Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Stores. Custodian II Gr 206 Persons Allotment


                                                                        8th Floor, NPKRR. Maaligai,
                                                                        144, Anna Salai, Chennai - 2.

Memo. No.084344/1160/G.34/G.341/2013-1,  dated     24.12.2013.

ESTABLISHMENT -  Class III Service - Filling                     up of vacancies of Stores Custodian II Grade                    by Internal Selection - Allotment   of  individuals  for  temporary appointment - Orders - Issued.


                   The  individuals  mentioned  in the  Annexure  to  this Memorandum  whose  names have been approved  for  appointment  as Stores  Custodian  II  Grade  by  Internal  Selection  and  whose particulars are furnished against their names are allotted to the Superintending Engineers concerned for  appointment  as  Stores  Custodian  II  Grade  initially  on temporary  basis  in  the minimum  time  scale  of  pay of Rs.5,400-20,200 with Grade Pay of Rs.2,500/- with usual allowances admissible as per  rules, subject to protection of loss of pay if any, by grant of personal pay.  They may be allotted against the existing vacancies of Stores Custodian II Grade and by counting against  the vacant post of Stores Custodian I Grade in the scale of pay of Stores Custodian II Grade post.

                   2)  The Superintending Engineers concerned are requested to issue orders of appointment and postings to the individuals through the Superintending Engineers concerned directing them to report for duty on expiry of joining  time, failing which their names will be removed from the selected list.

                   3)   In the appointment orders, it may be indicated specifically that their appointment are subject to the  following  conditions :-

Their  pay will be fixed by grant  of  personal pay  to the extent of the difference in  the  basic pay  admissible  to them from time to time  in  the post of Stores Custodian II Grade becomes equal  to or more than the basic pay in the previous post  or their   promotion  to  higher  post  whichever  is earlier,   as  per the   orders issued  in  B.P.Ms. (FB)   No.95, (Secretariat Branch)   dated 20.11.1985  and clarification  orders issued thereon from  time  to time.

Since the appointment now ordered is by internal         selection, the individuals are not eligible for fixation of  pay under Regulation 33(b) of TANGEDCO Service Regulation.



They should  produce satisfactory evidence in original regarding their educational qualification, date of birth and community to the  Superintending Engineer before joining for verification and  that if any discrepancy is found in the certificates  or if they are found to be unqualified, their appointments will be cancelled immediately followed by cancellation of selection also.

Those who do not possess adequate knowledge in Tamil          (i.e. S.S.L.C. Std.) should pass Second Language test conducted by the T.N.P.S.C. within the  prescribed period.

As they have already furnished an undertaking relinquishing their rights for further promotion in Regular Work Establishment Cadre, in the event  of their appointment as Stores Custodian II Grade they have no claim for further promotion in Regular Work Establishment.

They will not be eligible for reversion to their parent categories of posts under any circumstances.

                   4)   An undertaking to the effect of Item Nos.(i), (v)  and (vi)  under Para (3) above may be obtained from the individual  (in duplicate) before their joining as Stores Custodian II Grade.  One copy of the undertaking should be pasted in Service  Roll/Service Book  of  the individual  concerned and another  copy  should  be retained in the office of the Superintending Engineer.

                   5)  The Superintending Engineer is also requested to send a prescribed form of Physical Fitness Certificate to the individual along with orders of appointment directing him/her  to  produce the  same  duly filled in and attested by a Government  Medical Officer in the rank of Civil Assistant Surgeon at the time of joining duty.  The  Physical Fitness Certificate can be scrutinised by the Superintending Engineers  concerned  and  the service  of individuals may be regularised with reference to  the  instructions issued in Administrative Branch Memorandum No.134730/R.II(1)/ 1985-1, dated 20.12.1985.  Copy of appointment orders  issued to the individuals should be sent to this  office, without fail.



                   6)  A date may be fixed as the last date for joining.   It may  be intimated to them if they do not join duty on  or  before that date the selection order will be cancelled.

                   7)  The  date  of joining of those  candidates  should  be reported promptly.

                   8)    Receipt of this Memorandum shall  be acknowledged.

Encl:-    Annexure.

                                                     CHIEF ENGINEER/PERSONNEL (I/c.)


The Superintending Engineers concerned. 

          They are requested requested to relieve  the  individuals immediately   on   receipt  of  appointment   orders   from   the Superintending  Engineers concerned to take up their  appointment as  Stores Custodian II Grade without waiting for substitutes  in their places.

Copy to the Chief Engineers concerned.

Copy to the Personnel Officer/Recruitment(G.56 Section)/Adm. Branch/Chennai-2.

Copy to Stock File.






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