Friday, December 23, 2011

Promotion to the post of Foreman I Grade after separation of double channel pattern - Drawing panel for the post of Foreman I Grade - Instructions

(Administrative Branch)

144, Anna Salai,
                                                                                        Chennai - 2.

Memo.No.008377/73/G.46/G.462/2011-4, dated  23.12.2011.

Establishment - RWE - Promotion to the post of Foreman I Grade after separation of double channel pattern - Drawing panel for the post of Foreman I Grade - Instructions - Issued.

1) Per. B.P. (Ch) No.256 (Adm. Branch),
    dated 12.12.2005.

2) Memo No.051836/555/G46/G462/10-6,
    dated 05.11.2010.

3) Memo No.051836/555/G46/G462/2010-9,
    dated  09.02.2011

4) Hon'ble H.C./Madras order dt. 14.11.2011 in M.P. 2
    and 3/2011 in W.P. No.721/2011 amended on         
    20.12.11  (copy received on 22.12.2011).

                   Consequent on the reintroduction of double channel of promotion    in RWE category under reference (1), a clarificatory guidelines was issued in this office Memo. dated 5-11-2010 for considering promotion to the post of Foreman I Grade.

                   2)  The COTEE has obtained stay against the clarificatory Memo. dated 05.11.2010 in the Hon'ble High Court/Madras in its order dated 12.01.2011 in M.P. No.2/2011 in W.P. No.721/2011.  Therefore all  the  Superintending Engineers of Distribution Circles were instructed vide this office Memo. dated 09.02.2011 not to implement  the guidelines already issued in Memo. dated 5-11-2010.

                   3)  Now, the Hon'ble High Court/Madras in its order dt. 14.11.2011 and amended on 20.12.11 that  the interim order  already made absolute by this Court  in M.P.No:2 of 2011 dt.14-11-2011  is  hereby vacated and it is made clear that in the Writ Petition there is no interim order prohibiting the respondents from considering the promotions of the employees  concerned.

:: 2 ::

                   4)  Therefore  all the Superintending Engineers of Distribution Circles  are  informed  that  the  orders  issued  in  the memo.(3)  cited   is hereby withdrawn and requested to consider the promotion to the post of  Foreman I Grade by adopting the guidelines already issued under ref.(2) cited subject to the outcome of the Writ Petition No:721/2011 since  the main case is pending in the  Hon'ble High Court/Madras.

                   5)  The receipt of this Memo. shall be acknowleged.

                                                                           S. SYED LIYAKATH
                                      CHIEF ENGINEER/ PERSONNEL.


All Superintending Engineers of Distribution Circles.
All Chief Engineers of Distribution Regions.

Copy to:

The Chief Financial Controller/General & Revenue.
The Chief Internal Audit Officer/Board Officer Audit Branch.
The Residential Audit  Officer/TNEB, Chennai-2.
All Branches of Headquarters.
All Under Secretariat/Board Officer Secretariat Branch.
Stock file.


                                                                           (S. RAJENDRAN)
                                                PERSONNEL OFFICER/ COURT CASES (I/c)

1 comment:

மின்துறை செய்திகள் said...

தகவல்களுக்கு நன்றி

Enhancement of HBA from 40 to 50 lakhs G.O. adoption orders

HBA Enhancement 40 to 50 lakhs