Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Remote Hydro Allowance


Allowances and Incentives – Payment of Remote Hydro Allowance-cum Performance Incentive for employees working in Dam Safety – World Bank funded Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) in Remote Hydro Stations – Extension – Orders – Issued.

(Per) CMD  TANGEDCO Proceedings No.128,    Dated : 30-6-2015.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Remote Hydro/Cavern Allowance


                                                 SECRETARIAT BRANCH,
                                                        N.P.K.R.R. MAALIGAI,                                                            
                                                   144, ANNA SALAI, 
                                             CHENNAI – 2.

Memo. (Per.) No.30542 /A3/A32/2015-1,  Dated : 3-6-2015.

                 Sub:  Remote Hydro/Cavern Allowance-cum-Performance
                         Incentive for the employees working in Remote Hydro
                         Stations – Release of the remaining 25% of
                         Performance Linked Incentive for the financial year
                         2014-15  – Regarding.

                  Ref:  1) (Per) B.P. (FB) No.23 (SB) dt:20.03.2002.
                         2)  Memo No.59508/A3/A32/2003-1, dt:04.09.2003.
                         3)  (Per) FB ( TANGEDCO ) Proceedings No.26 (SB)       
                         4)  Memo (Per) No.84075/A3/A32/2014-1,
                         5)  From the Chief Engineer / Hydro letter No.2570/
                              328/M18/M185/2015-1, dt:15.05.2015.

          In the Board’s Proceedings first cited, orders were issued sanctioning Remote Hydro/Cavern Allowance-cum-Performance Incentive to the employees working in Remote Hydro Stations/ Kadamparai Power House as mentioned below:-

75% of the rate of both Remote Hydro Allowance/Cavern Allowance sanctioned shall be paid every month and the remaining 25% shall be linked to the performance of the respective Hydro Stations to be reviewed by a Committee consisting of Accounts Member and Member (Generation) at the end of each financial year.”

In the reference 5th cited, the Chief Engineer (Hydro), Chennai has requested sanction for releasing the remaining 25% of Performance Linked Remote Hydro/Cavern Allowance-cum-Performance Incentive for the year 2014-15 based on the performance of the Hydro Stations. The request has been examined by the Committee and it has been decided to sanction the balance 25% Performance Linked incentive and the guidelines prescribed for the financial year 2013-14 may be followed in toto for the financial year 2014-15 also.

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       2) In pursuance of the above decision, it is hereby ordered that  the employees who have been paid 75% of the Remote Hydro/Cavern Allowance cum Performance Incentive under reference 3rd  cited be paid 25% of the remaining Performance Linked Incentive.   The following  guidelines/instructions  shall  be  adhered  to  in working out the performance of each station for releasing the balance 25% of the Performance Linked Incentive for 2014-15.


i.        This factor is based on availability of the machine i.e., running or standby condition.  As outage hours increase, this factor reduces.  This factor will reflect the performance of the station.

ii.        Annual overhaul is a statutory requirement.  This period may be excluded for calculating the Plant Availability Factor for incentive purpose.  Since R&M is undertaken for life extension and performance improvement, the machine under shutdown for R&M need not be considered for arriving Plant Availability Factor of the respective station.  After R&M, the Machine shall be taken as new one.

iii.        Balance 25% incentive shall be considered for the stations that maintain minimum of 80% availability factor.  Proportionate incentive (Reduction) shall be given for the stations that have less than 80% Plant Availability Factor.  Average availability factor of all units (whether running or ready standby) in a station shall be considered as station availability factor, based on which incentive is to be worked out.

iv.        The 25% incentive shall be given in full for the employees who have served more than 200 days at a particular Hydro Station during the financial year 2014-15.  Proportionate working days shall be calculated for those who join or leave in the middle of the year due to promotion or transfer and they shall be paid proportionately for their duration of service.

v.        For those officers and staff working in Superintending Engineer/ Generation Circle Offices, Stores etc., common to Generation Circle, the Average Availability Factor of all the Stations shall be calculated proportionately for considering the payment of this incentive.  The Sample working sheet already prescribed in Board’s Memo. No.59508/ A3/ A32/2003-1, Dated: 4-9-2003 shall be followed for the payment of incentive for 2014-15.
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3)  The Superintending Engineers/Hydro Generation Circles, Kundah, Erode, Tirunelveli and Kadamparai are hereby instructed                    to  work out  and effect  the payment of 25% Performance Linked incentive for  the financial  year 2014-15 to the employees who have been paid 75% of the said allowance as per the instructions mentioned above and submit a report on the financial commitment, the number of Officers and Workmen covered, after making the payment.

          4)  The receipt of the Memorandum shall be acknowledged.


                                                      R. KRISHNAN
                                                        SECRETARY (ADDL. CHARGE).

The Superintending Engineer/Generation Circle/ Kundah.
The Superintending Engineer/Generation Circle/Erode.
The Superintending Engineer/Generation Circle/Tirunelveli.
The Superintending Engineer/Generation Circle/Kadamparai.
All Chief Engineers.
The Chief Financial Controllers/TANGEDCO and TANTRANSCO.
All Superintending Engineers.
All Deputy Secretaries/Secretariat Branch.
The Chief Internal Audit Officer/Audit Branch.
The Residential Audit Officer.
Copy to:
The Chairman cum Managing Director’s Table.
The Managing Director/TANTRANSCO.
The Director General of Police/Vigilance.
All Directors/TANGEDCO.
All Directors/ TANTRANSCO.
The Secretary/TANGEDCO/Chennai-2.
The Legal Adviser/TANGEDCO/Chennai-2.
The Executive Assistant /Chairman cum Managing Director’s office.
The Industrial Relations Adviser/TANGEDCO.
The Chief Medical Officer/Dispensary/Chennai-2.
The Deputy Chief Engineer/Administrative Branch.
All Senior Personnel Officers/Administrative Branch.
The Under Secretary/Wage Revision and Regulations/Secretariat Branch.
The Director, Computer Centre.
The Assistant Personnel Officer/Tamil Development – for publication
        in the TNEB Bulletin (2 copies).
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All Officers/Sections/Cells in the Secretariat Branch.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Workers' Federation.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Accounts & Executive  Staff Union.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Workers Progressive Union (LPF).
Central Organisation of Tamil Nadu Electricity Employees (COTEE).
Minsara Pirivu Anna Thozhir Sangam.
Tamil Nadu Minvariya Janatha Thozhilalar Sangam.
Tamil Nadu National Electricity Workers' Federation (2 Groups).
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineers' Sangam.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Employees Congress.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Thozhilalar Aykkiya Sangam.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineers' Association.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Finance & Accounts Officers Association.
Bharathiya Electricity Employees Federation.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Card Billing Staff Union.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Dr. Ambedkar Employees Union.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineer's Union.


                                                                   SECTION OFFICER.


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

வாரிய தலைவருக்கு ஜனதா சங்கம் வாழ்த்தி பாராட்டு

மதிப்பிற்குரிய தமிழ்நாடு மின் வாரிய தலைவர் மற்றும் மேலாண்மை இயக்குநர் அவர்களுக்கு 
தங்களது அயராத விரைந்தெடுக்கும் முயற்சியால், கடந்த, ஆறு மாதங்களாக, தனியார் மின் நிறுவனங்களிடம் இருந்து, அதிக விலைக்கு மின்சாரம் வாங்குவது நிறுத்தப்பட்டது. இதனால், ஒரு மாதத்திற்கு, 500 கோடி ரூபாய் என, ஆறு மாதத்திற்கு, 3,000 கோடி ரூபாய் மிச்சமாகி உள்ளது. இதற்கு, காரணமான மின் வாரிய தலைவர் மற்றும் மேலாண்மை இயக்குநர் ஆகிய தாங்களை தமிழ்நாடு மின் வாரிய ஜனதா தொழிலாளர் சங்கம் மனதார பாராட்டுகிறது. தங்கள் பணி மென்மேலும் சிறக்க வேண்டுகிறோம்.

Enhancement of HBA from 40 to 50 lakhs G.O. adoption orders

HBA Enhancement 40 to 50 lakhs