Saturday, April 25, 2015

Assessor to I.A Panel orders

(Administrative Branch)

8th, floor N.P.K.R.R. Maaligai,

144, Anna Salai, Chennai - 2.

Memo No.092618/620/G25/G252/2014-16, dated 24.04.2015.

Establishment - Class III Service - Assessor/ Supernumerary Inspector of Assessment - Promotion to the post of Inspector of Assessment - (Regular) - List of Selected and not selected persons in the panel - communicated.


          Under Regulation 92 of Tamil Nadu  Electricity  Board Service Regulations, 220 names of Assessors detailed in the Annexure-A to this memo. are informed that they have been selected and included in the panel for promotion to the post of Inspector of Assessment on regular basis.

          2)  The 136 Assessors detailed in the Annexure-B to this memo. are informed that they are not selected for inclusion in the panel for the reason furnished in the Annexure.  They are informed that they may prefer appeal against their non-selection if any, to the Chairman/TNEB within two months from the date of communication of this memo.  If no appeal is received within the prescribed time limit, the approved list communicated shall be deemed to be final.

          3)  Thiru.K.Mohan,  DOB:28.03.1959, Nilgirs  Electricity Distribution Circle will take rank below Thiru.V.Manikandan, DOB:20.06.1975, Salem Electricity Distribution Circle  the seniority of others in the post of Inspector of Assessments shall be order as indicated in the Annexure-A

          4)  The Suitability Reports in  respect of 10 Assessors mentioned in Annexure-”C" have not been furnished by the Superintending Engineer's Concerned.  The Superintending Engineer's are requested to ascertain if any SNIA/Assessors are working in their Circle once again  and if so furnish reports if any on or before 30.04.2015.  If none is available a NIL report may be sent.



          5)  The names of Assessors furnished in the Annexure "D" are appointed to other post through internal selection and the names of Assessors furnished in the Annexure "E" are Retired/Expired.

          6)  The list communicated to the individuals concerned.  They are directed to acknowledge the receipt of this memo.



1) Annexure-A, Annexure-B, Annexure-C , Annexure-D and Annexure-E


The Individuals,
    through Superintending Engineers/Concerned.

Copy to the Superintending Engineer Concerned.
                   They are requested to serve the memo. to the individuals and obtain and forward the dated acknowledgement promptly.

Copy to the Chief Engineer/Distribution/
Copy to G.26 Section.
Copy to G.25(1) Section.
Copy to G.59(1) Section.


Sd./- XXX (24.04.2015)
MEMO NO.092618/620/G25/G252/2014-16, DATED 24.04.2015.
List of Assesors selected for Promotion to the Post Inspector of Assesment 
Sl. No. Seny. No. Name of the Assessor Date of Birth Date of Joining Present Circle
1 26 Mohan. K 28.03.1959 06.03.1984 Nilgiris EDC
2 169 Kuppusamy. N 04.02.1960 28.11.1984 Chennai EDC/West
3 1001 Chelladurai.V 06.10.1961 15.07.1985 Tuticorin EDC
4 2152 Chandramohan .P 29.05.1966 10.04.1987 Nilgiris
5 2201 Kuppuraj.R 21.03.1964 07.07.1987 Perambalur EDC
6 2259 Kumar.S. 25.05.1967 30.09.1993 Coimbatore EDC/
7 2261 Madeswaran.B. 20.05.1968 29.09.1989 Chennai EDC/Central
8 2349 Senthilselvan.P 12.09.1971 26.04.1995 Sivaganga EDC
9 2372 Johnson .J 20.04.1966 31.03.1995 Tirunelveli EDC
10 2440 Sureshkumar. V 10.04.1973 28.02.1995 Cuddalore EDC
11 2458 Anand.S. 28.05.1972 19.06.1995 Chennai EDC/South
12 2482 Ravichandran.K. 28.08.1972 27.02.1995 Chennai EDC/South
13 2891 Raman.N. 21.04.1959 08.12.1995 Nilgiris EDC
14 3033 Chandra.S. 10.05.1958 17.11.1995 Erode EDC
15 3651 (m) Ravi. G 04.02.1962 15.03.1995 Thanjavur EDC
16 3693 Saravana Kumar. P 07.05.1968 23.07.1999 Namakkal EDC
17 3696 Ravi Selvam.V 31.05.1965 05.10.1999 Tirunelveli EDC
18 3748 Ramesh. K 12.05.1974 02.06.2000 Villupuram EDC
19 3805 Karthikeyan. J 06.06.1973 05.10.2002 Madurai EDC
20 4080 Sankaranand. M 05.04.1980 21.12.2001 Nilgiris EDC
21 4109 Saravanan. M 03.03.1974 04.03.2002 Krishnagiri EDC
22 4202 Siva. R 20.03.1983 11.11.2002 Kancheepuram EDC
23 4327 Kalaivanan. T 02.09.1979 19.03.2003 Tiruvarur EDC
24 4346 Periya Samy. N 01.11.1976 26.02.2003 Gobi EDC
25 4373 Palanivel. K 11.03.1977 28.02.2003 Cuddalore EDC
26 4409 Martin Noble. R 05.05.1984 13.09.2003 Kanyakumari EDC
27 4431 Sekaran. M 13.04.1977 05.05.2003 Vellore EDC
28 4439 Ramaraj. V 04.03.1960 09.06.2003 Chennai EDC/South
29 4453 Balakrishnan. M 20.05.1978 19.05.2003 Dindigul EDC
30 4456 Abuthahir. M 10.04.1977 08.05.2003 Dindigul EDC
31 4468 Sakthivel. N 16.10.1976 02.06.2003 Namakkal EDC
32 4641 Anthony. S 01.06.1981 15.10.2003 Dharmapuri EDC
33 4659 Rajamani. N 15.05.1969 27.10.2003 Tiruppur EDC
34 4688 Rajasekaran. K 02.06.1969 22.09.2003 Tiruvannamalai EDC
35 4754 Saravanakumar. R 08.05.1979 15.12.2003 Trichy EDC/Metro
36 4803 Suresh Kumar. S 25.04.1981 08.07.2004 Chengalpattu EDC
37 4804 Deenadayalan. B 15.11.1982 23.07.2004 Chennai EDC/South
38 4817 Palanisamy. V 04.06.1971 05.01.2005 Trichy EDC/Metro
39 4905 Sundaramurthy. K 09.05.1982 21.07.2004 Chennai EDC/North
40 4933 Jaisankar. P 01.06.1984 14.01.2005 Trichy EDC/Metro
41 5027 Abdul Rahman.V 25.05.1973 22.02.2005 Tirunelveli EDC
42 5075 Kathiravan. S 22.05.1981 31.12.2004 Mettur EDC
43 5088 Tamilvanan. P 20.06.1971 04.02.2005 Perambalur EDC
44 5101 Nagaraj. B 26.07.1977 14.03.2005 Chennai EDC/North
45 5184 Yellanty Penukondaiah 31.07.1977 05.10.2005 Chennai EDC/North
46 5188 Ravikumar. S 12.04.1982 15.10.2005 Perambalur EDC
47 5246 Mariammal. A 05.06.1986 30.12.2005 Tirunelveli EDC
48 5313 Sathish. S 07.07.1977 11.09.2006 Perambalur EDC
49 5314 Murali. A 04.02.1983 11.09.2006 Trichy EDC/Metro
50 5315 Suresh. V 23.05.1987 07.03.2007 Tirunelveli EDC
51 5316 Rangarajan. S 19.06.1974 30.08.2006 Cuddalore EDC
52 5319 Ravi. J 15.09.1981 20.09.2006 Chennai EDC/West
53 5322 Suresh Kumar. T 22.05.1973 22.09.2006 Chengalpattu EDC
54 5323 Udayakumar. V 10.09.1987 13.09.2006 Chennai EDC/South
55 5326 Vimal. S 17.02.1981 01.11.2006 Tiruppur EDC
56 5327 Maheswari. R 15.07.1968 25.10.2006 Vellore EDC
57 5328 Priyadharshini. V 06.02.1984 15.12.2006 Thanjavur EDC
58 5329 Meena. A 27.03.1982 15.11.2006 Chennai EDC/Central
59 5330 Kathammal. M 18.05.1980 18.12.2006 Tirunelveli EDC
60 5332 Ponnalagi. S 08.12.1985 28.11.2006 Chennai EDC/South
61 5334 Sivasankari. M 25.05.1978 27.11.2006 Krishnagiri EDC
62 5335 Karpaga Sundari. J 04.02.1974 23.11.2006 Chennai EDC/South
63 5336 Vijayalakshmi. K 19.03.1972 25.09.2006 Krishnagiri EDC
64 5337 Chitra. R 05.09.1974 11.12.2006 Chengalpattu EDC
65 5338 Mohan. B 29.06.1978 22.11.2006 Chennai EDC/West
66 5339 Udaiyar. R 06.01.1974 19.02.2007 Virudhunagar EDC
67 5341 Rani Lakshmi. P 08.04.1972 13.11.2006 Chennai EDC/Central
68 5343 Mariappan. S 01.10.1976 15.12.2006 Virudhunagar EDC
69 5344 Fathima Beevi. S 03.02.1976 03.01.2007 Virudhunagar EDC
70 5345 Ramesh. C 02.12.1973 15.12.2006 Thanjavur EDC
71 5349 Bharathy. N 09.01.1976 27.12.2006 Chennai EDC/North
72 5350 Puviyarasu. M 30.04.1977 16.02.2007 Chennai EDC/South
73 5351 Lakhsmi Narasimhan. K 19.01.1968 05.02.2007 Chennai EDC/North
74 5352 Ramesh Babu. N 15.03.1974 22.09.2006 Trichy EDC/Metro
75 5353 Sahadevan. ;M 04.12.1976 16.12.2006 Tirunelveli EDC
76 5354 Ragunathan. T 21.02.1969 01.11.2006 Nilgiris EDC
77 5355 Revathi. E 26.09.1983 06.11.2006 Chennai EDC/South
78 5356 Amutha. S 23.07.1965 29.12.2006 Virudhunagar EDC
79 5358 Anbarasan. R 14.03.1981 10.11.2006 Chennai EDC/North
80 5359 Rajagopal. V 04.02.1980 23.11.2006 Chengalpattu EDC
81 5360 Saleem Basha. A 19.07.1973 06.12.2006 Chennai EDC/South
82 5361 Sivamani. S 15.04.1965 04.12.2006 Virudhunagar EDC
83 5363 Anubharathi. R 28.06.1971 27.10.2006 Tiruvannamalai EDC
84 5364 Vanitha. N 15.07.1973 06.12.2006 Chennai EDC/North
85 5365 Sreedevi. S 08.06.1974 07.12.2006 Tripathur EDC
86 5367 Nithyavalli. K 07.12.1980 20.11.2006 Chengalpattu EDC
87 5368 Kumudha. N 08.06.1977 07.11.2006 Chennai EDC/South
88 5369 Murugesan. T 12.06.1973 15.12.2006 Thanjavur EDC
89 5370 Mahadevan. S 04.06.1973 14.03.2007 Tirunelveli EDC
90 5371 Ramalingam. A 27.06.1973 11.12.2006 Chennai EDC/South
91 5372 Jagadheeswaran. A 08.05.1974 30.12.2006 Udumalpet EDC
92 5373 Uma Maheswari. T 14.10.1984 08.11.2006 Madurai EDC/Metro
93 5375 Ganga. R 15.08.1975 26.11.2006 Chengalpattu EDC
94 5376 Babu. S 01.06.1980 30.11.2006 karur EDC
95 5377 Manikandan. T 04.06.1983 28.02.2007 Madurai EDC
96 5378 Rajarajan. B 09.06.1980 02.11.2006 Pudukottai EDC
97 5379 Gomathy. S 10.05.1987 23.11.2006 Dindigul EDC
98 5380 Sathish Kumar. D 12.05.1985 15.11.2006 Cuddalore EDC
99 5381 Kalaivani. K 05.06.1984 27.02.2006 Namakkal EDC
100 5382 Govarthanan. M 07.06.1985 10.01.2007 Cuddalore EDC
101 5383 Daisy Rani. A 12.05.1973 16.03.2007 Thanjavur EDC
102 5384 Arputharaj. T 02.05.1969 26.12.2006 Dharmapuri EDC
103 5385 Ayyadurai. M 20.05.1987 15.12.2006 Mettur EDC
104 5386 Prakash. G 20.07.1973 15.12.2006 Chennai EDC/South
105 5388 Prem Kumar. P 08.10.1980 16.12.2006 Chengalpattu EDC
106 5389 Boopathi. C 09.09.1986 12.12.2006 Coimbatore EDC/Metro
107 5390 Sivakumar. A 02.06.1974 22.11.2006 Udumalpet EDC
108 5391 Ponnudurai. M 27.07.1978 01.12.2006 Namakkal EDC
109 5392 Vinoth. S 25.09.1986 27.12.2006 Chennai EDC/Central
110 5393 Pandiammal. K 21.02.1983 03.01.2007 Virudhunagar EDC
111 5394 Ganesan. J 14.08.1986 05.02.2007 Cuddalore EDC
112 5395 Senthil. A 04.06.1982 29.12.2006 Ramnad EDC
113 5396 Kamalakannan. R 29.06.1980 01.02.2007 Thanjavur EDC
114 5398 Loganayaki. M 05.06.1975 24.01.2007 Gobi EDC
115 5399 Kumaran.M 10.04.1979 29.01.2007 Dharmapuri EDC
116 5400 Felix Arokia Raj. J 03.03.1983 01.02.2007 Dharmapuri EDC
117 5403 Lawrance. K 08.06.1984 07.02.2007 Theni EDC
118 5404 Amudha. S 15.06.1972 22.01.2007 Dindigul EDC
119 5405 Jayaprakash. M 30.04.1986 29.01.2007 Dharmapuri EDC
120 5406 Stanli. S 13.03.1975 12.07.2007 Kanyakumari EDC
121 5408 Meenakshi. N 20.06.1985 02.02.2007 Salem EDC
122 5410 Velingiri. A 29.05.1974 29.01.2007 Erode EDC
123 5411 Selvaprakash. C 10.03.1986 02.03.2007 Madurai EDC
124 5412 Thirugnanam. P 05.06.1973 01.02.2007 Trichy EDC/Metro
125 5415 Senthil. V 25.02.1984 15.02.2007 Chennai EDC/North
126 5416 Sudhakar. C 24.07.1988 21.02.2007 Tirupathur EDC
127 5419 Balasubramanian. V 05.05.1975 08.02.2007 Erode EDC
128 5420 Jayamani. K 10.05.1987 22.02.2007 Tiruvannamalai EDC
129 5421 Jayapriya. S 10.05.1987 07.02.2007 karur EDC
130 5422 Anbu Selvam. C 17.07.1987 01.03.2007 Perambalur EDC
131 5423 Samu. A 19.07.1982 22.02.207 Chennai EDC/North
132 5424 Ilayasingam. A 07.06.1975 15.03.2007 Thanjavur EDC
133 5425 Felix . H 08.09.1986 28.02.2007 Chennai EDC/South
134 5428 Parimala. V 05.06.1985 28.03.2007 Perambalur EDC
135 5431 Mani. P 27.04.1981 09.05.2007 Madurai EDC/Metro
136 5432 Rosaly. A 18.01.1970 19.10.2007 Udumalpet EDC
137 5435 Uma Maheswari. M 10.05.1982 16.05.2007 Mettur EDC
138 5436 Muthukumar. C 25.06.1988 21.05.2007 Dindigul EDC
139 5437 Karaiyadi Selvan. S 26.06.1977 05.06.2007 Pudukottai EDC
140 5440 Kolappan. C 11.03.1976 15.11.2007 Kanyakumari EDC
141 5442 Shanthi. D 01.06.1979 02.06.2007 Trichy EDC/Metro
142 5443 Kannan. N 30.03.1988 11.06.2007 Cuddalore EDC
143 5445 Sellamani. M 14.05.1987 28.05.2007 Dindigul EDC
144 5446 Rajesh. A 21.06.1980 14.06.2007 Chennai EDC/North
145 5447 Prabhakaran. R 23.05.1973 14.06.2007 Chennai EDC/South
146 5448 Ramesh Kumar. V 08.09.1987 16.12.2007 Virudhunagar EDC
147 5449 Velmurugan. T 14.03.1977 25.06.2007 Tirunelveli EDC
148 5450 Vivekanandan. M 03.09.1977 06.06.2007 Dharmapuri EDC
149 5451 Usha. R 01.06.1987 25.06.2007 Tiruppathur EDC
150 5452 Sasidharan. M 10.03.1983 29.06.2007 Chennai EDC/North
151 5455 Ranjith. R 27.05.1981 09.07.2007 Kancheepuram EDC
152 5456 Manikkarasi. M 18.05.1970 27.06.2007 Tuticorin EDC
153 5457 Ramesh. S 28.06.1978 21.06.2007 Tirunelveli EDC
154 5458 Sumathi. G 05.05.1980 02.08.2007 Mettur EDC
155 5460 Jagadeesh. S 28.05.1986 16.07.2007 Chennai EDC/South
156 5462 Senthil Kumar.P 26.02.1975 12.03.2010 Chennai EDC/South
157 5463 Jothiram. R.P. 25.03.1976 08.08.2007 Namakkal EDC
158 5464 Muthu. K 22.05.1983 01.08.2007 Vellore EDC
159 5465 Jeby. C.K. 02.05.1985 25.08.2007 Coimbatore EDC/Metro
160 5466 Ramesh. P 09.11.1979 08.08.2007 Cuddalore EDC
161 5468 Sathaya Keerthi. M 10.05.1987 06.09.2007 Chennai EDC/North
162 5471 Victor Manoj Kumar.E 16.12.1985 28.09.2007 Chennai EDC/West
163 5472 Sulakshna. G 10.04.1988 16.08.2007 Tiruvannamalai EDC
164 5473 Suresh Kumar. D 02.05.1976 05.09.2007 Tiruvannamalai EDC
165 5474 Aruldoss. M 20.06.1988 10.09.2007 Cuddalore EDC
166 5475 Renukadevi. S 21.04.1968 24.08.2007 Chennai EDC/Central
167 5477 Johnsi Rani. R 20.05.1987 24.08.2007 Thanjavur EDC
168 5478 Rajkumar. S 25.05.1980 Perambalur EDC
169 5481 Mohanraj. M 01.05.1985 30.10.2007 Kancheepuram EDC
170 5482 Andal . P 14.10.1970 05.09.2007 Tirunelveli EDC
171 5484 Kathirvel. V.K. 04.04.1978 13.09.2007 Erode EDC
172 5485 Indumathy. K 01.03.1980 26.09.2007 Theni EDC
173 5487 Kamal. S 02.06.1981 26.10.2007 Salem EDC
174 5488 Kanagamani. A 27.07.1973 21.09.2007 Dindigul EDC
175 5489 Sridhar. P 10.06.1981 10.10.2007 Chennai EDC/South
176 5490 Babu. R 09.06.1969 11.09.2007 Nilgiris EDC
177 5491 Saravanan. K.S. 07.04.1982 26.09.2007 Tiruvannamalai EDC
178 5493 Bharathi. S.P. 21.01.1981 28.09.2007 Tuticorin EDC
179 5494 Kumaraguru. S 01.06.1987 28.10.2003 Chengalpattu EDC
180 5496 Muralidharan. N 05.07.1987 06.12.2007 Krishnagiri EDC
181 5497 Kalai Selvan. S 22.06.1976 01.11.2007 Chennai EDC/West
182 5498 Murugesan. S 15.06.1974 31.10.2007 Chennai EDC/West
183 5500 Baskaran. M 18.04.1970 01.11.2007 Chennai EDC/North
184 5501 Saravanan. V 23.10.1972 01.11.2007 Chennai EDC/West
185 5502 Durgadevi. S 01.06.1988 01.11.2007 Chennai EDC/West
186 5503 Srikumar. C 04.05.1972 14.12.2007 Chennai EDC/North
187 5507 Sagaya Mac Donald.A 17.11.1968 08.10.2007 Chennai EDC/North
188 5509 Sukumar. M 29.04.1973 24.09.2007 Karur EDC
189 5511 Veeramani. K 05.02.1984 05.11.2007 Thanjavur EDC
190 5512 Mohan. B 13.05.1981 10.10.2007 Karur EDC
191 5513 Suresh. C 25.03.1984 08.10.2007 Dindigul EDC
192 5514 Ibrahim. B 07.01.1981 05.11.2007 Karur EDC
193 5515 Vennila. J 18.11.1972 12.11.2007 Chennai EDC/West
194 5519 Radha. R 01.06.1988 21.11.2007 Kallakurichi EDC
195 5520 Jayaprakash. S 15.05.1982 01.11.2007 Coimbatore/ South
196 5523 Praveen Kumar. P 24.10.1984 04.01.2008 Coimbatore EDC/North
197 5524 Stalin. K 25.03.1986 03.01.2008 Chengalpattu EDC
198 5525 Ravi. M 29.09.1984 06.06.2008 Chennai EDC/West
199 5529 Nathiya. B 03.07.1984 06.12.2007 Thanjavur EDC
200 5531 Suganya. R 24.06.1986 28.12.2007 Tirupathur EDC
201 5533 Senthil Murugan. M 04.12.1977 29.12.2007 Tiruvannamalai EDC
202 5535 Ambika. N 12.06.1988 01.02.2008 Namakkal EDC
203 5538 Balaganesh. M 24.03.1989 13.02.2008 Tuticorin EDC
204 5539 Arokia Amala Jothi. C 04.04.1975 06.02.2008 Pudukottai EDC
205 5540 Jayasreedevi. M.S. 03.04.1966 19.08.2008 Kanyakumari EDC
206 5541 Vasantha Kumar. A 06.10.1988 24.03.2008 Chennai EDC/North
207 5543 Thanga Raju. P 07.06.1983 22.02.2008 Dindigul EDC
208 5544 Bhargavi. M 26.11.1987 24.03.2008 Chennai EDC/North
209 5545 Sri Karthick. A 04.06.1988 03.03.2008 Theni EDC
210 5546 Ravikumar. R 10.05.1980 17.03.2008 Erode EDC
211 5547 Manimegalai. J 09.01.1989 19.03.2008 Chennai EDC/North
212 5548 Kandeepan. V 03.04.1984 03.03.2008 Kallakurichi EDC
213 5550 Ganesh Moorthi. P 04.06.1980 07.03.2008 Dharmapuri EDC
214 5551 Saranya. S 16.06.1988 17.09.2008 Perambalur EDC
215 5552 Jagadeesan. S 23.06.1987 05.03.2008 Tiruvannamalai EDC
216 5553 Boopathi. S 26.05.1980 19.03.2008 Namakkal EDC
217 5554 Swarnalatha. P 03.04.1971 03.04.2008 Cuddalore EDC
218 5555 Kokila. C 22.05.1987 05.04.2008 Madurai EDC/Metro
219 5557 Nalini. D 04.06.1971 16.04.2008 Vellore EDC
220 5558 Sathish Kumar.V 04.06.1983 24.04.2008 Chennai EDC/North
Sd./- XXX(24.04.2015)
MEMO NO.092618/620/G25/G252/2014-16, DATED  24.04.2015.
List of Assessors Not Selected due to DP/Pending/Undergoing punishment on the Crucial date/date of Consideration to the post of Inspector of Assessment
Sl. No. Seny. No. Name of the Assessor Date of Birth Date of Joining Present Circle Remarks
1 3812 Ganesan. K 05.06.1957 01.12.1983 Dindigul EDC Under going various punishment for        20 yrs   from 22.01.1998 to 2016
2 1711 Mani. P 06.04.1964 22.11.1985 Salem EDC Under going punishment (F.O.
 dt. 02.09.2007) 01.10.1999 to 30.08.2016
3 1961 Sundarajan. K 12.05.1966 02.12.1985 Nilgiris EDC Under going punishment (1. F.O. dt. 22.08.2009 2. F.O. dt. 18.08.2010) 01.10.2010 to 30.09.2014.
4 1976 Munusamy. A 03.06.1966 08.01.1986 Namakkal EDC Under going punishment continuosly
5 1986 Munirathinam. J 01.05.1960 17.02.1986 Kancheepuram EDC Under going punishment          (Misappropriation of Boards money recovery of Rs. 83.765/- F.O. dt. 01.06.2012) 01.06.2012 to 31.05.2014 reduction of time scale of pay for 3 years
6 2005 Ravi. S.P. 20.05.1967 13.03.1986 Namakkal EDC Under going punishment (final order 16.09.2013)
7 2072 Subash. A 23.04.1958 19.09.1986 Krishnagiri EDC Under going punishment 03.11.2004 to 18.02.2011.
8 2159 Jayamurugan. R 17.05.1967 27.04.1987 Vellore EDC Unauthorized absence from 02.05.2014 to 09.09.2014
9 2226 Maheswari. B 27.05.1958 11.11.1987 Ramnad EDC  Charges pending 
10 2350 Thiyagarajan. V 18.05.1961 02.06.1995 Tiruvarur EDC Under going punishment from 28.07.2010 onwards (F.O. dt. 28.07.2010 & 24.12.2013) stop page of increment
11 2359 Kalil Ahamed. V 28.09.1970 30.04.1995 Vellore EDC  (Dowry Case)   CC.No.63/08 criminal case pending W.P. filed requesting promotion WP. No.
12 2378 Jayaprakash. A 27.04.1970 13.02.1992 Theni EDC Under going punishment (major charges framed.) Multiple punishment from 01.07.1997 to 06.05.2013. Suspension from 12.02.2013. criminal case field in FIR No. 32.13.
13 2416 Anbu. E 03.06.1974 08.03.1995 Salem EDC Under going punishment 01.01.2002 to 31.12.2018 (unauthorized absent for a long time)
14 2419 Sundar. S 19.06.1968 18.05.2006 Udumalpet EDC Under going punishment (F.O.20.04.2013) (01.07.2013 to 30.09.2014) one year   (Negligence in Duty)
15 2463 Kanagaraj.R. 30.04.1972 30.03.1995 Udumalpet EDC Under going punishment 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2018.
16 2493 Arokiyaraj. P 05.04.1965 20.02.1995 Cuddalore EDC Under going punishment (unathorized absent from 20.06.2006 to till date)
17 2506 Ramesh Babu. S 25.07.1970 22.03.1995 Dharmapuri EDC D.P. Pending suspension on 19.11.2012  charges framed on 22.03.2013.
18 2547 Rajalingam. S 19.10.1962 16.11.1995 Krishnagiri EDC D.P. Pending (charges dt. 26.08.2013.) Unathorized absence.
19 2624 Sadasivam. L 29.04.1960 25.11.1995 Salem EDC Under going punishment 01.10.2002 to 01.10.2015.
20 3071 Devaraj. D 21.01.1961 02.04.1996 Chennai  EDC/
 Long absent  03.04.2012 to till date 
21 3324 Saradha. M 28.04.1962 22.11.1995 Chennai EDC/
Not passed Tamil Language Test
22 3345 Sivakumar. K 07.06.1964 22.03.1996 Pudukottai EDC Under going punishment 01.01.2011 to 31.12.2014
23 3357 Thillairajan. S 24.02.1962 25.03.1996 Tuticorin EDC Under going punishment (F.O. dt. 30.06.2014) 01.01.2015 to 31.12.2015
24 3480 Baskar. G 24.06.1960 24.05.1996 Chengalpattu EDC Under going punishment 06.09.2011 to 05.09.2015.
25 3633 Govindaraju. A 02.05.1964 19.07.1999 Salem EDC Under going punishment 01.07.2006 to 21.10.2021
26 3687 Thulasi Rao. G 23.07.1976 22.01.1997 Chennai EDC/
Criminal case (Court Case) pending suspended on 14.04.2004 and rejoined on 17.04.2013.
27 3709 Selvaraj. P 27.05.1968 13.05.1998 Gobi EDC Under going punishment (unathorized absent from 26.11.2007 to till date)
28 3724 Duraisingh. A 07.06.1967 06.08.1999 Tuticorin EDC Under going punishment (F.O. dt. 15.04.2013) 07.01.2011 to 01.07.2017
29 3730 Joseph. S 06.06.1977 26.05.2000 Chennai EDC/South Under going punishment (for Unathorized absence) 01.04.2014 to 30.09.2014, charges pending on crucial date.
30 3745 Arunprakash.K 01.06.1979 05.06.2000 Madurai EDC/Metro Criminal Case pending. (Private) (suspension from 03.09.2011 to 06.02.2012.)
31 3780 Jayapal. P 03.06.1974 31.05.2000 Erode EDC Under going punishment (charges framed on Memo.    dt. 19.08.2014) 17.11.2012 to 31.03.2016  (increment dt. 01.04.2012.)
32 3795 Leelaram. J @    J.L.Krishna 14.06.1979 01.06.2000 Chennai/North Under going punishment 
33 3800 Manikandan. M.S. 04.07.1980 25.05.2000 Tiruvarur EDC Unauthorized absent from 23.08.2012 to till date.
34 3801 Ravichandran. C 13.04.1979 31.05.2000 Tuticorin EDC Under going punishment (D.P. Pending) 08.05.2007 to 31.12.2017.
35 3867 Babu. V 12.06.1970 12.06.2000 Cuddalore EDC Under going punishment (F.O. dt. 27.06.2014)           (dt. Of completion 31.03.2015) charges pending on C.D.
36 3905 Prabakaran. K 05.05.1976 02.08.2000 Villupuram EDC Under going punishment (D.P. Pending, charges     dt. 07.03.2013) (unathorized ansence)
37 3909 Senthilkumar.M. 17.02.1973 26.06.2000 Krishnagiri EDC Under going punishment 06.12.2014 to 01.04.2018                 1. F.O. dt. 06.02.2014   2. F.O. dt. 16.06.2014
38 3921 Kulothungan. N 17.04.1974 30.06.2000 Trichy EDC/Metro Under going punishment (dt. Of commencement 25.06.2014) (charges pending on C.D)
39 3955 Catherinemary. T 14.04.1981 07.08.2000 Thanjavur EDC Under going punishment 01.07.2008 to 30.06.2015 (D.P. pending.)
40 4002 Sivaranjani.A. 04.06.1980 27.12.2000 Karur EDC Under going punishment 01.10.2013 to 30.09.2014 
41 4036 Kavitha. K 08.04.1973 22.09.2001 Trichy EDC/Metro Under going punishment 01.10.2006 to 30.03.2016.
42 4090 Ramesh. A 27.05.1975 09.01.2002 Namakkal EDC Charges pending on crucial date & Undergoing punishment 
43 4173 (b) (b) Vijaya.S 05.01.1968 22.02.2001 Tiruvannamalai EDC Under going punishment on Crucial Date 
44 4231 Chinnanan.P 15.05.1975 27.09.2002 Namakkal EDC Undergoing punishment on Crucial date
45 4238 Gunasundari. S 21.12.1982 06.03.2003 Chennai EDC/North Under going punishment (F.O. dt. 13.03.2014) 01.07.2014 to 01.07.2015 (1 year w.o.c.e.)
46 4270 Bethrasu. A 17.04.1977 07.03.2003 Madurai EDC/Metro Under going punishment (D.P. Pending) 19.09.2011 to 18.09.2013 and unathorized absent for 473 days postponed increment)
47 4303 Ashokkumar. P 17.04.1980 31.01.2003 Krishnagiri EDC Under going punishment (charges Memo. dt. 23.11.2012) dt. Of completion 30.06.2015.
48 4313 Velmurugan. R 31.07.1974 29.01.2003 Namakkal EDC Under going punishment (D.P. Pending) D.P. initiated vide Memo.            dt. 04.01.2013 Charges framed for misappropriate of Board's money
49 4332 Sasikumar.C. 04.06.1979 05.02.2003 Erode EDC Under going punishment                1) 11.02.2011 to 13.06.2013                2) 30.06.2013 to 03.06.2015 (2 Punishment)
50 4344 Basappan. P 10.01.1975 12.03.2003 Krishnagiri EDC Under going punishment from                 10.04.2006 Unauthorized absent from 24.07.2011 to till date
51 4418 Manikandan. U 26.10.1979 11.04.2003 Tiruvarur EDC Under going punishment                on various D.P.
52 4432 Kalidoss. T 30.06.1982 28.03.2003 Tirunelveli EDC Under going punishment  08.01.2013 to 30.06.2015 (F.O. dt. 08.01.2013, (2 years w.c.e.)  
53 4463 Rajinikanth. J 25.06.1980 18.06.2003 Krishnagiri EDC Under going punishment  (unauthorized absent from 20.11.2012 to till date)
54 4477 Sridhar. V.V.  21.10.1983 30.05.2003 Nagai EDC Under going punishment from   27.12.1999 to Approximately up to year 2026.
55 4499 Kannan N.T. 22.06.1981 26.06.2003 Dharmapuri EDC  (D.P. Pending) Charges pending on Crucial date
56 4501 Pandian.C. 08.07.1978 20.06.2003 Dharmapuri EDC  (D.P. Pending)
57 4511 Velu. M 11.05.1974 22.07.2003 Chengalpattu EDC Under going punishment  01.04.2009 to 30.09.2014 (unauthorized absent from 17.03.2014 to 01.05.2014.)
58 4513 Murugesan. C 20.05.1984 26.12.2003 Tiruvarur EDC Under going punishment  commencement from  12.09.2006.
59 4522 Ramesh. R.C. 24.09.1972 30.06.2003 Chennai EDC/West Under going punishment  01.01.2012 to 01.01.2022 1) F.O. dt. 31.07.2013 2) F.O. dt. 29.01.2014. 3) F.O. dt. 10.08.2014. 4) F.O. dt. 01.03.2014.
60 4523 Krishore. K 05.05.1984 25.09.2003 Coimbatore EDC/
Under going punishment  (Unauthorized absent) dt. of Commencement 02.07.2009.
61 4572 Vijay. D 18.04.1984 07.08.2003 Nagai EDC Under going punishment 06.12.2006 to 2020.
62 4616 Gomathi. P 27.05.1981 11.08.2003 Chennai EDC/North Under going punishment (F.O. dt. 13.03.2014) 01.01.2015 to 01.01.2016.
63 4620 Dhinakaran. C 11.06.1984 29.09.2003 Kancheepuram EDC Under going punishment D.P. Pending 20.02.2014 to 19.02.2015 (Charges M. dt. 20.02.2014) 
64 4645 Veeramani. T 15.06.1980 10.09.2003 Nagai EDC Under going punishment 31.03.2008 to 31.12.2015
65 4655 Savarimalai. S 12.05.1984 15.09.2003 Dindigul EDC Under going punishment 06.06.2014 to 01.07.2017.
66 4670 Kannan A.K. 09.05.1976 25.09.2003 Chengalpattu EDC  D.P. Pending (Charges Pending for misappropriation of board's money)
67 4674 Rajmohan. M 12.07.1977 01.10.2003 Karur EDC Under going punishment 17.09.2010 to 15.04.2014.
68 4738 Sunder. R 08.05.1980 18.12.2003 Tirupathur EDC Under going punishment 17.07.2010 to 16.07.2011 (suspension on 24.04.2012 revocation on 18.01.2013)        1) F.O. dt. 17.07.2008 2) 26.09.2009 charges pending on (CD) for misapproriation of Board's money
69 4746 Priyadharshini.B. 07.07.1981 08.12.2003 Nilgiris EDC Under going punishment and charges                (dt. 23.02.2014) pending for mis appropiration of Board'd Money
70 4764 Shanmuganathan. T 11.06.1979 04.02.2004 Karur EDC Under going punishment dt. of Commencement 01.07.2008 suspension on 30.05.2012  revoked dt. 28.09.2012 (not yet joined)
71 4766 Daniel Sargunaraj. C 25.04.1985 27.12.2003 Tirunelveli EDC Under going punishment 02.05.2013 to 02.05.2015 (F.O. dt. 02.05.2013)
72 4790 Nandakumar. M 09.01.1983 14.05.2004 Erode EDC Under going punishment D.P. Pending 10.13 to 10.15
73 4791 Paulpandian. B 05.02.1979 14.05.2004 Sivaganga EDC Under going punishment (D.P. Pending on Crucial Date)  Commencement on 01.10.2014.
74 4815 Ponmuthukumar. S 19.07.1978 09.07.2004 Sivaganga EDC  Charges Pending on C.D. (unauthorized absent from 27.02.2012 to till date)
75 4869 Krishnasamy. M 05.02.1981 17.07.2004 Mettur EDC Under going punishment from 01.01.2013 (dt. Commencement) Not completed to till date
76 4874 Prabudoss. T 10.06.1977 09.07.2004 Krishnagiri EDC Under going punishment 23.02.2012 to 01.01.2015
77 4886 Balasubramani. S 26.06.1979 26.07.2004 Chennai EDC/North Under going punishment 01.01.2014 to 01.07.2014 (F.O. dt. 28.10.2013.)
78 4912 Senthil kumar. N 02.06.1974 08.11.2004 Salem EDC Under going punishment 01.04.2011 to 31.03.2013 (unauthorized absent from 15.02.2014)
79 4918 Nagarajan. M 20.05.1972 09.07.2004 Krishnagiri EDC Under going punishment 
80 4935 Ayyappan. S (Trainee) 20.05.1979 01.07.2004 Perambalur EDC Charges pending unauthorized absent from 24.09.2013 to till date
81 4941 James Paulraj. A 23.05.1985 09.08.2004 Kallakurichi EDC  (Unauthorized absent and misappropriation Board's Money)
82 4965 Saravanakumar. C 09.01.1984 20.09.2004 Chennai EDC/North Under going punishment (continously absent)
83 4978 Palanisamy. R 15.02.1967 26.11.2004 Mettur EDC Under going punishment (unauthorized absent from 11.09.2011 to till date)
84 4984 Narayanan. C 19.01.1964 29.12.2004 Salem EDC Under going punishment 01.10.2013 to 30.09.2016 suspension   from 01.12.2014
85 5016 Murugan. V 03.01.1972 12.05.2005 Tirunelveli EDC Under going punishment 19.04.2012/ 01.10.2012 to 30.09.2015.
86 5021 Antony Michel Stalin. J 31.05.1976 29.12.2004 Tuticorin EDC Under going punishment 26.02.2013 to 30.09.2015
87 5022 Manikandan. S 31.12.1976 13.12.2004 Trichy EDC/Metro Under going punishment 25.11.2013 to 30.09.2015
88 5029 Veeramani. C 05.03.1979 22.12.2004 Kallakurichi EDC Under going punishment (unauthorized absent D.P. is pending)
89 5031 Senthil Murugan. A 09.02.1973 24.12.2004 Tirunelveli EDC Under going punishment (D.P. Pending) 31.12.2012 to 30.09.2015. 
90 5041 Ragupathy. K 09.01.1982 10.12.2004 Tiruppur EDC Under going punishment (2 years w.c.e. punishment  Completed on 30.09.2016)
91 5073 Mohanraj.G. 24.02.1978 23.12.2004 Trichy EDC/Metro  D.P. Pending /       misappropriation of Board's money Rs. 6,00,000/- charge Memo. dt. 08.07.2014.
92 5077 Ganesan. M 16.02.1971 29.12.2004 Perambalur EDC Under going punishment Unauthorized absent from 24.03.2010 to tll date
93 5094 Thirunavupparasu.S 15.06.1984 07.02.2005 Gobi EDC Under going punishment  (criminal case pending) 11.11.2010 to 30.06.12016 suspended on 05.11.2012 rejoined on 26.02.2014.
94 5112 Anguraj. G 02.06.1973 15.04.2005 Tiruppur EDC Under going punishment (charge   Memo. dt. 16.07.2012) punishement completed on 30.09.2015.
95 5123 Jayapal. D 05.06.1981 09.05.2005 Trichy EDC/Metro Under going punishment 01.10.2010 to 15.02.2015 1) 1 year w.c.e. 2) 2 years w.c.e. 3) 1 year w.c.e.
96 5171 Krishnadevarayar. R 10.04.1982 10.08.2005 Cuddalore EDC Under going punishment 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2015. charge pending
97 5179 Krishnakumar. C 09.11.1986 16.09.2005 Gobi EDC Under going punishment 25.06.2011 to 28.07.2014
98 5190 Vinothkumar. S 02.04.1985 24.10.2005 Cuddalore EDC Under going punishment 01.04.2011 to 31.03.2016
99 5195 Janaki. A 16.05.1972 27.10.2005 Tiruppur EDC Under going punishment unauthorized absent from 11.10.2011 to till date (F.O. dt. 30.09.2013)
100 5196 Anbuchelvi. G 14.07.1967 23.11.2005 Namakkal EDC Under going punishment          (Misappropriation of Boards money) 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014
101 5223 Senthilkumar. M 05.06.1978 01.02.2005 Ramnad EDC Under going punishment (unauthorized absence from 01.09.2006 to till date)
102 5231 Poovendran. P 05.05.1983 19.11.2005 Namakkal EDC Charges pending on crucial date/
Undergoing punishment from 08.08.2014 onwards
103 5232 Raja. P 23.03.1981 07.12.2005 Tuticorin EDC Under going punishment 26.09.2013 to 30.03.2016.
104 5266 Muthu. S 18.05.1979 04.08.2006 Tuticorin EDC Under going punishment (now unathorised absent from 03.01.2012) charge Memo. dt. 09.12.2009
105 5274 Subramaniam .M.V. 22.04.1967 18.05.2006 Tiruppur EDC Under going punishment 01.10.2013 to 29.11.2014 (charges framed Memo. dt. 26.12.2012.)
106 5298 Rajadurai. R 19.06.1984 12.07.2006 Ramnad EDC Under going punishment (unauthorised absent from 11.12.2008 to 20.09.2011) 01.10.2014 to 30.09.2015 (F.O. dt. 27.11.2013)
107 5312 Ekbal. C 05.06.1985 28.09.2006 Dharmapuri EDC Under going punishment unauthorised absent (F.O. dt. 19.10.2009.)
108 5320 David. A 02.04.1979 22.09.2006 Chennai EDC/West Under going punishment/ D.P. Pending charge Memo. dt. 26.02.2014 
109 5321 Tamilarasan. M 17.05.1987 25.09.2006 Chennai EDC/North Under going punishment Unauthorised absent from till date of commerncement 01.01.2008.
110 5387 Ananthi. K 15.06.1980 22.01.2007 Nagai EDC Under going punishment /D.P. Pending (went abroad without permission (w.e.f. 02.04.2011 absent from duty)
111 5397 Gopinath. D 01.06.1976 03.01.2007 Vellore EDC Under going punishment /D.P. Pending (F.O. dt. 05.11.2013 & 16.11.2013) 01.07.2014 to 30.06.2015
112 5413 Raja Mohan Subash. P 29.07.1975 26.02.2007 Tuticorin EDC Under going punishment 26.04.2012 to 30.06.2016
113 5414 Santhosam. R 05.02.1984 26.02.2007 Tuticorin EDC Under going punishment Unauthorised absent from 28.04.2014 to till date/ D.P. pending
114 5417 Palaniappan. M 01.05.1986 17.02.2007 Pudukottai EDC Under going punishment dt. of Commencement 01.07.2013
115 5429 Prabu. D 15.07.1983 12.04.2007 Cuddalore EDC Under going punishment 30.01.2012 to 30.09.2018
116 5433 Anand Singh.D 23.09.1986 20.04.2007 Chennai EDC/Central Not passed Tamil Language Test
117 5438 Ramesh. P 06.07.1973 01.06.2007 Cuddalore EDC Under going punishment 01.10.2013 to 30.09.2014
118 5454 Velpary. M 17.04.1976 26.07.2007 Mettur EDC Under going punishment 01.07.2014 to 30.06.2016 (F.O. dt. 24.06.2014)
119 5459 Harihara Sudhan. K 16.05.1988 16.07.2007 Tuticorin EDC Under going punishment, D.P. Pending/charge Memo. dt. 10.02.2014, 17.04.2014 and 23.05.2014
120 5461 Vignesh Kannan. V 22.03.1988 28.07.2007 Madurai EDC Under going punishment, (suspension on 02.09.2014) D.P. initiated and Pending
121 5467 Kathiravan. S 01.01.1978 01.08.2007 Vellore EDC Under going punishment  13.12.2013 to 31.12.2014
122 5469 Umapathy. P 06.04.1985 17.08.2007 Dindigul EDC Under going punishment 01.01.2015 to 30.06.2015
123 5476 Arul Udaya Kumar. A 30.05.1982 27.08.2007 Erode EDC Under going punishment 18.08.2010 to 12.03.2015 (Table Reading)
124 5480 Rajarajeswari.B (Alias)Pricilla.B 13.08.1984 28.04.2008 Tirunelveli EDC Charges framed for Assessment not made for   2 Service connections
125 5483 Srinivasan. D 10.05.1980 24.09.2007 Chennai EDC/North  D.P. Pending/ under suspension from 22.04.2014 to 27.06.2014 and joined on 28.06.2014      (Misappropriation of board's money) 
126 5492 Gunasekaran. T 17.03.1977 12.10.2007 Chennai EDC/South Under going punishment (unauthorised absent from 18.11.2010 to till date)
127 5495 Poovizhi. R 20.05.1986 01.11.2007 Chennai EDC/West Unauthorised absent from 05.05.2010 to till date/ D.P. Pending
128 5499 Adalarasu. R 07.01.1976 28.11.2007 Chennai EDC/West Unauthorised absent from 05.05.2010 to till date/ D.P. Pending
129 5505 Ramachandran. L 26.04.1981 02.11.2007 Chennai EDC/West Unauthorised absent from 27.01.2014 to till date (Mis appropriation Board's Money)
130 5510 Thirumalai. V 19.06.1976 01.11.2007 Chennai EDC/South Suspension from Board's service w.e.f. 17.03.2014 Revoked and joined 10.07.2014
131 5516 Muthukrishnan. A 13.07.1986 22.11.2007 Perambalur EDC Undergoing punishment 14.01.2013 to 18.07.2014
132 5517 Tamil Mani. P 18.04.1972 24.12.2007 Mettur EDC Under going punishment/ D.P. Pending (negligence of duty)  
133 5526 Vinothkumar. E 11.12.1987 07.12.2007 Thanjavur EDC Under going punishment, charge Memo. dt. 17.04.2014 D.P. Pending 17.04.2014 to 01.10.2016.
134 5527 Thirumalai. A 04.05.1985 14.12.2007 Mettur EDC Unauthorised absent from 29.11.2013 to till date (01.04.11 to 05.03.12)
135 5536 Senthil Kumar. R 06.06.1975 04.01.2008 Namakkal EDC Suspension on 22.09.2012 A.N. & Not yet revoked
136 5556 Renga. S 21.09.1981 14.05.2008 Pudukottai EDC Under going punishment 01.10.2014 to 30.09.2015
Sd./- XXX(24.04.2015)
Letter .No.092618/620/G25/G252/2014-16, DATED 24.04.2015.
Report Not Received from the Superintending Engineers
Sl. No. Seny. No. Name of the Assessor Date of Birth Date of Joining Present Circle Remarks
1 2298 Balamurugan.A 15.06.1971 06.08.1994 Karur EDC Not Working
2 5260 Kumar.K. 29.05.1984 12.01.2006 Coimbatore EDC/Metro Not Working
3 5311 Pandian.K 18.01.1977   Chennai EDC/Central Not Working
4 5331 Saraswathi. P 24.04.1973   COIMBATORE EDC/SOUTH Not Working
5 5346 Jagadeesan. G 11.06.1971 15.09.2006 Tiruvannamalai EDC Not Working
6 5366 Sankareswaran.G 29.03.1970 11.12.2006 Erode EDC Not Working
7 5441 Prakash. N 04.02.1984   Chennai EDC/South Not Working
8 5444 Lakshmi. K 15.06.1988   Tirupathur EDC Not Working
9 5504 Santhakumar. S 06.01.1979   Chennai EDC/South Not Working
10 5542 Jayanthi. P 31.07.1969   Coimbatore EDC/Metro Not Working
Sd./- XXX(24.04.2015)
MEMO NO.092618/620/G25/G252/2014-16, DATED 24.04.2015.
Sl. No. Seny. No. Name of the Assessor Date of Birth Date of Joining Present Circle Appointed As
1 5318 Anbarasi. R 06.06.1986 05.08.2006 Villupuram EDC Assistant Programmer
2 5324 Manoj. V.P. 10.04.1987 Chennai EDC/Central  Junior Auditor
3 5325 Karthikeyan. A 05.10.1977 Erode EDC  Junior Auditor
4 5333 Karpagam. K 30.10.1979 22.11.2006 Chengalpattu EDC  Junior Auditor
5 5340 Sundaram.P 31.03.1972 15.12.2006 Tirunelveli EDC Technical Assistant
6 5342 Dinesh. P.G. 31.07.1980 15.11.2006 Tirunelveli EDC Assistant Engineer
7 5347 Santhosh Kumar. G 20.09.1976 06.11.2006 Kanchipuram EDC Junior Auditor
8 5348 Monica. S 23.06.1977 15.11.06 Chennai EDC/South  Junior Auditor
9 5357 Balaji Kumar. D 17.02.1974 01.11.2006 Kanchipuram EDC  Junior Auditor
10 5362 Jeyakumar. R 28.10.1971 02.12.2006 Chengalpattu EDC  Junior Auditor
11 5374 Ivy Jacintha. A 09.04.1973 08.11.2006 Coimbatore EDC/Metro Junior Assistant (Adm.)
12 5402 Lakshmana Perumal. P 07.04.1979 Virudhunagar EDC Junior Assistant 
13 5407 Jayakumar. S 20.05.1978 Mettur EDC Junior Assistant 
14 5409 Saravanan.R 23.05.1982 Pudukottai EDC  Junior Auditor
15 5426 Muniyamma. S 01.10.1972 16.03.2007 Udumalpet EDC Junior Assistant (Adm.)
16 5427 Ilayaraja. L 18.05.1982 Perambalur EDC Assistant Programmer
17 5430 Riaz Mohamed. R 19.05.1983 Trichy EDC/Metro Assistant Programmer
18 5434 Harilakshmanan.B 10.03.1986 Mettur EDC  Typist
19 5439 Anna. R 05.06.1986 Perambalur EDC  Junior Auditor
20 5470 Shanmugam.K 25.03.1984 Mettur EDC Technical Assistant
21 5486 Shabeer. K.S. 07.12.1983 14.09.2009 Chennai EDC/South  Junior Auditor
22 5506 Ramkumar. K 16.10.1974 Chennai EDC/Central  Junior Auditor
23 5508 Balasuganthan. S 16.09.1974 Chennai EDC/South  Junior Auditor
24 5518 Maheswari. N 25.07.1964 Coimbatore EDC/North Assistant (Adm.)
25 5522 Ramar. B 30.07.1985 Madurai EDC Technical Assistant
26 5530 Natarajan. A 01.12.1986 Chennai EDC/Central  Junior Auditor
27 5532 Vivekanandan. P 12.06.1977 Theni EDC Junior Assistant (Accts.)
28 5534 Narayana Moorthy. S 25.04.1980 31.12.2007 Udumalpet EDC  Junior Auditor
29 5537 Balamurugan. S .23.04.1987 Tirupathur EDC Junior Assistant
30 5549 Cecile Nirmala 02.11.1981 Dharmapuri EDC Assistant (Adm.)
Sd./- XXX(24.04.2015)
MEMO NO.092618/620/G25/G252/2014-16, DATED 24.04.2015.
Sl. No. Seny. No. Name of the Assessor Date of Birth Date of Joining Present Circle Remarks
1. 2238 Rani.S 05.12.1956 26.02.1988 Nilgiris EDC Retired on 31.12.2014
2. 3436 T.C.S.Thillai C.Bharathi 16.01.1957 21.03.1996 Madurai EDC/Metro Retired on 31.01.2015
3 3476 Ramanathan. A 18.05.1964 19.06.1996 Salem EDC Expired on 02.09.2013
4 3835 Robert Kennedy. J 21.05.1972 29.05.2000 Karur EDC Expired on 21.04.2004
5 3970 Arumugam. P 26.05.1971 12.09.2000 Virudhunagar EDC (Compulsary Retd) medical Invalidation W.e.f 30.06.2013
6 4071 Balamurugan. A 29.05.1979 06.12.2001 Krishnagiri EDC Expired on 09.10.2014
7 4148 Rajesh. D 10.09.1981 15.07.2002 Thanjavur EDC Expired on 05.05.2013
8 4264 Jayaveeran. N 09.05.1980 07.11.2002 Tiruppur E.DC Expired on 01.01.2014
9 5017 Sivakumar. E 20.06.1975 15.12.2004 Krishnagiri EDC Removed from service on 10.10.2013
10 5317 Sridevi. R 01.04.1978   Chennai EDC/South Expired on 11.11.06
11 5401 Gawnar Shariff. C 13.03.1986   Tiruvannamalai EDC Expired on 10.11.2010
12 5418 Sridevi. D 27.05.1987 07.02.2007 Udumalpet EDC Expiried  on 09.06.13
13 5453 Malarmannan. M 05.07.1983   Trichy EDC/Metro Expired on 10.04.2013
14 5479 Amarnath. M 25.07.1983 26.09.2009 Namakkal EDC Expired on 07.11.08
15 5521 Harish prabhu. R 27.03.1985 12.11.2007 Udumalpet EDC Expired on 04.06.13
16 5528 Saravanan. R 29.03.1972   Nagapattinam EDC Expired on 18.09.07
Sd./- XXX(24.04.2015)

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Enhancement of HBA from 40 to 50 lakhs G.O. adoption orders

HBA Enhancement 40 to 50 lakhs