Saturday, October 12, 2013

JE II (Mech) revised list as per court order dt.20.11.12



Er. A.RAJA, B.E., F.I.E.,    
Chief Engineer/Personnel,  
144, Anna Salai,
Chennai - 600 002.
All Superintending Engineers,

Letter No.075008/794/G55/G.552/2012-2,   dated   12 .10.2013.

Recruitment – Class III Service – Thiru S.Suresh & 8 others – W.P. No.20481/2012 filed against TANGEDCO – High Court order – Revision of selection list of Junior Engineer/ Mechanical II Grade ( Diploma ) as per ratio 3:1 during the period 2002,2006 and 2009– Furnishing of – Regarding.


Letter No.075008/794/G55/G.552/2012, dated   1206.2013.

        In continuation of the above letter, again, I am to inform that Thiru. S.Suresh and 8 others have filed  a W.P.No.20481/2012 for directing  the TANGEDCO to recall the appointments given to the Non-Diploma Holders and to fill up those vacancies strictly in accordance with the ratio of 3:1 and to consider them for appointment to the post of Junior Engineer/ Mechanical II Grade under Diploma Holders quota. The Hon’ble Court passed the following orders are given below :
          " In the light of the seniority list being finalized in respect of all Junior Engineer / Mechanical II Grade, the claim made by the petitioners in the writ petition that earlier promotions given to the contesting respondents should be recalled does not stand to reason. hence there is no merit in the writ petition. In the  light of the same, both the writ petition and the contempt petitions will stand dismissed with liberty to the TANGEDCO to finalize the seniority list of Junior Engineer / Mechanical  Grade II right from the year 2002 and after publishing the same, adopting due procedure and to strictly follow the ratio for selection on the basis of 3:1. This exercise shall be carried out within a period of six months. If they find any of the quota meant for either diploma holder or non diploma holder, in the future vacancies, the shortfall should be filled up after adopting due procedure and in the manner known to law.

     I am to inform that as per above High Court order dt.20.11.2012 in W.P. 20481/2012 , the revised selection list of Junior  Engineer/ Mechanical II Grade ( Non – Diploma ) during the period of 2002, 2006 and 2009  as per ratio 3:1  ( Diploma : Non-Diploma)  was already  communicated for wide publicity on 12.06.2013.

 Further, I am to inform that as per High Court order dt.20.11.2012 in W.P. 20481/2012 and as per B.P. No.25 dt.10.05.2006, the selection list of  Junior  Engineer/ Mechanical II Grade  ( Diploma ) during the period of  2009 revised  as per ratio 3:1     ( Diploma : Non-Diploma)  and the same is communicated for wide publicity.

                                                                             Yours faithfully,
         Encl :-Annexure I to III

                 SD/- A. RAJA.

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