Friday, March 4, 2016

JE II Gr (Non-Diploma) Allotment orders

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8th Floor, N.P.K.R.R. Maaligai,

144, Anna Salai, Chennai - 2.

Memo. No.021619/728/G.12/G.12(2)/2016-1,  dated.03.03.2016.

Establishment - Class III Service - Appointment as Junior Engineer/Electrical II Gr. by transfer method from Non-Diploma holders under the emergency provisions - Allotment - Orders - Issued.

S.P.O./Rect. U.O. Note No.067246/160/G.55/ G.552/2016-1, dt.02.03.2016.


          The names of the Non-Diploma holers who have been selected for appointment as Junior Engineer/ Electrcal II Grade in the scale of pay of          9600-34800+ Grade pay of Rs.4300/- by transfer method under the provision in Note 2 against category 3 under Division I Class III in Annexure I 92 of TNEB Regulation are mentioned in the Annexure and the circles in which they are allotted noted against their names.

      2)  The Superintending Engineers are requested to issue orders of appointment to them as Junior Engineers/Electrical II Grade under Regulation 106(a) of Service Regulation and postings in their circle with usual conditions.

     3)  The individuals may be directed to produce the P.F.C. form from a Medical Officer not lower in rank than that of Civil Surgeon at the time of joining duty as Junior Engineer/Electrical II Grade. If their vision are not normal they have to produce a Special Certificate from an Eye Specialist employed in a Government Hospital furnishing the particulars mentioned in the Annexure to the form of P.F.C.  The P.F.C. may be verified as per existing instructions and may also be requested to verify the educational qualification and whether the individual is being adequate knowledge in Tamil.


      4)  The individuals may also be informed that they should join duty within two weeks from the date of relief from the present post failing which it will be taken as they are not interested to accept the appointment and further action will be taken to cancel their appointment.

     5)  No representation for change in the allotment made will be entertained.

      6)  The Superintending Engineers are requested to report the date of relief and joining of the individuals.

      7)  It is hereby certified that the above individuals are fully possess the required qualification to hold the post of Junior Engineer/Electrical II Grade and their pay can be fixed under Regulations 33(b) of TNEB Service Regulation.


                                                                                   TNEB JANATHA SANGAM                                                                        
All the Superintending Engineers.

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All the Chief Engineers.
G.4 Section/Adm. Branch/Chennai-2.
G.55 Section/Adm. Branch/Chennai-2.
G.12/121 Seat/Adm. Branch/Chennai-2.
       for making necessary entries in the HSR concerned.       
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                                                                               Sd/xxxxx 03.03.2016

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Enhancement of HBA from 40 to 50 lakhs G.O. adoption orders

HBA Enhancement 40 to 50 lakhs