Saturday, February 17, 2018

Promotion to the post of Administrative Supervisor from the post of Assistant (Adm.) - List of names selected and included in the panel

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(Administrative Branch)

                                                                    8th, Floor NPKRR Maaligai,
                                                                    144, Anna Salai, Chennai-2.

Memo.No.040349/773/G.35/G.352/2017-2,   dated 03.02.2018.

Sub :
Establishment - Class III Service - Promotion to the post of Administrative Supervisor from the post of Assistant (Adm.) - List of names selected and included in the panel - orders - Issued.


                   The 112 (One hundred and twelve)  Assistants (Administration) mentioned  in the Annexure-A to this Memo. are informed that they have been provisionally selected and included in the panel for promotion to the post of Administrative Supervisor on regular basis under Regulation 92 of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Service Regulations.

                   2) The list is communicated to the individuals concerned.

                    3) The  6 (Six)  Assistants (Adm.) as detailed in the Annexure-B to this Memo. have not been selected for inclusion in the panel for the reasons furnished against their names and  the above persons may prefer appeal, if any, to the Chairman Cum Managing Director /TANGEDCO within two months from the date of communication of the approved list.  If no appeal is received within the said period, the approved list communicated shall be deemed to be final.

                    4) Tmty. K.Prema (D.O.B.: 30.05.1963), Assistant (Adm.), Kanyakumari Electricity Distribution Circle will take rank below                              Tmty. K.S.Bhuvaneswari (D.O.B:20.03.1976), Assistant (Adm.), Kanyakumari  Electricity Distribution Circle, who has already been promoted as Adm. Supervisor and who is the last person in the previous panel communicated in Memo. No.017920/G35/G352/2016-2, dated 02.09.2016. The seniority of others will be in the order as indicated in the Annexure-A.
                    5) They are directed to acknowledge the receipt of this Memo.

Encl :  Annexure-A
                                                            CHIEF ENGINEER/PERSONNEL                                                           

The Individuals.
     through the Chief Engineer/Additional Chief Engineer/
               Superintending Engineer concerned.
:: 2 ::

Copy to the Chief Engineer/Additional Chief Engineer/
                   Superintending Engineer concerned.
          They are requested to serve the memo. to the individuals duly obtaining their dated acknowledgement for having received this memo. and forward the same to this office immediately.  They are also requested to confirm that the selected candidates in the list have not involved in Vigilance Case/D.P./ Undergoing Punishment, otherwise this Memo. should not be served and intimate the fact to this office.

Copy to other Chief Engineers concerned.
Copy to the Deputy Chief Engineer
Copy to the  Deputy Secretary/Personnel
Copy to the  Senior Personnel Officer/Recruitment
Copy to the Assistant Personnel Officer/Estt. (N.T.)/ Adm. Branch.
Copy to the Assistant Personnel Officer/Adm. Staff/Adm. Branch for taking             
                                                                   necessary action.

Copy to  G.32 & G.33 Section (3 copies)
Copy to Stock File.
Copy to the Superintendent/G.35 Section.



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