Friday, July 31, 2015

Junior Assistants (Accounts) to Assistant (Accounts) . - suitability report and D.P. particulars etc Called



Chief Engineer/Personnel (Addl. Ch.),
8th Floor, NPKRR Maaligai,
144, Anna Salai, Chennai-600 002.


All the Chief Engineers,
All the Additional Chief Engineers,
All the Superintending Engineers/  
The CFC/General.

Letter No.052963/205/G.29/G291/2015-1,  dated  :   28.07.2015.

Sub :
Establishment - Class III Service - Preparation of panel for promotion to the post of Assistant (Accounts) for the crucial date of 20.03.2015 - suitability report and D.P. particulars etc. - called for.

                   I am to request you to furnish the suitability reports of all the Junior Assistants/Typists/Steno-Typists in Accounts Cadre in respect of those who have qualified by passing the Account Test for Sub-ordinate Officers Part-I as on 20.03.2015 in the new format enclosed individually in Quadruplicate (4 Copies) which should be in A4 size xerox paper  along with a copy of SSLC mark sheet, since their cases are likely to come up for consideration for promotion as Assistant (Accounts).

            2)       I am also to request you to furnish the details of persons  who have been overlooked in the earlier  panels, due to DP Pending/ Undergoing punishment and the  cases  of those whose Temporary relinquishment period  has been expired as on 20.03.2015. The date of completion of           3 (Three) years period of  temporary relinquishment is to be furnished without fail.

          3)       The Chief Engineers/Superintending Engineers are also informed to send the suitability reports only after verification of the gazette published by TNPSC. Suitability reports along with a copy of the result downloaded from the TNPSC website shall not  be entertained.


:: 2 :: 

                   4)       I am to inform you that the Suitability Reports should be personally verified and signed by the Chief Engineer/Additional Chief Engineer/Superintending Engineer, CFC/General, concerned only.

          5)       Further I am to request you to furnish only the names of all the qualified Junior Assistants/Typists/Steno-Typists in Accounts Cadre whose  date of joining and date of completion of probation period falls on or before 20.03.2015.

          6)       I  am  to  request   you  to  send  the  reports  on  or   before 25.08.2015 in complete shape enclosing the D.P. particulars and copy of final orders if any in QUATRUPLICATE (4 Copies) without fail.
          7)       The position of the D.P. particulars should be reported to this Office then and there without fail.

Encl : One Format.

Yours faithfully

Sd./XXX (29.07.2015)

                    (R. LAKSHMI)
 Asst. Personnel Officer/ Panel (Non-Tech.)
         for Chief Engineer/ Personnel.




Name and Designation

Date of Birth

Date of joining as J.A./Typist/Steno-Typist in Accounts Cadre.

Date of completion of probation in the post of JA/Typist/Steno-Typist


Possess Minimum General Educational Qualification.

Passed Account Test for Sub-ordinate Officers Part-I, and if so Regn. No. Month & Year of passing.

Passed the Language Test in case required.(SSLC/Tamil – pass/Fail)

Whether any D.P./Vigilance enquiry is pending against the individual and if so to indicate the nature of charges in brief and the present stage

Whether any punishment has been imposed.  If so, the details may be furnished.

Normal due date of increment.

Date of commencement of punishment

Date of completion of punishment.

If any appeal is made by the individual the order issued/latest position on the appeal should be furnished.

Relinquishment if any date of Commencement and completion.

Whether he/she is suitable for promotion.

                                  CHIEF ENGINEER/ADDITIONAL CHIEF ENGINEER/CFC/Gl.
                                                  SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER

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