Monday, September 30, 2013

Assessment to the Inspector of Assessment panel

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                                                    (Administrative Branch)

8th, floor N.P.K.R.R. Maaligai,

144, Anna Salai, Chennai - 2.

Memo No.059450/524/G25/G252/2012-10, dated 30.09.2013.

Establishment - Class III Service - Assessor/ Supernumerary Inspector of Assessment - Promotion to the post of Inspector of Assessment - (Regular) - List of Selected and not selected persons in the panel - communicated.


          Under Regulation  92  of  Tami l Nadu  Electricity  Board  Service  Regulations,
575 names of Assessor/Supernumerary Inspector of Assessment detailed in the Annexure-A to this memo. are informed that they have been selected and included in the panel for promotion to the post of Inspector of Assessment on regular basis.

          2)  The Assessors/S.N.I.A. detailed in the Annexure-B to this memo. are informed that they are not selected for inclusion in the panel for the reason furnished in the Annexure.  They are informed that they may prefer appeal against their non-selection if any, to the Chairman/TNEB within two months from the date of communication of this memo.  If no appeal is received within the prescribed time limit, the approved list communicated shall be deemed to be final.

          3)  Thiru. M.Sampath Kumar, DOB: 03.12.1957, Coimbatore EDC/Metro will take rank below Thiru. J.Murali, DOB:12.06.1982, Vellore EDC the seniority of others in the post of Inspector of Assessments shall be order as indicated in the Annexure-A

          4)  In respect of 207 Assessors/SNIA mentioned in Annexure – ‘C’, as on date, no suitability report was sent by Superintending Engineer’s/  Distribution Circle.           Hence, these 207 Assessors could not be taken up for promotion by Departmental Promotion Committee.

5)  The Superintending Engineers are requested to once again verify and send a ‘NIL’ report or otherwise to consider their case also.



          6) The names of Assessors furnished in the Annexure “D” have been Retired/VRS/Expired/Converted to other posts.

7)  The list communicated to the individuals concerned.  They are directed to acknowledge the receipt of this memo.

                                                                   CHIEF ENGINEER/PERSONNEL

1) Annexure-A, Annexure-B, Annexure-C and Annexure-D


The Individuals,
    through Superintending Engineers/Concerned.

Copy to the Superintending Enguineer Concerned.
                   They are requested to serve the memo. to the individuals and obtain and forward the dated acknowledgement promptly.

Copy to the Chief Engineer/Distribution/
Copy to G.26 Section.
Copy to G.25(1) Section.


                                                                                                                                    Sd./-xxx (30.09.2013)

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