Monday, April 17, 2017

MTPS-II Thermal Allwance and Incentive Bonus Allowance Orders



TANGEDCO - Mettur Thermal  Power Station-II (1x600MW) – Incentive Schemes – Sanction of Monthly Thermal Allowance and Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus to the employees of Mettur Thermal Power Station-II – Orders - Issued.

(Secretariat Branch)

(Per.) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.6,       Dated 15.04.2017
   Chithirai 02.
                                                                      Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2048                                        

(Per.) C(Per.)CMD TANGEDCO Proceedings No.100, (SB) Dated:27.10.94.               



In the Board’s Proceedings cited, orders were issued for payment of Monthly Thermal Incentive Allowance and Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus to the employees of Mettur Thermal Power Station-I with effect from 1st April 1992 with certain conditions for allowing the above incentives.
2. It was decided by TANGEDCO to construct another unit of 1X600 MW of Mettur Thermal Power Project-II and the above project was commenced during June 2008. The commercial operation of the Project was put into commission on 12.10.2013.  At the time of project construction stage itself, the employees of the Mettur Thermal Power Project-II were allowed Monthly Thermal Incentive Allowance and Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus instead of Project Allowance and Project Special pay from 2008 onwards till 2013-14.

3. The Chief Engineer/Mettur Thermal Power Station-II has sent a proposal for  sanction of Monthly Thermal Allowance and Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus for the years 2014-15 and 2015-16 to the employees of Mettur Thermal Power Station-II (Consequent on sanction of commissioning incentive).


4. After careful examination of the proposal, the TANGEDCO hereby order as follows:

        i) The Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus and Monthly Thermal
                     Allowance paid in excess from 2008 to
                     2013-2014 shall be recovered from the employees of
                     Mettur Thermal Power Station-II.

       ii) The Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus to the employees 
                     of Mettur Thermal Power Station-II for the year
                     2014-15 shall not be allowed due to non achievement
                     of required slab of generation.

      iii) The Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus to the employees 
                     of Mettur Thermal Power Station-II (1x600 MW)     
                     for the year 2015-16 shall be granted as
                     per the slab of generation achieved at the rates
                     prescribed in (Per.) B.P. (Ch) No. 223 & 224 (SB)
                     Dated: 21.11.2009.

The Terms and Conditions for payment of Monthly Thermal Allowance and Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus is shown in Annexure.

5. The receipt of the Board's Proceedings shall be   acknowledged.


All Chief Engineers.
The Chief Financial Controller/General and Revenue/Accounts Branch.                                                                                                   
All Superintending Engineers.
All Deputy Secretaries/Secretariat Branch.
The Chief Internal Audit Officer/Audit Branch.

Copy to:-
The Chairman cum Managing Director's Table.
The Director General of Police/Vigilance.
The Managing Director/TANTRANSCO.
The Secretary/TANGEDCO/Chennai-2.
The Legal Adviser.
The Executive Assistant to Chairman cum Managing Director’s office.
The Industrial Relations Adviser/TANGEDCO.
The Deputy Chief Engineer/Administrative Branch.
All Senior Personnel Officers/Administrative Branch.

The Industrial Relations Officer/TANGEDCO.
The Assistant Personnel Officer/Tamil Development – for Publication
                                                      in the TNEB Bulletin (2 copies).
All Branches.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Workers' Federation.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Accounts & Executive  Staff Union.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Workers Progressive Union (LPF).
Central Organisation of Tamil Nadu Electricity Employees (COTEE).
Minsara Pirivu Anna Thozhir Sangam.
Tamil Nadu Minvariya Janatha Thozhilalar Sangam.
Tamil Nadu National Electricity Workers' Federation (2 Groups).
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineers' Sangam.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Employees Congress.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Thozhilalar Poriyalar Aykkiya Sangam.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineers' Association.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Finance & Accounts Officers Association.
Bharathiya Electricity Employees Federation.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Card Billing Staff Union.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Dr.Ambedkar Employees Union.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineers Union .



(1). Monthly Thermal Incentive Allowance.

(a)    i) The employees of the Mettur Thermal Power Station-II and 
      Mettur Thermal Power Project-II shall be granted a Monthly
      Thermal Incentive Allowance  linked to production on the
      scale specified   below at flat rates for various slabs of 
      basic pay at the rates prescribed in (Per.)
      B.P. (Ch) No. 223 & 224 (SB) Dated: 21.11.2009.

  ii) In  lieu  of  Project  Special  Pay and  Project Allowance, the 
      staff in the construction side of the Mettur Thermal Power
      Project-II will also be allowed the monthly Thermal
      Incentive Allowance as given to the staff of the Mettur
      Thermal Power Station-II.

(b)  Minimum out-put corresponding to the annual rate 
 of 5000 KWH/KW of installed capacity for the calendar month
 should have been achieved for eligibility to the Monthly
 Thermal Incentive Allowance.

(c)   As the Monthly Thermal Incentive Allowance is granted only as 
 an incentive for production, employees will not be eligible for
 this incentive allowance during the following periods:-

i)             during the periods of absence on leave other than casual leave or special casual leave or compensatory leave.

ii)            during suspension.

iii)          when the employee is charge-sheeted for any reason,        in-eligibility of the allowance for a period of  one month, the payment for the month being restored only if he is exonerated, subsequently.

 (2) Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus:-
    (a) i)   Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus is for the Accounting year        
                 commencing     from 1st  April of a year to the 31st March of      
                 commencing from 1st April of a year to the 31st March of the       
                 succeeding year. The employees on the role of the Mettur
                 Thermal Power Station-II who have been on actual duty   
                 (casual leave to be treated as actual duty) for 200 days in
                 the accounting year from 1st April to 31st March of the
                 succeeding year will be eligible to get the Annual Thermal
                 Incentive Bonus.
          ii)  A small construction side staff of Mettur Thermal Power
                 Project-II will also be allowed the Annual Thermal Incentive
                 Bonus in lieu of the Project Special Pay and Project Allowance
                 as given to the staff of the Mettur Thermal Power Station-II.
(b) The rates of Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus when generation 
      level reaches 5100 KWH.KW and the rate of Annual Thermal
      Incentive Bonus for the increase of every 100 KWH/KW
      over and above 5100 KWH.KW are as indicated in (Per.)
      B.P. (Ch) No. 223 & 224 (SB) Dated: 21.11.2009.
 (c)  i) The minimum output for the eligibility of the monthly thermal
             allowance, and also the output(s) for the admissibility of annual
             bonus shall be calculated on the basis of morning and evening
             peak period generation during the following hours:-
           During Summer   -  April to September 
Morning Peak Hours 
Evening Peak Hours
05.00 to 09.00
18.00 to 22.00
During Winter – October to March

06.00 to 10.00
17.00 to 21.00

          ii) The peak hour generation data intimated by the power station
              to the Southern Regional Electricity Board, Bangalore would
              form the basis for incentive benefits. The daily energy
              generated during the peak period shall be computed in million
              units based on the half hourly generation in M.W. furnished to
              the Southern Regional Electricity Board, Bangalore and these
              will be summated for each month and multiplied by three for
              arriving at the monthly generation. The above monthly
              generation figures would be further summated over the year.

        iii) The Thermal Station should carry out the instructions of the
              Load Despatch Centres of the TANTRANSCO regarding load
              variations during off peak period. If any additional generation is
              pumped into the Grid during these off peak period in violation
              of the instructions of Load Despatch Centres of the
              TANTRANSCO, the generation of Power for that day computed
              as in (i) will be deducted out of the monthly generation of the

(d) In Mettur Thermal Power Station-II /Mettur Thermal Power Project-II
     for extra hours approved and worked by the employees, a suitable
     reduction will be made from the total quantum of Annual Thermal
     Incentive Bonus, so that any over time paid is deducted from the
     total Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus Payable.



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