  Ex-gratia  for the year 2011–2012 to the Officers of TANGEDCO who are not covered under Payment of Bonus Act – Orders – Issued.

(Per) CMD  TANGEDCO Proceedings No.11,    Dated :9-1-2013.

                                                                Margazhi-25 ,
                                                                Thiruvalluvar Aandu-2044.


                            1) (Per) B.P. (Ch) No.224, (SB) dated 21-11-2009.
                              2)  (Per) CMD TANGEDCO Proceedings No.247,
                              (SB) Dated 7-11-2012.
                  3) G.O.  No.5, Finance (Allowances) Department,
                      Dated :9-1-2013.  


          The Government in their G.O. third read above, have issued orders for the payment of Special Ex-gratia to its Officers of Group “A” and “B”.  The TANGEDCO has examined the adoption of the said Government Order to the Class I and II Officers, who have not received any Bonus and          Ex-gratia for the accounting year 2011–2012 and it has been decided to allow the Special Ex-gratia to the Officers of the TANGEDCO under the same terms and conditions ordered by the Government to their employees.
          2.  In pursuance of the above decision, it is hereby ordered to sanction a Special Ex-gratia of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One thousand only) for the accounting year 2011–2012 to the Class I and II Officers of  TANGEDCO covered by the Officers Pay Revision orders issued in the Board’s Proceedings first read above, subject to the conditions mentioned in the Annexure to this order.

          3.  Deputationists in the Officers’ category from the TANGEDCO  and working in the Government or other organization, who but for                his deputation, would  be eligible for  Special Ex-gratia  and who are  not in  receipt of any Bonus and / or Ex-gratia from the organization to which they are deputed, are also eligible for the Special Ex-gratia sanctioned in this order, to be paid from the organization to which they are deputed.                                                

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          4.  The expenditure on the payment of Special Ex-gratia is debitable to “TANGEDCO Funds – Revenue Expenses – Account No.75.502”.

          5.  The TANGEDCO also directs that the Special Ex-gratia for the year 2011–2012 should be disbursed to all the eligible officers on          11-1-2013.      


                                                                  A.S. PASUPATHI
All Chief Engineers.
The Chief Financial Controllers/TANGEDCO and TANTRANSCO /Chennai.
All Superintending Engineers.
All Deputy Secretaries/Secretariat Branch.
The Chief Internal Audit Officer/Audit Branch.
The Residential Audit Officer/TANGEDCO.

Copy to:-
The Chairman and Managing Director's Table.
The Managing Director/TANTRANSCO.
The Inspector General of Police/Vigilance.
The Secretary/TANGEDCO.
The Legal Adviser/TANGEDCO.
The Superintending Engineer/Chairman and Managing Director’s office.
The Industrial Relations Adviser/TANGEDCO.
The Chief Medical Officer/HQ Dispensary/Chennai.2.
The Deputy Chief Engineer/Administrative Branch.
All Senior Personnel Officers/Administrative Branch.
The Industrial Relations Officer/TANGEDCO.
The Director/Computer Centre.
The Assistant Personnel Officer/Tamil Development – for Publication
             in the TANGEDCO Bulletin (2 copies).
The Director/TANGEDCO Printing Press.
All Branches.
All Officers/Sections/Cells in the Secretariat Branch .
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Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission/Chennai-18.
Tamil Nadu Power Finance & Infrastructure Development Corporation
          Limited/ Chennai-18. 
Tydel Park Limited/Chennai.
Udangudi Power Corporation Limited/Chennai.
The General Manager (Finance)/Poompuhar Shipping Corporation
   Limited, 692, Anna Salai, IV Floor, Nandanam, Chennai -35.
Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency,
    E.V.K. Sampath Maaligai, V Floor, College Road, Chennai-6.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineers' Association.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Finance & Accounts Officers’ Association.


                   SECTION OFFICER.

p.t.o. for Annexure


i.            Officers who have rendered service of six months and above, but less than a year during 2011-2012 will be eligible for proportionate amount of Special Ex-gratia. For the purpose of this rule, period less than               15 days shall be ignored and fifteen days and above shall be treated as a full month of service.

ii.            The Special Ex-gratia will be rounded off to the nearest rupee,            i.e., fraction of 50 paise and above shall be rounded to the next higher rupee and fraction below 50 paise ignored.

iii.            In the case of officers under suspension at any time, during              2011-2012, the period of suspension will be excluded for the purpose of Special Ex-gratia. Such an officer may be paid Special Ex-gratia as and when the period of suspension is treated as duty. In the case of suspension, if any, after 31st March 2012, there shall be no bar for the payment of Special Ex-gratia.

iv.            Officers who retired on superannuation / Voluntary Retirement / died in harness / invalidated  from   Service etc.,  prior  to  31st March 2012 are eligible for Special Ex-gratia on the basis of actual service, subject to proviso (i) above.         

v.            Superannuated officers, who were re-employed, are eligible for Special Ex-gratia, provided the period of service prior to and after re-employment taken together is not less than six months, subject to proviso (i) above.


                                                                   SECTION OFFICER.

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