Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Unauthorised absence of officials for a longer period Taking strenuous action on the erring officials Instructions


                                                                             SECRETARIAT BRANCH,
                                                                             144, Anna Salai,
                                                                             Chennai-600 002.

Memorandum (Per) No.3850/A18/A181/2015-1, dated 02.03.2015.

Sub:   Establishment – Preparation of panels for promotion to higher  posts - Unauthorised absence of officials for a longer period – Taking strenuous action on the erring officials – Instructions – Issued.

Ref:    1. Memo.(Per) No.46129/A18/A181/2003-4 (SB), dated 27.01.2004.
          2. (Per) B.P.(FB) No.38 (SB), dated 11.10.2010.


          It has been brought to the notice that no action has been taken on certain officials who are on unauthorized absence for a longer period, which causes lot of hardships to the administration, viz. delay in finalizing the panels, etc. Further, the initiation of Disciplinary Proceedings in respect of any of the officials, subsequent to furnishing of suitability report but before promotion, is not being brought to the notice of the Panel Preparing Authorities for removing their names from the panel. This leads to issue of orders promoting them to the next higher post, which could not be served on them as per the orders in force. In order to avoid such lapses, the following instructions are issued to all the Administrative heads:-

(i)       Prompt disciplinary action for imposition of major penalties, should be initiated against the officers/employees who do not resume duty after long absence or on leave exceeding the permissible limit under Regulation 32(1) and (2) of TNEB Service Regulations or Regulation 21-A of TNEB Leave Regulations as the case may be, by the disciplinary authorities following the procedure under appropriate rules, and to finalise the Disciplinary Proceedings within the prescribed time frame;

(ii)      All the Administrative heads should take a periodical review of the absence of officers/employees working under their control and expedite to initiate suitable disciplinary action against them as above, for violation of Regulation 32(1) or (2) of the TNEB Service Regulations or Regulation 21-A of TNEB Leave Regulations; and



(iii)    The fact about initiation of Disciplinary Proceedings in respect of any of the officials, subsequent to furnishing of suitability report, but before promotion, should be brought to the notice of the Panel Preparing Authorities for removing their names from the panel.

          2. Any violation of the above instructions, will be viewed seriously.

          3. The receipt of this Memorandum shall be acknowledged in the slip enclosed.



All Chief Engineers.
All Chief Financial Controllers/TANGEDCO & TANTRANSCO.
The Chief Internal Audit Officer/Audit Branch.
All Superintending Engineers.
All Deputy Secretaries/Secretariat Branch.
All Senior Personnel Officers/Administrative Branch.

Copy to:
All Under Secretaries/Secretariat Branch/Chennai-2.
The Personnel Officer/Disciplinary Proceedings/Adm.Branch.
All unit Personnel Officers/Headquarters (5 copies).
The Assistant Personnel Officer/Headquarters/Adm.Branch (5 copies).
The Assistant Personnel Officer/Tamil Dev. – for publication in Bulletin (2 copies).
The Vigilance Cell (5 copies).
"A-5", "A-8" and "A-11" Sections/Secretariat Branch.
Stock file.

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