Thursday, March 1, 2018

Collection Counters Time Extension due to 4th Saturday Holiday Instructions



From                                                            To
K.Malarvizhi, B.A.(Corp).,ACA.,PGDHRM.,         All the Superintending Engineers,
Chief Financial Controller/Revenue,                  Electricity Distribution Circles,
144 Anna Salai,                                             TANGEDCO.
Chennai – 600 002.
Lr.No.CFC/REV/FC/REV/DFC/R.1/AO/F.CE/IT/D.141/18, dt.01.03.2018.
                   Sub: Electricity – Work load settlement reached on 22.02.2018 – Declaring                           Fourth Saturday of every month as a holiday for the employees                           currently extended with Second Saturday as a holiday in the Offices                                  of TANGEDCO, TANTRANSCO and TNEB Limited – Instructions –                           Issued – Reg.

                   Ref: 1. (Per) CMD TANGEDCO Proceedings No.47, dt.24.02.2018.

                   In the reference cited,  TANGEDCO has declared that Fourth Saturday of every month shall also be  a holiday for the workmen/officials working in the Offices of the TANGEDCO, TANTRANSCO and TNEB Limited who are currently extended with Second Saturday as a holiday and the working hours shall be extended by 15 minutes in the evening.

                   2.0) Hence, all the Superintending Engineers/EDC are instructed that all the Collection Counters working hours  shall  be extended by 15 Minutes in the evening from 01.03.2018 onwards and publicity to that effect shall be given in all the Section Offices/Collection Centres under their control at prominent places without fail.
                   3.0) Further, they are requested to instruct all the Section Offices that the maximum collection amount  on the 2nd & 4th Friday may be arranged to be remitted into Bank on the same day  since the Banks’  are working  upto 3.30 p.m.
                                      This may be treated as Most Urgent.
                                                                   Sd xxx (01.03.2018)
                                                         Chief Financial Controller/Revenue                            
Copy to all the Chief Engineers/Distribution Region.
Copy submitted to the Director (Finance) &Director (Distribution)/TANGEDCO, for kind information, please.
Copy to EA to CMD.

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