Tuesday, February 7, 2017

RWE Double Channel Supernumerary Post of L.I. Instructions Issued

(Administrative Branch)
                                                          144, Anna Salai,
                                                                           Chennai - 2.

Memo No.009162/38/G.46/G.462/2014-19,   dt. 07.02.2017.

TANGEDCO – Promotions  of  Regular Work Establishment –Committee proposal to  redress  the grievances  with  existing double channel  system  in respect  of  RWE   employees  in Distribution circles  -  Supernumerary  posts  of  Line  Inspector- Approval accorded – Instructions Issued.

(Per.) (FB) TANGEDCO Proceedings No.2, (Adm.Br.), dt.01-02-2017.


                   In   the  B.P.  cited   orders  have been  issued   to  create  Supernumerary posts of Line Inspector  to  the  extent   required  to  give  promotion  to  the  Senior  Wiremen  who were   affected based   on  the  Helper  seniority  without  back  wages  with  effect  from   the  date of  issue of  order   and  no pay  anomaly  claim  to  be entertained   on  any account. The  post of  supernumerary  will  be  abolished   as  and  when   the  above  person  is promoted  to  the regular  post   or  retired   before  promotions  whichever  is  earlier.

                    2)  Based  on  the  above,  all  the  Superintending Engineers  of  the Electricity Distribution Circle    concerned   are  hereby   directed   to  create   supernumerary  posts  of  Line  Inspector as a  one time  measure for  the    Wiremen  who  have  been affected  on par  with  the  junior  of  the   Commercial Inspector  working  in  the  respective circle [(i.e.)  Lastly  promoted   as   Commercial Inspector]. 

                    3)  Accordingly,  the  pay  of   the Supernumerary post of Line Inspector  is  to be  fixed  by  adding   3 % increment  in  the  existing pay + Grade pay and then pay to be fixed in the Line Inspector pay band + Grade pay on the date of order subject to eligibility.

                   4) The  promotion increment  for  the  above  individual shall not be   sanctioned  when  they  are  promoted  for  regular  post of Line Inspector.  The  Supernumerary Line  Inspector  post  will be  abolished  as  and  when   the incument is  promoted  as  regular  Line Inspector or  retired   whichever  is  earlier.



                    5) Further,  it is    stated   that   the  above  instructions  have  to be   adhered  strictly  with  effect  from  the  date  of   issue  of   the  TANGEDCO  Proceedings,  cited  under  reference.  If  any lapses  occurs,  the  appropriate  action will be  taken   against   the  officials   of  the respective  administration wing. 

                   6)  Receipt of  the  memo. may be acknowledged.

                                                              CHIEF ENGINEER/PERSONNEL

All the Superintending Engineers/Electricity Distribution Circles

Copy  to  all the Chief Engineers/Distribution Regions.


                                                                   Sd/-xxx dt.07.02.2017
                                                     (P. RADHIKA),


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