Wednesday, April 18, 2012

J.A./Typist/ Steno-Typist (Accounts) Cadre - Preparation of panel to the post of Asst. (Accts.) particulars called for

(Administrative Branch)

Chief Engineer/Personnel,
144, Anna Salai,
Chennai - 600 002.

All SE's and CE's,
Letter No.022716/463/G.29/G.292/2012-  ,  dated  16.04.2012.

                   Sub :   Establishment - Class III  Service  -  J.A./Typist/
                              Steno-Typist (Accounts) Cadre - Preparation of
                             panel to the post of Asst. (Accts.) particulars
                              called for - Regarding.
                   I am to state that, it is proposed to prepare the panel for promotion to the post of Asst.(Accts.) from the qualified Junior Asst./Typist/Steno Typist of Accounts Cadre, who have passed the Account Test for Sub-ordinate Officers part I as per the TNEB Regulation 96 (1) (b), as on the Crucial date on 20.03.2012.

                   2)       I therefore, request you to furnish the required particulars in quadruplicate) in the new format enclosed, only in thick Xerox papers (avoid Computer sheets) in respect of all the Qualified Junior Assistant/Typist/Steno typist (Accounts) as on 20.03.2012 including those who were overlooked previously due to D.P./Undergoing punishment and the persons who have relinquished their rights for promotion temporarily and have completed 3 years as on 20.03.2012 on or before 30.04.2012.

                   3)   All the columns in the suitability report should be filled in and no coloumn should be left blank.  The report should be signed by the Head of office only.

                   4)       In respect of the particulars of D.P. if any initiated against the above categories, the details of punishment awarded/undergoing  may be clearly furnished in the proforma. (4 copies of charge memo./final orders etc., should also be furnished wherever necessary).
                   5)       It may be ensured that the particulars furnished are accurate and degible so that the need for issue of correction in the panel shall be avoided.

                                                                       Yours faithfully,
Encl: One new Format                                  

                                                                     (V. ASWATHAMAN)
                                                 ASST.PERSONNEL OFFICER/PANEL (Non-Techl.)
                                                           for CHIEF ENGINEER/PERSONNEL

Letter No. SE/022716/461/G29/G291/2012-      dt. 16.04.2012.

Name and Designation

Age and Date of Birth

i)  Date of joining as J.A./Typist/
                  Steno-typist (Accounts)

ii) Date of commencement/ completion of

Educational Qualification

a) Academic qualification whether he/she
    possesses MGEQ and if not whether
    qualification was relaxed

b) Whether he/she has acquired adequate   
    knowledge in Tamil (in SSLC)/ whether
    passed second class language test in all
    (4 levels of ABCD)

c)  The Register No. month & year of
     passing the Account test for sub-ordinate
     officers part-I

Whether any punishment has been imposed on the individual and if  so, the nature of charge and nature of punishment imposed and the date of expiry of the punishment    (4 copies of final orders to be enclosed)

If, the punishment imposed (i.e.) Stoppage of increment the following particulars should be furnished

a) Normal due date of increment

a)  Date of commencement of punishment

b)  Date of completion of punishment

Whether any charges are pending against him/her and if so, to indicate the nature of charges in brief and the present stage

Whether he/She  is suitable for promotion


                                                                                                                SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER/           

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