Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Promotions of RWE Committee proposal to redress the grievances with existing double channel system in Distribution circles - Approval accorded.


Estt. – TANGEDCO – Promotions  of  Regular Work Establishment –Committee proposal to  redress  the grievances  with  existing double channel  system  in respect  of  RWE   employees  in Distribution circles  - Approval accorded.


(Per.) (FB) TANGEDCO Proceedings No.2
Dated :    01.02.2017.
Thai  19,  Dhunmugi Aandu,

Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2048.

Minutes of the 68th Board Meeting of TANGEDCO held on 23.01.2017.(Item No.24)



The  Double  channel  promotion system   was  re-introduced  with  effect   from     12-12-2005     based  on     the  12 (3)   settlement  dt.15-10-2005  and  followed  by   B.P.(Ch) No:256, (Adm.Br.), dt.12-12-2005.  They  can  choose  any one of  line  of  promotion  either  Helper-Wireman-Line Inspector-Foreman I Grade  (or)  Helper-Commercial Assistant-Commercial Inspector-Foreman I Grade.

2) In   the case  of  Helpers  opting   Wireman  line of  promotion,  they  require  a service  experience  of  8 years   including  service  of  Helper   to  become  Line  Inspector,   12  years     to  get   Foreman  I  Grade   and  14  years   to  get   Special  Grade  Foreman   where   as  in  the  case   of  Helpers  opting   for  Commercial Assistant  line of  promotion,    they  require    2  years   of  experience   as  Helper  to  get   promotion  as  Commercial Assistant  and  from   Commercial Assistant   to   Commercial  Inspector  no  specific   years   of    service  in  the  post  of   Commercial  Assistant   is  required.   But   12 years   of  service  experience  is  required   to  get  promotion   as Foreman  I Grade   and  14  years  of  service  to  get   Special  Grade   Foreman.  Due   to   this, the persons  choosing  Commercial Assistant   line  of  promotions  get  quicker promotion  than  the  persons  choosing  the Wireman  line  of  promotion.   As a  result   juniors   are  getting more  promotion  and  more  salary  and  seniors  are  getting   lesser  salary  due  to  the  above  disparity.

3) In  this  regard,  various  unions  represented  to  rectify  the  disparity   and  in  the   Memorandum of settlement  under  section 12(3)  of  the  I.D.Act  1947  reached   before      the      Commissioner of    Labour, Chennai on 9-1-2014   and  (Per)  (CMD)  TANGEDCO  Proceedings  No:26,  (Adm.Branch), dt.04-03-2014  a  Committee   was  constituted  for  reviewing  the  convergence of  different   cadres in various  categories  in  the  existing Double Channel  Promotion in R.W.E.

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4) The  report  of  the Committee   was  discussed  with  the  unions  on  different  dates.  After   taking  into  account  the  views/suggestions/objection of  the  various Unions,    and  also  considering  the  fact   that   large  number of  persons  opted  Wireman  line of  promotion  retiring  without   further  promotion. In this regard, 6 Nos. proposals were submitted.

5) After careful consideration,  the Board of TANGEDCO hereby accorded  approval for  the  following:-

To  create  Supernumerary posts of Line Inspector  to  the  extent   required  to  give  promotion  to  the  Senior  Wireman  who was   affected based   on  the  Helper  seniority  without  back  wages  with  effect  from   the  date of  issue of  order   and  no pay  anomaly  claim  to  be entertained   on  any account. The  post of  supernumerary  will  be  abolished   as  and  when   the  above  person  promoted  to  the regular  post.

To  delete the version of date of joining insisted in para 3 of the Memo.No.051836/555/ G.46/ G.462/2010-6, dt.05.11.2010 for considering promotion to the foreman I Grade from the post of Line Inspector/Commercial Inspector.          

Conversion as Commercial Assistant to Wireman/Wireman to
Commercial Assistant, Commercial Inspector to Line Inspector,
and Line Inspector to Commercial Inspector respectively will
not be entertained.


                                                                                          A.V. RAVI,
All Chief Engineers/Distribution Regions.
All Superintending Engineers/Electricity Distribution Circles - Guidelines for fixing pay    
                                                                                     will be issued separately.
Copy to:
The Chairman's Table.
The Director (Finance)/Tangedco/144, Anna Salai/Chennai-2.
The Director (Distribution)/Tangedco/144, Anna Salai/Chennai-2.
The Director (Generation)/Tangedco/144, Anna Salai/Chennai-2.
The Director (Projects)/Tangedco/144, Anna Salai/Chennai-2.
The Director (Operation)/Tangedco/144, Anna Salai/Chennai-2.
The Secretary/Secretariat Branch/Tangedco/144, Anna Salai/Chennai-2.
The Chief Financial Controller/Accounts Branch/Tangedco/144,Anna Salai/ Ch.-2.

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The Chief Internal Audit Officer/Audit Branch/Tangedco/144, Anna Salai/Chennai-2
The Deputy Secretary/Establishment/Secretariat Branch/Tangedco/Anna Salai/Ch.2
The Deputy Chief Engineer/Adm. Branch/Tangedco/144, Anna Salai/Chennai-2.
The Industrial Relations Adviser/Tangedco/144, Anna Salai/Chennai-2.
The Senior Personnel Officers/Recruitment, Labour & Inspection/Adm. Branch/
                                     Tangedco/144, Anna Salai/Chennai-2.
All Personnel Officers in Adm. Branch/Technical Branch/Tangedco/144, Anna Salai/
The Executive Assistant to Chairman.
All Assistant Personnel Officers in Adm. Branch/Technical Branch/Tangedco/
144, Anna Salai/ Chennai-2. [APO/Tamil Development for publication in the
                                                                        Tangedco Bulletin (2 copies)]
The Stock File.


                                                               (P. RADHIKA),

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