Saturday, May 5, 2012

C.P.S.Recovery from Contract Labours from 4000 Persons orders


Provident Fund - Effecting the recovery of employees contribution under Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS) of around 4,000 Contract Labourers, who have been directly engaged by the Board (now TANGEDCO) -  Approval accorded - Orders - Issued.

(Administrative Branch)

Proceedings No.  :  6
Dated  :  05.05.2012
Nandhana Aandu, Chithirai :  23
Thiruvalluvar Aandu  :  2043


Per B.P. (FB) No.44 (Adm. Br.) dt.06.09.07
Per B.P. (Ch) No.9 (Adm. Br.) dt.09.01.08
Chief Engineer/ Personnel's Memo No.012267/ G.58/G.582/2008-1 Dt.20.02.2008
* ** ** *


                   The Board has absorbed 21,600 Contract Labourers in terms of 12 (3) settlement reached between the Management and Unions vide B.P. (1) read above.

          2.0.    Orders were issued to examine the claims of those Contract Labourers who have worked continuously and not covered by 12 (3) settlement in which a committee has been constituted in this regard vide B.P. (2) read above.

          3.0.    Also, orders were issued by this office vide memo (3) read above, that the Contract Labourers who have worked continuously and not covered by 12 (3) settlement and those Contract Labourers who have obtained orders from the Inspector of Labour but pending in W.P.s/W.A.s may be continued to be engaged continuously on need basis on daily wages of Rs.120/- for which payment may be made directly by the Board.

          4.0.    As per the orders issued under reference third cited, it is learnt that about 4,000 Contract Labourers have been engaged by the Board.

          5.0.    Further, the Board has been restructured as three entities w.e.f. 01.11.2011 vide G.O. Ms. No. 100, dated  19.10.10.  However, these 4,000 Contract Labourers have been engaged prior to the formation of entities.  Previously C.P.S. has been implemented to the Contract Labourers who have been absorbed as per 12 (3) settlement.

:  2  :

          6.0.    Accordingly, the TANGEDCO has approved the proposal for recovery of C.P.S. from the Contract Labourers who are engaged by the Board directly on daily wages @ Rs.120/- per day.

          7.0.    Hence, it is hereby ordered that the subscription for C.P.S.  (Contributory Pension Scheme) may be recovered from the Contract Labourers engaged on daily wages @ Rs.120/- per day w.e.f. 01.05.2012. 

          8.0.    The Superintending Engineers are directed to implement the recover of Contributory Pension Scheme immediately.  

          9.0.    The receipt of this B.P. should be acknowledged.


Sd/- 05.05.2012


The Chief Engineer/Personnel, Adm.Branch/Chennai-2.
The Chief Financial Controllers/General & Revenue.
All the Superintending Engineers
The Chief Internal Audit Officer/Board Office Audit Branch/Chennai-2.
The Residential Audit Officer/TNEB/Chennai-2.
All Chief Engineers concerned.

Copy to :

The Chairman's Table.
The Member (Accounts)
The Member (Distribution)
The Member (Generation)
The Secretary
The Director General of Police/Vigilance/Chennai-2.
The Legal Advisor/Chennai-2.
The Industrial Relations Advisor/Chennai-2.
All Deputy Secretaries/BOSB/Chennai-2.
The Deputy Chief Engineer/Adm.Branch/Chennai-2.
The Senior Personnel Officer/Labour/Adm.Branch.
The Senior Personnel Officer/Recruitment/Adm.Branch.
The Senior Personnel Officer/Inspection/Adm.Branch.
The Asst.Legal Advisor/TNEB/Chennai-2.

:  3  :

The Asst.Personnel Officer/Tamil Development - for publication in
                                                                   TNEB Bulletin (2) copies.
The Asst.Personnel Officer/Labour/Adm.Branch/Chennai-2.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Workers Federation.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Accounts and Executive Staff Union.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Workers Progressive Union(LPF).
Central Organisation of Tamil Nadu Electricity Employees.
Minsara Pirivu Anna Thozhir Sangam.
Tamil Nadu Minvaria Janatha Thozhilalar Sangam.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Workers Federation (INTUC) - 2 Groups.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineers Sangam.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Employees Congress (NLO)
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Thozhilalar Aykkia Sangam.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineers Association.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Finance and Accounts Officers Association.
Bharathiya Electricity Employees Federation.
Tamil Nadu Minvaria Uzhaipalargal Sangam.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Dr.Ambedkar Employees Union.
Stock File.

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