Saturday, February 20, 2016

JA (Adm/Acct) through Internal Selection during 2007 Fixation of Pay Clarification

Administrative Branch


Er. A.V.RAVI, M.E., M.I.E.,
Chief Engineer/ Personnel,
144, Anna Salai,
Chennai-600 002.

All Chief Engineers Concerned,
All Superintending Engineers Concerned.

Letter No.002246/57/G.56/G.561/2015-1,   dated:  15.02.2016.

                   Sub :  Estt. - Class III Service – Selected as Junior Assistant  
                             (Admin/Accounts) through internal selection from
                             Class IV Service during 2007 – Fixation of pay   -                                                            Clarification – Issued.          

                       Ref :  1) (Per) B.P.Ms.(CH) No.152 (Adm.Br.) dated: 05.05.2007.

                            2) (Per) B.P.Ms.(CH) No.184 (Adm.Br.) dated: 28.06.2007.

                            3) (Per) B.P.Ms.(CH) No.17 (Adm.Br.) dated: 08.03.2010.
                            4) This office Letter No.081999/1461/G56/G561/2007-3,
                                dated. 03.05.2010.
                            5) This office letter No.002246/57/G.56/G.561/2010-2, 

                   In the reference 1st and 2nd cited, there are 173 and 132 employees have been selected by internal selection for the post of Junior Assistant (Admin.) and Junior Assistant (Accounts) respectively and it has been ordered to fix the pay of employees under regulation 33(b) of TNEB Service Regulation.

                  2) In the reference 3rd  and 4th cited, Fixation of pay which was ordered under 33(b) of TNEB Service Regulation have been withdrawn and all the Chief Engineers/Superintending Engineers are directed to revise the pay to the employees who have been selected and appointed as Junior Assistant(Admin.) and Junior Assistant (Accounts) by internal selection during 2007.

                 3)  Further, in the reference 5th cited, it is also directed to stop the recovery of excess amount from February 2011 onwards in respect of Junior Assistant (Admin.) and Junior Assistant(Accounts) who have been selected and appointed through Internal Selection during 2007.



                     4)  In this connection, it is requested to take appropriate action on the following:-

                   i) To revise the pay of individual who have been selected and appointed as Junior Assistant (Admin.) and Junior Assistant(Accounts) vide B.P.No. (Per) B.P.Ms. (Ch.) No. 152 (Adm.Br.) dated 05.05.2007 and (Per) B.P.MS. (Ch) No.184(Adm.Br.)  dated 28.06.2007 if not done so far, as ordered in the B.P.NO.17(Adm.Br.) dated. 08.03.2010 and this office Letter No.081999/1461/G.56/G.561/2007-3, dated.03.05.2010.

                  ii) Excess amount paid to the employees prior to the date of issue of B.P.No.17(Adm.Br.) dated.08.03.2010 need not be recovered.

                 iii) Excess amount paid to the employees due to non-revision of pay if any on or after the date of issue of B.P.No.17 (Adm.Br.) dated.08.03.2010 may be arranged to be recovered immediately.

                iv) The copy of revision of pay (or) abstract of Service Book of the individual in regard to entry made on revision of pay as instructed vide this office letter under reference (4) cited may be forwarded to this office forthwith without fail.

                     5) It is also informed that further instruction in this regard will be issued on receipt of disposal order of Writ Appeal (S.R.No.4700/2013) filed by TANGEDCO.

                                                                      Yours faithfully,

                                             SENIOR PERSONNEL OFFICER/RECRUITMENT

                                       for CHIEF ENGINEER/PERSONNEL

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