Sunday, March 15, 2015

Physically Challenged Employees Conveyance Allowances



TANGEDCO – Conveyance Allowance payable to Physically Challenged Employees –Revised rates from 1.10.2010 orders issued



(Per.) F.B.TANGEDCO Proceedings No.11                     Dated the 14th December 2010

                                                                             Karthigai 28

                                                                             Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2041


Read :


Ref :  1. (Per) B.P. (FB) No.57, (SB) dated 5.8.1989
         2. (Per) B.P. (FB) No.60, (SB) dated 24.8.1989
         3. (Per) B.P. (CH) No.223, (SB) dated 21.11.2009
         4. (Per) B.P. (CH) No.224, (SB) dated 21.11.2009
         5. G.O.Ms.No.391 Finance (Allowance) Department
Proceedings :
                        In the reference first and second cited, the Board has allowed the conveyance allowance at 5% of Basic Pay subject to a maximum of Rs.50/- per mensem to the Blind and Orthopaedically handicapped employees of the Board and subsequently the conveyance allowance has also been enhanced to 5% of pay subject to maximum of Rs.75/- p.m. with effect from 1.4.93 as per Government Order, During 1998, based on Government Order the maximum limit of conveyance allowance has been enhanced from Rs.75/- to Rs.150/- per mensem with effect from 1.9.98. Subsequently, based on sixth pay commission recommendation, the conveyance allowance to the Blind and Orthopaedically handicapped employees of the Board has been enhanced from Rs.150/- p.m. to Rs.300/- p.m. with effect from 1.9.2009.

            2. Now, in G.O.Ms.No.391, Finance (Allowance) Department Dated 7.10.2010, the Government have enhanced the rate of Conveyance Allowance to the Physically challenged employees from Rs.300/- per mensem to Rs.1,000/- per mensem with effect from 1.10.2010 without any change in the existing condition.

            3. The TANGEDCO decided to adopt the above Government Order in Board also. Accordingly it is hereby ordered that the Conveyance allowance payable to the Physically Challenged employees of the Board be enhanced from Rs.300/- per mensem to Rs.1000/- per mensem with effect from 1.10.2010. There shall be no change in the existing conditions prescribed in the Board’s Proceedings first and second cited for sanction of this allowance



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Enhancement of HBA from 40 to 50 lakhs G.O. adoption orders

HBA Enhancement 40 to 50 lakhs