Thursday, February 21, 2013

Issue of Identity Cards to the Pensioners of TANGEDCO - Instructions - Issued.


                                                                                                SECRETARIAT BRANCH,
                                                                                                144, Anna Salai, Chennai-600 002.

Memorandum (Per) No.87925/A18/A183/2012–1, Dated the 7th February, 2013.

Sub:   TANGEDCO - Issue of Identity Cards to the Pensioners of TANGEDCO - Instructions - Issued.

Ref:   1. (Per) B.P.(Ch) No.124 (SB), dated 07.07.2009.
         2. Memo.(Per) No.3392/A20/A201/10-1, dated 28.01.2011.


          In the Board's Proceedings cited, it has been ordered that the Identity Cards be issued to the pensioners by the Pension Sanctioning Authorities, as per the specimen format enclosed therewith, on receipt of application from the pensioners concerned with the required details along with a recent stamp size photo and on payment of necessary charges. Among other details of the pensioners, it has been specified in the said specimen format that the Identity Card should contain the details of the Date of Birth and the Contact Number of the Pensioner.

          2. Subsequently, in the Memo. cited, instruction has been issued to all the Pension Sanctioning Authorities to issue Identity Cards on verifying the details furnished by the pensioners with reference to the Service Book, on collection of necessary charges and not to insist them to appear in person for issue of Identity Cards.

          3. Instances have come to the notice that certain Pension Sanctioning Authorities refuse to exhibit the details of Date of Birth and Contact No. in the Identity Card and also insist the pensioners to be present in person. In order to follow a uniform procedure, it has been decided to issue suitable instructions to all the Pension Sanctioning Authorities in this regard.

          4. Accordingly, all the Pension Sanctioning Authorities are hereby instructed to issue the Identity Cards to the pensioners concerned, as per the orders already issued in this regard, without giving room for any complaints in future.

          5. Further, consequent on issuance of G.O.Ms.No.100, Energy (B2) Department, dated 19.10.2010, the name of the organisation viz. "Tamil Nadu Electricity Board" mentioned in the top of the format enclosed with the Board's Proceedings cited, be substituted as "Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited" or "TANGEDCO" with its emblem.

          6. Any deviation in this regard, will be viewed seriously.

          7. The receipt of this Memorandum shall be acknowledged in the slip enclosed.

                                                                             SECRETARY (ADDL.CHARGE).
All Chief Engineers.
All Chief Financial Controllers/TANGEDCO & TANTRANSCO.
The Chief Internal Audit Officer/Audit Branch.


All Superintending Engineers.
All Deputy Secretaries/Secretariat Branch.
The Residential Audit Officer/Chennai-2.

Copy to:
The Secretary/TANGEDCO.
The Superintending Engineer/Chairman-cum-Managing Director's Office.
The Under Secretary/Establishment/Secretariat Branch.
The Private Secretary to Chairman-cum-Managing Director.
The Private Secretary to Secretary.
The Asst. Personnel Officer/Tamil Dev. – for publication in the Bulletin (2 copies).
A-8, A-11 and A-16 Sections/Secretariat Branch.

The President/TNEB Retired Officials Association,
          No.14 (Old No.7), 2nd Main Road, Ram Nagar, Chennai-600 082.
The General Secretary/Federation of TNEB Pensioners Associations,
        G2, Plot No.87, Door No.31, Ramyam Apt., Nehru St, Alwarthirunagar,Chennai-87.
The General Secretary/TNEB Pensioners' Progressive Union,
          No.9, Sundaram Chetty Street, Kottikulam Road, Dindigul-624 001.
The General Secretary/Electricity Board Pensioners' Welfare Association,
          No.27, Mosque Street, Chepauk, Chennai-600 005.
The General Secretary/TNEB Retired Workers' Association,
          No.16, 10th East Main Road, Gandhi Nagar, Vellore-6.
The General Secretary/TNEB Retired Employees & Officers Association, 
          No.18, Ellaiyamman Koil Street, West Mambalam, Chennai-600033.

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