Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Assistant (Adm) to Adm. Supr. Called for crucial dt.20.03.17

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 (Administrative Branch)

Er.A.V. RAVI. M.E., M.I.E.,
Chief Engineer/Personnel,
8th, Floor, N.P.K.R.R., Maaligai,
144, Anna Salai,
Chennai - 600 002.
The All Chief Engineers,
Additional Chief Engineers,
Superintending Engineers.

Letter No.040349/773/G.35/G.352/2017-1,    dated  05.08.2017.


Sub :
Establishment - Class III Service - Preparation of panel for promotion to the post of Administrative Supervisor for the crucial date of 20.03.2017 - Suitability Report and D.P. particulars called for - Regarding.


                   I am to request you to furnish the particulars in QUADRUPLICATE (which should be in A4 size paper) as furnished in the format enclosed for each case in respect of Assistants (Administration) listed in the Annexure, since their cases are likely to come up for consideration for promotion to the post of Administrative Supervisor.

                 2) I am to specifically request you to send copy of charge memo., copy of final order, undergone/undergoing punishment as on date in QUADRUPLICATE (A4 size paper) in respect of the Assistants (Administration) listed in the Annexure alongwith the Suitability Report.

                   3) Further, I am to state that if any of the individuals shown in the Annexure is previously working in your circle and any of those subsequently transferred elsewhere, the concerned Chief Engineer/Additional Chief Engineer/ Superintending Engineers may be addressed from your end requesting them to furnish the details as called for in the format enclosed directly to this office, so as to avoid further delay in finalizing the panel. It is seen that most of the field reports, the columns in the format are filled up as "Nil/Dash". I request you to ensure that all the columns in the format are duly filled up without the usage of "Nil/Dash".

               4) I am to inform you that the suitability report should be personally verified and signed only by the Chief Engineers/Additional Chief Engineers/ Superintending Engineers concerned.

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               5) I am also to request you to send the report on or before 31.08.2017, in this connection, I am to invite your attention to this Office Memo.No.068288/ Adm.II/ A.2/1997-1, dated 12.05.1997 and request you to keep up the target date.

     Yours faithfully,
Encl : i)  Annexure
         ii) Format
Sd./-xx 05.08.17.         
                                                                    (S. SANTHI)
                                             ASSISTANT PERSONNEL OFFICER/ESTT.(N.T.)
                                                    FOR CHIEF ENGINEER/PERSONNEL     


Name and Designation


Date of Birth


Date of Joining as Assistant/Adm.


Circle in which working


Whether any D.P/Enquiry is pending against the individual and if so to indicate the nature of charges in brief and its present stage (Copy of Charge be enclosed in QUADRUPLICATE A4 SIZE paper)


Whether any punishment has been imposed on the individual and if so the nature of charge and nature of punishment imposed to be furnished (Copies of final order to be enclosed in Quadruplicate A4 Size paper)


If there is any punishment of Stoppage of increment imposed the following should be furnished.


Normal due date of increment


Date of commencement of punishment as per memo.(Per) No. 5650/A18/A181/
2002-1, (SB) dated 04.06.2002.


Date of Completion of punishment


If any appeal is made by the individual the order issued/latest position on the appeal should be furnished.

Whether he/she is suitable for promotion





NOTE:  No Columns should be left as blank.

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