Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Treatment of DA as Dearness Pay for the purpose of pension to those retired between 01.06.1988 to 31.12.1995 – Instructions


                                                                              AUDIT BRANCH,  
                                        NPKRR MAALIGAI (1st  FLOOR),
                                                                               144. ANNA SALAI, CHENNAI -2.           

Circular  Lr. No. 044448  /  515 / F. 4 / F. 42 / 2014,  dt. 30.08.2014.

Sir /  Madam,

Sub :  BOAB – Pension – Treatment of DA as Dearness Pay for the
          purpose of pension to those retired between 01.06.1988 to 
          31.12.1995 – Instructions to pension sanction authority to
          process the application and forwarding to Audit Branch -  

                   Ref :   1. TANGEDCO (S.B) Per CMD TANGEDCO Proceedings No.72, 


          The kind attention of all pension sanctioning authorities are invited to the above Board’s order wherein instructions were issued to the pension sanctioning authorities to revise the pension of those retired employees from 01.06.1988 to 31.12.1995 by treating the Dearness Allowance drawn by them as Dearness Pay for Pension Calculation by obtaining option from them:
          To  process  the applications received under B.P.72, dt.22.02.2014, the following
guidelines are hereby issued.

1.    The above B.P. is applicable for those who have retired from Board’s service in between 1.06.1988 to 31.12.1995.

2.    For example if an employee retired on 30.11.1995 apply for the revision under the above B.P. the regulation of pay and fixation of pension shall be worked out as follows:-

(i)           The employee pay shall be notionally regulated in the time scale of pay applicable for the wage revision introduced with effect from 01.12.1984 to till the date of retirement.

(ii)          In case of movement to Selection Grade post or promoted to higher post the pay shall be notionally regulated applicable to 01.12.1984 wage revision and the pay last drawn shall be arrived.



(iii)        In case of reaching the maximum of time scale of pay, only the stagnation increment as per rules shall be allowed.

(iv)        For calculation of pension, the Dearness Allowances drawn from time to time shall be added along with the pay while arriving at the average emoluments and the pension to be arrived at, taking into account of the Net Qualifying Service as per rules.

(v)          The revised basic pension so arrived at, on the date of retirement  (i.e. 30.11.1995 in the instant case) shall be compared with the pension already sanctioned / authorised as on 01.12.1995.

(vi)        If the pension already fixed is lesser than the revised pension fixed on the date of retirement the proposal along with the SR may be sent to Audit Branch for authorisation and payment of arrears. 

(vii)       If the pension already fixed at the time of retirement is higher than the pension now revised as per BP 72, dt. 22.02.2014, the proposal need not be sent to Audit Branch and the pensioner may be informed accordingly.

          Three illustrative cases are enclosed herewith for the process of Revised fixation of Pension.

                                                                                        (s/d) S.M.J.RAJAKUMAR
                                                                   CHIEF INTERNAL AUDIT OFFICER

Encl :  Illustrative cases.
All Chief Engineers / Superintending Engineers and
Pension sanction authorities.          


Working Sheet for B.P 72, dt. 22.02.2014.

          Name of the employee                -

          Designation                               -    Accounts Supervisor

          Date of Birth                                       -    20.11.1942

          Date of Appt                                       -    20.07.1962

          Date of Vol. Retirement              -    30.11.1995

          Date of Increment                      -    Every October

          Total Service                                       -    33 years

          01.12.1984            -        Rs.1,075  (710 – 30 – 860 – 35 – 1,035 – 40 – 1,235)
          01.10.1985            -        Rs.1,115
          01.10.1986            -        Rs.1,155
          01.10.1987            -        Rs.1,155  (Movement to SG  Post  920 – 45 – 1,145 –
          Increment for SG                              50 – 1,395 – 60 – 1,635)   
          Movement              -        Rs.  40        
          Rs. 1,195   (Represent a stage)
          Normal increment    -        Rs.   50
          01.10.1987            -        Rs.1,245
          01.10.1988            -        Rs.1,295   (SG Post)
          01.10.1989            -        Rs.1,345
          01.10.1990            -        Rs.1,395

Promoted as Accounts Supervisor – joined on 24.04.1991 (opted for fixation for the date of increment.

          01.10.1991            -        1,455   -    Regular increment
                                      -        1,515   -    Promotional increment
          01.10.1992            -        1,575
          01.10.1993            -        1,635
          01.10.1994            -        1,695
          01.10.1995            -        1,755
          30.11.1995            -        Vol. retired                                                                                                                                                                    

          Average emolument

01.02.1995 to 30.06.1995   -   1,695 + 203  =  1,898 + 2,373 – 4,271 x  5 
                                                       (12%)               (125%)
                                                                                                    -  21,355
01.07.1995 to 30.09.1995   -   1,695 + 203  =  1,898 + 2,581 – 4,479 x 3
                                                      (12%)                (136%)
                                                                                                    -  13,437
01.10.1995 to 30.11.1995   -   1,755 + 211  =  1,966 + 2,674 – 4,640 x 2
                                                                                                    -  9,280
                   Pension  =   4,407          66
                                     --------   x   ------   =   Rs.2,203.50/-  or   Rs.2,204/-
                                        2              66    

                   Revised Pension as per BP 72, dt.22.02.2014   -   2,204
                   Existing Pension                                           -   1,426
                   Difference in Pension                                     -      778    for 12/95 only


          Working Sheet for B.P 72, dt. 22.02.2014.

          Name of the employee                -

          Designation                               -    Stores  Controller

          Retired on                                 -    31.01.1995

          NQS                                          -    33 years

Sel.Gr.DSO   01.12.1984   -        1,320  (1,260 – 60 – 1,38,070 – 1,660 – 80 – 2,060 –  
                                                            90 – 2,150)         

                   01.10.1985   -        1,380
                   01.10.1986   -        1,450
                   01.10.1987   -        1,520
                   08.10.1987   -        Promoted as Stores Officer
                                                1,415 – 75 – 1,715 – 90 – 2,435
                             5%     -             76

Stage next above 1,640 as on 08.10.1987 on Stores Officer scale
                   01.10.1988   -        1,715
                   01.10.1989   -        1,805
                   01.10.1990   -        1,895
                   01.10.1991   -        1,985
                   01.10.1992   -        2,075
                        02.1993  -        Promoted as CSO opted for the date of Promotion
                                                1,565 – 75 – 1,715 – 90 – 2,165 – 110 – 2,825           
                        02.1993  -        2,075
                             5%     -        103.75
          Stage next above    -        2,275 – as CSO
                   01.01.1994   -        2,385
                   09.11.1994   -        Promoted as Stores Controller-Opted for the date of
                                                1,910 – 110 – 2,790 – 125 – 3,415
                   09.11.1994   -        2,385
                             5%     -        119.25
          Stage next above    -        2,570
          31.01.1995            -        Rs.2,570 Retired on Super annuation

                   Average emoluments

01.04.1994 to 30.06.1994  -   2,385 + 286 + 2,778 (104%)  –  5,449  x  3  –    16,347
01.07.1994 to 31.10.1994  -   2,385 + 286 + 3,045 (114%)  –  5,716  x  4  –    22,864
01.11.1994 to 08.11.1994  -   2,385 + 286 + 3,045 (114%)  – 5,716  x 8/30 – 1524.27
09.11.1994 to 30.11.1994  -   2,570 + 300 + 3,272 (114%) – 6,142 x 22/30 – 4504.13
01.12.1994 to 31.12.1994  -   2,570 + 300 + 3,272 (114%)  –  6,142   x  1  –     6,142    
01.01.1995 to 31.01.1995  -   2,570 + 300 + 3,588 (125%)  –  6,458  x   1  –     6,458
          Average emoluments    -    57,839
                                                ---------  =   5783.90  or   5,784
          Revised  Pension       -    5784  x   66        1
                                                          -----  x  -----    =   2,892
                                                           66         2  

          Revised Pension              -    2,892
          Pension already drawn     -    2,242
          Difference                       -       650      -    2/95  to  11/95



Working Sheet for B.P 72, dt. 22.02.2014.

          Name of the Officer           -

          Designation                      -    Executive Engineer

          Retired on                        -    31.08.1994

          N.Q.S                              -    33 years

          01.12.1984   -        2,680  Sel.Gr AEE
                                      1,910 – 110 – 2,790 – 125 – 3,415
          01.10.1985   -        2,790
          25.09.1986   -        Promoted as DE in the scale
                                      1,910 – 110 – 2,790 – 125 – 3,415
          01.10.1986   -        2,790
                                      + 125  –  Regular increment
                                      + 125  –  Promotion increment
                                       3,040  -  Fixation on 01.10.1986 in DE post
          01.10.1987   -        3,165
          01.10.1988   -        3,290
          01.10.1989   -        3,415             Stagnation 
          01.10.1990   -        3,500  (as per B.P.Ms MB No.104, dt.05.11.1986) (P.1019/1986)
          01.10.1991   -        3,500
          01.10.1992   -        3,500      Stagnation    
          01.10.1993   -        3,500
          31.08.1994   -        3,500     Retired from service

                   Average emoluments

01.11.1993  to  31.12.1993   -   3,500 + 300 (12%) + 2,774 (73%)
01.01.1994  to  30.06.1994   -   3,500 + 300 (12%) + 2,964 (78%)
01.07.1994  to  31.08.1994   -   3,500 + 300 (12%) + 3,230 (85%)
-       6,574 x 2  =  13,148
-      3,764  x 6  =  40,584
-      7,030  x 2  =  14,060

          Average emoluments      67,792
                                      =  Rs.6,779/-   

          Pension      =    6779          66             
                                --------   x   -----     =   3,390
                                   2             66
          Revised Pension    -    3,390
          Existing Pension    -    2,848
   Difference in pension   -       542    -   09/1994  to  12/1995  (16 Months).

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Enhancement of HBA from 40 to 50 lakhs G.O. adoption orders

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