Friday, May 22, 2015

New Health Insurance Scheme for Pensioners (including spouse)/Family Pensioners orders

MEDICAL AID – New Health Insurance scheme for Pensioners (including spouse) /Family Pensioners – Implementation of the Scheme – Orders – Issued  
(PER) FB. TANGEDCO PROCEEDINGS NO.18, dated 18th MAY, 2015
                                                                                    Thiruvalluvar Aandu, 2046.

i)             (Per) B.P. (FB) No. 23 (SB) dated 02.04.1997.
ii)            (Per) FB.TANGEDCO Proceedings No.13 (SB) dated 18.12.2010.
iii)          (Per) FB.TANGEDCO Proceedings No.14 (SB) dated 18.12.2010.
iv)                G.O.No. 469, Finance (Pension) department, dated 27.12.2013.
          In the proceedings first read above, Board has constituted a fund called “Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Pensioners’ Health Fund” to provide financial assistance to pensioners for undergoing specialized treatment/surgery if they are affected by major ailments. Eye surgery/treatment/surgery if they are affected by major ailments. Eye surgery/treatment was also included under Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Pensioners Health fund Scheme. The maximum limit entitled for the Pensioners is Rs.1.00 lakh or 75% if the actual cost of treatment whichever is less. The said concession was subsequently extended to the spouse of the pensioner and family pensioners from 18.12.2010.
          2.       In the Government order fourth read above, the Government have issued orders launching the New Health Insurance Scheme for the Pensioner (including spouse)/Family Pensioners on certain conditions.
3.       The TANGEDCO after careful consideration has decided to adopt said orders of the Government to the Pensioners (including spouse)/family Pensioners on the following basis:-
a)       the New Health Insurance Scheme shall operate on a CASHLESS basis and it shall be made compulsory to all the pensioners (including spouse)/Family Pensioners;
b)       the quantum of assistance shall be fixed as Rs.2.00 lakh (Rupees two lakhs) for both Pensioners (including spouse)/Family Pensioners for a block period of four years from the date of the launch of the Scheme.
c)       If the spouse of the Pensioners is also a pensioner, the recovery of subscription shall be effected from one person only, based on the option exercised by them.
d)       The New Health Insurance Scheme shall be implemented by the Insurance provider finalized from among the Public Sector Insurance provider by following due tender procedure.

e)       The amount of the Pensioners contribution to the scheme will be decided after the selection of the Insurance Company and finalization of the costs.
4.       Further modalities/terms and conditions for the New Health Insurance Scheme for the Pensioners (including spouse)/Family Pensioners will be issued separately.
5.       Receipt of this proceedings shall be acknowledged.
                                                                                                          S.CHINNARAJALU,                                                                                  SECRETARY.                                                                                
All Chief Engineers
All Chief Financial Controllers/TANGEDCO & TANTRANSCO
The Chief Internal Audit Officer/Audit Branch
All Superintending Engineers
The Residential Audit Officer/Chennai-2.
Copy to:
The Chairman –cum-Managing Director’s Table
The Secretary /TANGEDCO /Chennai-2.
The Legal Adviser/TANGEDCO/Chennai-2.
The Superintending Engineer/Chairman-cum-Managing Director’s Office
All Officers/Sections in Secretariat Branch.
All Asst. Personnel Officers/Adm.Branch/Chennai-2.
The Asst.Personnel Officer/Tamil. Dev.-for Publication in the Bulletin
                   (2 copies)
The President /TNEB Retired Officials Association,
     No.14 (Old No.7), 2nd Main Road, Ram Nagar, Chennai-600 082.
The General Secretary/Federation of TNEB Pensioners Associations,
    G.2, Plot No.87, Door No31, Ramyam Apt, Nehru St, Alwarthirunagar,
The General Secretary /TNEB Pensionser’s Progressive Union,
   No.33, Bootha Perumal Street, Anna Salai, Chennai-600 002.
The General Secretary/ Electricity Board Pensioner’s Welfare Associaton.
    No.27, Mosque Street, Chepauk, Chennai-600 005.
The General Secretary/Tamil Nadu Electricity Retired Worker’s Association,
   No.16, 10th East Main Road, Gandhi Nagar, Vellore-6
The General Secretary/TNEB Retired Employees & Officers Association,
  No.18, Ellaiyamman Koil Street, West Mambalam, Chennai- 600 033.]


                                                                                                                SECTION OFFICER

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Enhancement of HBA from 40 to 50 lakhs G.O. adoption orders

HBA Enhancement 40 to 50 lakhs