Saturday, May 27, 2017

Employees Selected as Technical Assistant/Mechanical through Internal Selection - Allotment of candidates - Orders

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144, Anna Salai,
Chennai - 600 002.

Memo. No.  42319/963/G.3/G.3(2)/2017-1, dated   27.05.2017.
Establishment - Class III Service – Employees Selected as Technical Assistant/Mechanical through Internal Selection - Allotment of candidates - Orders - Issued.

S.P.O./ Rectt. U.O. Note No.070556/519(1)/ G57/G571/ 2015, dated 16.05.2017.

                   The S.E. concerned are informed that the employees who have been mentioned in the Annexure are provisionally selected for appointment as Technical Assistant/Mechanical in the time scale of pay of Rs.5400-20200 + 2800 G.P. with usual allowances admissible as per rules, subject to protection of loss of pay, if any be grant of personal pay as per B.P. Ms. (FB) No.95  (Sectt. Branch) dated 20.11.1985 by internal selection and allotted to the circles as noted against their names.

                   2)  The S.E. concerned are requested to issue appointment order as Technical Assistant/Mechanical to the employees concerned as per provision in Regulation 106 of the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Service Regulations with the following clauses as mentioned below:

the employees shall produce a certificate of Physical Fitness obtained from a Medical Officer not lower in rank than that of a Civil Assistant Surgeon.

the employees should join duty within 15 days from the date of relief from the post now held by them failing which it will be construed that they are not interested to accept the appointment and further action will be taken to cancel their appointment orders.

the employees may be informed that no representation for change of posting or extension of time to join duty will be entertained.

the employees concerned shall give an undertaking in writing to the effect that they will relinquish their rights for further promotion in the post now held by them.

- 2 –

the employees who do not possess the adequate knowledge in Tamil should pass second language test as per the rules.

The employee should produce the following original certificate along with a Xerox copy in each for verification at the time of joining duty.

The date of relief/joining of the employee may be furnished to this office and the appointment order shall be issued to the selected employees and obtain the genuineness certificates at the earliest.

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Certificate

Evidence for date of birth  (i.e. SSLC first page or Transfer Certificate)            

Community Certificate & an undertaking to the effect that they will agree for fixation of pay as per orders in B.P. Ms. (FB) No.95, (Secretariat Branch) dated 20.11.1985 as amended by way of clarification from time to time.

Xerox copy of the Aadhar Card.
                   3) The S.E./Concerned are also requested to verify the above certificates and to affix attested copies of the above evidence in the service book of the concerned employee and if any selected employee is involved in any D.P./ Undergoing punishment, the appointment/allotment order need not be served to them and returned to this office for cancellation.

                   4)  The S.E./Concerned are instructed that the employees who have been allotted as per their request and joined in the same circle                   are not eligible for T.T.A.

                   5)  The receipt of this memo. shall be acknowledged.

Encl.: Annexure.

Sd/-XXX(dt. 27.05.2017)


The Superintending Engineers concerned.

Copy to the Chief Engineers (Distribution)/ Regions concerned.

Copy to the Personnel Officer/ Recruitment - With reference to UO cited.

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