Saturday, March 10, 2012

Movement of Selection Grade/ Special Grade Service counting orders


Establishment – TANGEDCO – Allowing certain employees of
TANGEDCO to move to Selection Grade / Special Grade on
Completion of required years of service -  Counting of service –
Orders – Issued.
(Per) CMD TANGEDCO Proceedings No.49, Dated the 8th March, 2012
    Masi 25,
    Thiruvalluvar Aandu – 2043

    Read :

1) B.P.Ms.No.2234, Dated : 28-11-1968.
2) B.P.Ms.No.288 (SB), Dated : 03-12-1979.
3) Board’s Memo. No.58071/R-1/80-5, dt.14-07-1982
4) (Per) B.P.(FB) No.58 (SB) Dated: 15-7-1998.
5) (Per) B.P.(FB) No.12 (SB) Dated: 08-2-2006.
          In the Board’s Proceedings first cited, orders have been issued
allowing common seniority to the posts of Clerks, Typist and Steno –
Typists of Systems/ Circles.

          2) In the Board’s Proceedings second cited, the employees
were Allowed to move to Selection Grade on completion of 10 yeare of
service in the ordinary Grade. With reference to the clarifications
issued subsequently, the service rendered in the former System/
Circle /office in the same time scale of pay shall also be taken into
account for reckoning the period of service for movement to
Selection Grade provided such service is taken into account for the
purpose of fixation of seniority for promotion in the present System/
Circle/ office. In the reference fourth cited, among other things, it has
been ordered to reduce the period of service reckoning for movement
to Selection Grade as 9 years instead of 10 years with effect from
8-7-1988. In the reference fifth cited, orders have been issued
allowing movement to Special Grade to the employees on completion
of 20 years of service in one and the same post and stagnated
without promotion subject to the usual conditions applied to the
movement to the Selection Grade.

3) Subsequently , it was clarified that the transfer from one
Circle to another Circle made on administrative grounds alone are
entitled for seniority in the post of Junior Assistant/Typist/Steno-Typist
and the seniority in the above posts on system seniority.

          4) It has been represented that Junior Assistant / Assessor,
Typist and Steno – Typist are State-wide cadre and they are being
given promotion by taking into account the State-wide seniority and
hence the service rendered in former System(s)/Cicle(s) may be
counted along with the service in the present System/Circle, while
reckoning the period for the purpose of movement to Selection
Grade/Special Grade. The points raised have been examined in

          5) After careful consideration, it is hereby ordered that for the
purpose of movement to Selection Grade/ Special Grade, the service
rendered in former System (s) / Circle (s) shall also be taken into
account  along with the service in the present System / Circle for the
Junior Assistant / Assessor / Typist / Steno-Typist, since they are
promoted to the next higher post taking into account the State
Seniority. This will not be made applicable to the employees
transferred to the offices like, Secretariat Branch, Administrative
Branch and Audit Branch, etc., where separate seniority is maintained.

6)The Chief Internal Audit Officer is directed to withdraw
the Audit objections made for recovery of the excess pay and allowances
as against the employees who have moved to Selection Grade / Special
Grade duly account their service rendered in their former

          7) The receipt of the Board’s Proceedings shall be



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