Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Inter-se-Seniority of Technical Assistant/Electrical from the year 2013 to 2015 – Tentative list – Communicated – Reg.

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144, Anna Salai,
Chennai - 600 002.
Memo. No. 18791/447/G.3/G.3(2)/2017-1, dated . 04.04.2017.
Establishment - Class III Service – Inter-se-Seniority of Technical Assistant/Electrical from the year 2013 to 2015 – Tentative list – Communicated  – Reg.
          The Inter-se-Seniority list of Technical Assistant/Electrical who were appointed through Internal selection, Direct Recruitment and Compassionate grounds from the year 2013 to 2015 has been issued and the seniority list as shown in the Annexure of this Memo.

          2) Thiru. R. Banukumar, (DOB – 20.05.1989), Technical Assistant/Electrical will take his rank below Thiru. S. Sivasankar,                             (DOB – 05.04.1978), Technical Assistant/Electrical who is the last person in the inter-se-seniority of Technical Assistant/Electrical.

          3) The Technical Assistant/Electrical are informed that if any discrepancy is found in the inter-se-seniority, they are entitled to make an appeal to the Chief Engineer/Personnel within a period of 30 days through the Superintending Engineer’s concerned since it is only a tentative seniority list. If no appeal is received within the said period, the tentative list communicated (Annexure) shall be deemed as final.

          4)  The receipt of Memo shall be acknowledged.

Encl: Annexure
                                                          Sd/-xxxx(dated 04.04.2017)
                                                                       (A.V. RAVI)
The Individuals,
          through the Superintending Engineers concerned.

Copy to the Superintending Engineers concerned.
                   They are requested to communicate the list to the TA/Elecl. working under your control.

Copy to the Chief Engineers concerned.
Copy to the Senior Personnel Officer/Recruitment
Copy to the G.57 Sec./Adm. Br.
Copy to the stock file.

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