Sunday, May 24, 2015

UEL Retirement Employees New Instructions


                                                           Secretariat Branch,
                                                       144, Anna Salai,
Memo (Per) No.80586/A18/A182/14 –3,   Dt:19.05.2015.

                             Sub: RETIREMENT BENEFITS – Encashment of Un-earned Leave
                                     on Private Affairs at the time of retirement of employees/
                                     officers– Kept in abeyance – Restoration ordered – Delay in
                                     tracing of Service Books –Instructions – Issued.

           Ref:i)  (P) B.P. (FB) No.75 (SB) dated 06.11.1996.
                 ii) (P) B.P. (FB) No.76 (SB) dated 11.9.1997.
                 iii) (P) CMD TANGEDCO Proceedings No.52 (SB), dt.14.2.2014.
                 iv) Memo No. 80586/A18/A182/2014-1, dated 09.10.2014.
                 v) Memo No. 80586/A18/A182/2014–2, dated 14-01-2015.
            In the Board Proceedings first cited above, orders were issued that at the time of retirement, 50% of Unearned Leave on Private Affairs standing at the credit of the employees up to a maximum of 90 days, be entitled for encashment and drawal of full leave salary subject to fulfillment of conditions specified therein. In the Board Proceedings second cited, the above orders were kept in abeyance. In the proceedings third cited, the orders issued in the Board Proceedings first cited, was restored.

            2. Now, it has been intimated that certain retired employees have not been sanctioned encashment of Unearned Leave on Private Affairs and the pendancy is only due to non availability of Service Book in respect of the said retired employees. It is also to be mentioned that as orders were issued for payment of the instalments of encashment of Unearned Leave on Private Affairs commencing from 1st April, 2014, the same was completed in January, 2015, almost all the Pensioners’ Associations have requested for sanction of encashment of Unearned Leave on Private Affairs on obtaining an undertaking from the employees due to non-availability of Service Books.  The said requests have carefully been considered. 

  3. After considering the said requests, the following instructions are issued:-

a)    the encashment of 45 days of Unearned Leave on Private Affairs (i.e. 50% of the maximum number of days eligible to be encashed) be sanctioned pending availability of Service Registers by duly obtaining an Indemnity Bond, in the enclosed format;

b)   the arrears consequent to the said sanction  be paid in two monthly installments;


c)    the remaining encashment of 45 days of Unearned Leave on Private Affairs (i.e. 50% of the balance number of days eligible to be encashed) be sanctioned only on tracing and verifying the Service Registers.

4. Receipt of the Memo may be acknowledged.

   All Chief Engineers.
  All Chief Financial Controllers/TANGEDCO & TANTRANSCO.
  The Chief Internal Audit Officer/Audit Branch.
  All Superintending Engineers.
  The Residential Audit Officer/Chennai-2.
  Copy to:
  The Chairman-cum-Managing Director’s Table.
  All Directors of TANGEDCO & TANTRANSCO.
  The Secretary/TANGEDCO/Chennai-2.
  The Legal Adviser/TANGEDCO/Chennai-2.
  All Officers/Secretariat Branch.
  All Senior Personnel Officers/Adm.Branch/Chennai-2.
  The Asst. Personnel Officer/Tamil Dev. – for publication in the Bulletin
     (2 copies).
  The President/TNEB Retired Officials Association,
   No.14 (Old No.7), 2nd Main Road, Ram Nagar, Chennai-600 082.
 The General Secretary/Federation of TNEB Pensioners Associations,
 G2, Plot No.87, Door No.31, Ramyam Apt., Nehru St, Alwarthirunagar,
 The General Secretary/TNEB Pensioners' Progressive Union,
  No.9, Sundaram Chetty Street, Kottikulam Road, Dindigul-624 001.
 The General Secretary/Electricity Board Pensioners' Welfare Association,
  No.27, Mosque Street, Chepauk, Chennai-600 005.
 The General Secretary/Tamil Nadu Electricity Retired Workers' Association,
  No.16, 10th East Main Road, Gandhi Nagar, Vellore-6.
 The General Secretary/TNEB Retired Employees & Officers Association, 
  No.18, Ellaiyamman Koil Street, West Mambalam, Chennai-600033.


(In Rs.80/- Stamp Paper)                
          This DEED OF INDEMNITY executed on this ………….th day of …………… Two Thousand and Fifteen, by Thiru./Tmt./Selvi. ……………………………………………
S/o.D/o.W/o.   …………………………………., residing at ……………………………………….
……………………….., hereinafter called the Indemnifier (which term shall mean and
include executors, administrators, legal representatives, heirs and assigns) TO AND IN FAVOUR OF the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited, a Corporation registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and wholly owned by the Government of Tamil Nadu, one of the successor entity to the erstwhile Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB), represented by the ……………………………………… (Sanctioning Authority having office at ……………………………………………., hereinafter called the Indemnified or TANGEDCO (which term shall mean and include its successors and assigns).
          WHEREAS the Indemnifier has retired from the service of the TNEB/TANGEDCO on ……………………. Afternoon as ……………………. (Designation with  Circle/Region/office/Branch) and a pensioner assigned with PPO No. ……………………….
          WHEREAS, in (Per) B.P. (FB) No.75 (SB) dated 06.11.1996, orders were issued that at the time of retirement, 50% of UEL on PA standing at the credit of the employees upto a maximum of 90 days, be entitled for encashment and drawal of full leave salary subject to fulfillment of conditions specified therein.
          WHEREAS, in (Per) B.P (FB) No.76 (SB) dated 11.09.1997, the said benefit was withheld.
          WHEREAS the TANGEDCO, in (Per) CMD TANGEDCO Proceedings No.52 (Secretariat Branch) dated 14.02.2014, has restored the benefit of encashment of 50% of Un-Earned Leave on Private Affairs (UEL on PA) standing at the credit of the employee at the time of retirement as specified therein.
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          WHEREAS as per the said proceedings, dated 14.02.2014, an employee who has not availed even a single day UEL on PA out of maximum 180 days while in service of the TNEB/TANGEDCO, is entitled to encash 90 days of UEL on PA subject to fulfillment of conditions specified.
          WHEREAS to sanction the aforesaid restored benefit by the TANGEDCO, Service Register of the Indemnifier requires verification to ascertain the actual number days of unavailed portion of UEL on PA as on the date of retirement.
          WHEREAS representations are received from the retired employees/pensioners that they have not been sanctioned and paid the encashment of UEL on PA on the ground of non-traceability of their Service Registers till date and have expressed hardship.
          WHEREAS it has been informed that the Service Register of the Indemnifier could not be treaceable in the office of the sanctioning authority concerned of the TANGEDCO till date and as such the actual number of days of unavailed portion of UEL on PA as on the date of retirement could not be verified/ascertained.
          WHEREAS to mitigate the hardship caused to such of those retired employees/pensioners due to non-traceability of the Service Registers, it is decided by the TANGEDCO to sanction and draw 45 days of UEL (i.e 50% of the maximum number of days eligible to be encashed) in two instalments and to sanction and draw the remaining eligible days of UEL on PA for enchasment purpose on tracing and verifying the Service Register, subject to execution of a Deed of Indemnity by the retired employee concerned, indemnifying the TANGEDCO against any excess payment/loss discovered at a later date.
          AND WHEREAS the Indemnifier, who, to the best of his knowledge, has not availed the UEL on PA during his/her service, agreed to execute the Indemnity as aforesaid and the TANGEDCO has also agreed to honour the same.


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          NOW THIS DEED WITNESSES THAT in consideration of the TANGEDCO sanctioning and drawing 45 days of UEL on PA (ie. 50% of the maximum number of days eligible to be encashed), the Indemnifier hereby unconditionally undertakes to pay on demand to the TANGEDCO, all monies which may be discovered to have been paid in excess of actual eligibility together will all costs and expenses and the TANGEDCO, in addition to proceed against the Indemnifier in accordance with law, shall also have the right to recover such excess payment from any of the amount that may be due and payable to the Indemnifier and this Deed of Indemnity is irrevocable.
          IN WITNESS WHEREOF Thiru./Tmt./Selvi ……………………. has signed this Deed of Indemnity on the date, month and year hereinabove first mentioned.

Signed & Delivered by

In the presence of Witnesses (Name & Address)

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