Monday, May 5, 2014

I.T.I. Helper Fixing of Seniority Clarification orders


Er. N.KRISHNAMOORTHI, B.E., Chief Engineer/Personnel, 
144, Anna Salai,     
Chennai - 2.
      All Chief Engineers
      All Superintending Engineers

Letter No.100718/583/G.57/G.572/2013, dated   05.05.2014.

                   Sub:   Recruitment – Direct Recruitment of 4000 ITI Helper 
                              (Trainee) in RWE category in two batches – Fixing of 
                               seniority – Clarification – Regarding.

                   Ref:    1. (Per) B.P.(FB) No.40,dated 14.12.2005.
2. (Per) B.P. (FB) No.8, dated 02.06.2009.
3. CE/Per. L.r. No.100459/265/G57/G572/2009, dated  28.02.2009
4. CE/Per. Lr.  No.100459/265/G57/G572/2009,  dated  03.06.2009
5. CE/Per. Lr.  No.100459/265/G57/G572/2009,  dated 16.06.2009,  
    20.06.2009, 23.06.2009, 29.06.2009,  02.07.2009, 16.07.2009,
    04.08.2009, 11.08.2009, 12.08.2009 etc.
6. Memo No.100718/583/G57/G572/2012, dated  26.03.2012.
7. Memo No.100718/583/G57/G572/2012-2, dated 06.06.2012.
               Orders were issued vide reference 1,2,3 and 4 above, for the selection of 4000 ITI Helper (Trainee) by Direct Recruitment through Employment Exchange at a consolidated pay of Rs.2500/- per month for 2 years in the training period and after successful completion of training, they will come under the regular time scale of pay.

     2) Certain ITI Helpers belonging to Villupuram and other regions but allotted to Chennai, Coimbatore and other regions were requesting for modification to post them to their parent districts as they were unable to meet out the day to day expenditure from their meager consolidated amount of Rs.2500/- per month.

     3) The request of such cases for modification to their requested circle were examined and orders issued under various references cited (5) above, wherein it was stated that,

               “ they are not eligible for T.T.A. and they are to be placed in the last name in the Helper (Trainee) category in their respective circle ”

                                                          ..  2  ..

               4) Subsequently it was represented that Helper seniority is maintained at circle level and also as the above selection was based on Communal Roaster and selection  made at state level, the seniority of individuals for whom modification orders were issued from the Chief Engineer/Personnel office as above would be affected, and requested for consideration of seniority in respect of modification cases. Also it was represented that, due to their family circumstances they were unable to meet out their livelihood with the meagre consolidated wages.

      5) Their request was carefully examined by the Board. The selection was made purely based on the Communal Roaster issued by the Government and the selection was made at state level. Hence, it was treated as a special case and it was decided that seniority should be fixed based on the date of  issue of selection order (ie) 28.02.2009 and 03.06.2009 respectively.
       6) Accordingly orders dated 26.03.2012 and 06.06.2012 were issued vide reference (6) and (7) above as below:-

2)  The Seniority  of  the 4000 ITI Helper (Trainee) should  be assigned 
     taking into account based on the date of issue of the Selection Order 
     (i.e.) 28.02.2009 and 03.06.2009 respectively.

3) The 2005 ITI Helper (Trainee),  who were appointed on 28.02.2009 in 
     the  first  batch  should be kept  as first in the Seniority and the 1500 
     Helper (Trainee) appointed on  03.06.2009 in the second batch are to  
      be  kept  below  to the  first batch. This  Seniority is purely based  on 
      the Communal Roaster and fixed in the Selection List.

 4)  The copy of the Selection list of 4000 ITI Helper (Trainee) in Communal  
      Roaster wise is sent through E-Mail to all the Chief Engineers and all the
      Superintending Engineers concerned for fixing of Seniority (i.e.)

                                      First Batch :       Sl.Nos 1 to 2500
                                      Second Batch:    Sl.Nos 2500 to 4000

     7) In view of the above, it is re-iterated and clarified that seniority of Helper (Trainee) including those for whom orders were modified from the Head Quarters as stated above should be assigned based on the date of issue of selection order i.e. 28.02.2009 and 03.06.2009 and the same was sent already as enclosure to the above reference for taking further action.

                                                .. 3  ..

     8) Apart from the above, there are instances of request transfer orders issued by the Superintending Engineers/EDC and Regional Chief Engineers/Distribution concerned based on the Request Transfer application of the individuals. Seniority of such individuals should be placed below the junior most in the circle where they have joined  as per the standing instruction is vogue and the exception in para (7) will not be applicable to them.

     8) Receipt of this letter may be acknowledged.

                                                                             CHIEF ENGINEER

Copy submitted to the Director/Distribution

Copy to the SPO/Labour/Adm. Branch
Copy to PO/Implementation/Adm. Branch

Copy to G.42 section

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