Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Part time Conservancy Workers Interim Relief Orders Issued


TANGEDCO – Revision of Pay and Allowances with effect from 01.12.2015 – Payment of Consolidated lumpsum amount as Interim Arrear and Payment of Interim Relief to Part time Conservancy Workers – Orders - Issued.
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(Administrative Branch)

(Per.) CMD TANGEDCO Proceedings No.37       Dated:12.02.2018.
Thai 30, Heyvilambi Aandu,
Thiruvalluvar Aandu-2049.


(Per.) CMD TANGEDCO Proceedings No.26, (SB) Dated:01.02.2018.


                    In continuation of the Board’s Proceeding under reference cited, the request of the unions has been considered and it has been decided to sanction consolidated lumpsum amount of Rs.2000/- as Interim Arrears for four months from October 2017 to January 2018 and also Rs.500/- per month may be paid as Interim Relief from February 2018 onwards for the eligible Part-time Conservancy Workers. The above Interim Relief will be applicable to the Part-time Conservancy Workers drawing pay band of Rs.1300-3000+300GP and who are in service on 01.10.2017. The consolidated lumpsum amount of Rs.2000/- from October 2017 to January 2018 will be paid on 13.02.2018.

                   2) The Payment of Consolidated lumpsum Interim arrear as onetime payment and Interim Relief ordered in para 1 above shall be fully adjusted against the benefit that may become admissible in the revision of pay and allowances, etc.,

                   3)  The Consolidated lumpsum Interim arrear as onetime payment ordered in para 1 above be paid to the eligible Part-time Conservancy Workers of the TANGEDCO in one lumpsum immediately, after obtaining an undertaking in the form annexed to this Board’s Proceedings.

                   4) The expenditure shall be debitable to Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Funds – Revenue Expenses – Account Group Code No.75 – Employees 75.4 – Other allowances – Account Code No.75.404 Consolidated lumpsum Interim arrear payment.


                   5) The TANGEDCO also directs that the payment of Consolidated lumpsum Interim arrear as onetime payment should be disbursed to all the eligible Part-time Conservancy Workers drawing pay band of Rs.1300-3000+300GP on 13.02.2018.

                   6) The receipt of the Board’s Proceedings shall be acknowledged.

(By Order of the Chairman -Cum-Managing Director/TANGEDCO)

Encl. : Annexure.


All Chief Engineers concerned.
The Chief Financial Controllers/General & Revenue.
All Superintending Engineers.
The Chief Internal Audit Officer/Board Office Audit Branch/Chennai-2.
The Residential Audit Officer/TANGEDCO/Chennai-2.

Copy to:
The Principal Secretary to Government, Energy Department, Chennai-9.
The Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Finance Dept., Chennai-9.
The Commissioner of Labour, Chennai.
The Accountant General, Chennai-18.
The Chairman-cum-Managing Director's Table.
The Director (Finance)/ TANGEDCO.
The Director (Distribution).
The Director (Generation).
The Additional Director General of Police/Vigilance/Chennai-2.
The Secretary/ TANGEDCO/ Chennai-2.
The Legal Advisor/Chennai-2.
The Executive Assistant to Chairman cum Managing Director.
The Industrial Relations Advisor/Chennai-2.
The Deputy Chief Engineer/Adm.Branch/Chennai-2.
The Chief Engineer/ Personnel’s Table.
All Deputy Secretaries/BOSB/Chennai-2.
The Senior Personnel Officer/Labour/Adm.Branch.
The Senior Personnel Officer/Recruitment/Adm.Branch.
The Senior Personnel Officer/Inspection/Adm.Branch.
The Asst. Legal Advisor/ TANGEDCO /Chennai-2.
The Personnel Officer/Recruitment/Adm.Branch/Chennai-2.


The Personnel Officer/Implementation/Adm.Branch/Chennai-2.
The Asst. Personnel Officer/Labour/Adm.Branch/Chennai-2.
The Asst. Personnel Officer/Tamil Development/ Adm. Branch/ Chennai-2.
                   (for publication in TNEB Bulletin (2) copies)
The Section Officer/A3 Section/ BOSB/ Chennai.2 (3 copies)
The G.56 Section/ Adm. Branch/ Chennai-2.(2 copies)

Tamil Nadu Electricity Workers Federation.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Accounts and Executive Staff Union.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Workers Progressive Union (LPF).
Central Organization of Tamil Nadu Electricity Employees (C.I.T.U.).
MinsaraPirivu Anna ThozhilSangam.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board JanathaThozhilalarSangam.
Tamil Nadu National Electricity Workers Federation (INTUC) - 2 Groups.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineers Sangam.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Employees Congress (NLO)
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board ThozhilalarAykkiaSangam (HMS).
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineers Association.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Finance and Accounts Officers Association.
Bharathiya Electricity Employees Federation.
TNEB Card Billing Staff Union.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Dr.Ambedkar Employees Union.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineers Union
Stock File.(3 copies)


(Sd/- 12.02.2018)


F:\POIMP\G45\G.451\Part-time 2017-2018\EMAIL-INTERIM ARREAR\BP.ARREAR.Docx

Name of the Part-time Conservancy Worker :
Office                              :

                   I ………………………………………………….………………………… (Name) Working in the office of the ………………………………………………………….. agree to the condition that the Consolidated lumpsum Interim arrear as one time payment and the Interim Relief received by me with reference to the Orders in (Permanent) (CMD) TANGEDCO Proceedings No.37 (Adm. Branch) Dated:12.02.2018 may be adjusted against the benefit that may become admissible/payable to me with reference to the revision of scales of pay and allowances to be adopted. In case the amount of arrear falls short of this Consolidated lumpsum Interim arrear as onetime payment and the Interim relief, the balance may be recovered from my pay and allowances.

Station :
Date    :


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