Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Revised and Modify Orders of RWE Promotion as per Court Orders

(Administrative Branch)

              144, Anna Salai,

Memo No.034374/414/G46/G462/2016-13, dt.12.12.2017.
Sub:       TANGEDCO – Instructions to all SEs to initiate the promotion    orders to the RWE cadres as per the Court Orders – Reg.
Ref:        The Common Court Orders of Hon’bleHigh Court dt.8.6.2017 on W.P.No.12818 of 2012, W.P.No.20504 of 2016, W.P.No.31736 of 2016, W.P.No.39448 of 2016 and W.P.No.4454 of 2017.

                                All Superintending Engineers/TANGEDCO are hereby directed to proceed with the promotion of the RWE cadres as per the court directions in the order reference (1) cited as reproduced hereunder:
(i)In the matter of promotion to the higher post, namely the post of Foreman Gr I which is sought to be filled in under regulation 98 of TNEB Service Regulations, without waiting further for amendment for the Regulation, for the available promotion vacancies, it is directed to promote all the eligible employees from both sides, namely, from Commercial Inspector and Line Inspector to the higher post, namely, Foreman Gr I, on the basis of the committee’s Report, from the list prepared, i.e. the approved probationer list in the category of commercial Inspector and Line Inspector.
                2. This order comes to effect in all areas from the date of issue of this order except in Chennai District where Election code of conduct is in vogue.  On lifting of the model code of conduct in Chennai, this order shall be effected there also.
                3.The receipt of this memo may be acknowledged.
// By order of the Chairman-cum-Managing Director //

Chief Engineer / Personnel

All Chief Engineers/Distribution Regions.
All Superintending Engineers.

Copy to
The Chairman’s Table.
The Executive Assistant to Chairman.
The Director (Distribution)/TANGEDCO/144, Anna Salai/Chennai-2.
The Secretary/Secretariat Branch/TANGEDCO/144, Anna Salai/Chennai-2.
The Chief Financial Controller/Accounts Branch/TANGEDCO/144 Anna Salai/Chennai-2.


(Sd/- 12.12.2017)

F:\POIMP\G46\court case\Court order memo.11.12.2017

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