Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Junior Engineer/Elecl II -Grade - Promotion to the post of Junior Engineer/ Electrical I.Grade – Suitability reports – DP & Service particulars Called



Chief Engineer/Personnel,
144, Anna Salai,
Chennai - 600 002.

All Superintending Engineers,

    Letter No. 061885/387/G.1/G.12/2011-3,  dated  27.12.2011.


Estt- Class III - Service - Junior Engineer/Elecl II -Grade -  Promotion to the post of Junior Engineer/ Electrical  I.Grade – Suitability reports – DP & Service particulars  Called for –  Reg

                       A  fresh panel is proposed to be prepared to  fill  up the existing and anticipated vacancies of Junior Engineer/ Electrical. I Grade fixing the Crucial date of 25.03.2010  A list consisting of Junior Engineer/ Electrical .II Grade  is annexed for consideration for promotion to the  post  of Junior Engineer/Electrical.I Grade.
             2.  I am to request you to furnish the particulars    in  the format enclosed (5 Copies in A4 size)  in respect  of  Junior Engineer/ Electrical.II Grade, who are  working  in your  circle.   Also,  if any of the individuals  listed  in  the annexure,  has been transferred from your circle to other  circle, the S.E. Concerned may be addressed  by together with the copy of  this  office reference (w.e.) with a request to  furnish  the report  of  the Officers concerned directly to  this  office.   The format  should  not  be filled up as dash (-) but  it  should  be mentioned  as `Yes' or `No' or otherwise applicable.  If  any  of the individuals mentioned in the list working in your circle is marked  to other circle, their particulars may also be  furnished  without fail.


             3.  I am to request you to furnish, the particulars of passing the E.D. Account test with Registration Number and  month and year of passing in respect of Junior Engineer/ Electrical.II Grade mentioned  in  the list enclosed.  If they are  not  passed  the E.D.Account test so far, it should be mentioned as not passed the E.D.Account  test  alongwith other particulars  in  the  enclosed format.
             4.  I am also to request you to report whether any  of the Junior Engineers/ Electrical.II Grade is involved in  Disciplinary Proceedings, Court cases or undergoing punishment of reversion to lower post, if so to furnish 5 copies of Charge memo./Final order (A4  size)  if  any  issued to them together  with  the  date  of commencement  of  punishment and probable date of  completion  of punishment.
           5. I am to request you to furnish  specifically  the date  of Completion of probation in the post of Junior  Engineer/ Electricall.II  Grade  or Technical Assistant if any in  the format.  If  order  for  declaration  of completion  of probation is not issued so far, the reason may  be intimated to this office.  The Performance Assessment Report  for 2009 may also be sent to this office, if not already sent.
         6.  The above details may be furnished immediately,  on or  before 13.01.2012 without fail.
Encl: One Annexure &
            One Format
Yours faithfully,


Copy  submitted to:  the Chief Engineers concerned
Copy to the Assistant Personnel officer/Electrical/ Adm.Branch/Chennai-2.
Copy to the Assistant Personnel officer/Services/ Adm.Branch/Chennai-2.
Copy to the G.4, G12 , G13 & G18  Sections.
Copy to t Stock file.

                                                    F O R M A T
                                                                                                          Sl No.

1. Name and Designation                                                                   :    

2. Age and Date of Birth                                                                      :   

3. Date of Retirement                                                                         :

4. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION                                                   :

     Technical                                                                                       :           

5.  Passing of E.D.Account Test
    held during with Regn.No                                                                :
6.  Whether possess adequate                                                          :
    kmowledge in Tamil         

7.  Date of regular appointment  in the post                                       :  
     JE/Electrical I Grade. 

8. Date of completion of probation in the
    Cadre of JE/El.II.Gr or TA/El.                                                          :

9. Total service in the present
    post as on 30.11.2011                                                                    :      Y        M        D
   ( JE/Electrical.II Gr.)

10. i) Name of the station & the circle                                                 :
       where working

   ii) The correct & complete postal address                                       :
       of the official with Pin Code No.

11. Whether any penalty has been imposed                                      :
      on  the Officer for the last 5 years
      if so, to furnish.

   i) the nature of charge 8(a) or 8(b)                                                  :
  ii) identity the charge proved and not                                                :
      proved separately                 

 iii) the nature of penalty imposed                                                       :



12. If the punishment ordered is stoppage                             :   
      of increment with or without comulative
      effect, indicate the following

    i)  the normal due date of increment                                   :
        of the officer

   ii) the date of commencement of the                                   : 
       period of punishment.

   iii) the probable date of completion                                      :
       of the period of punishment.

  iv)  A copy of final order issued                                             :
       to be enclosed

13.  Whether any charge/Vigilance enquiry                           :
       are pending against the Officer and if
       so indicate the nature of Charge/enquiry
       present stage.A copy of charge memo.
       to be enclosed.

14. Whether is he on (i) unauthorised                                    :
      absence for more than six months (or)
      (ii) E.O.L. (or) (iii) employment at abroad.

15. Whether suitable for promotion                                        :

16. Whether  the detailes Servicee                                        :       In  separate
      particulars of the  officials                                                               sheet.

                                                                                                       SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER.

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