Monday, June 9, 2014

Transfer and Posting /Modification of ITI Helper (Trainee) by Direct Recruitment


(Administrative Branch)

8th Floor, N.P.K.R.R. Maaligai,
144, Anna Salai, Chennai - 2.

Memo No.026303/195/G.43/G.432/2014-26, dated  07.06.2014.


Estt. - Class IV Service – Transfer and Posting /Modification of ITI Helper (Trainee) by Direct Recruitment – Orders – Issued.

CE/PEr’s Lr.No.044771/201/G57/G572/2012,
dt 24.02.2014.

                   The names of ITI Helper (Trainee) mentioned in the Annexure are transferred and posted to the circles/modified to the circles noted against each in the existing vacancies on Adm. grounds.

     2) They should await for further reposting orders from the concerned Superintending Engineers and join duty in the new circle forthwith after getting proper relief from the present station.

      3) They are informed that they are not eligible for Transfer Travelling Allowance since the transfer order is on their own request.

     4) They are also informed that any request for cancellation of these orders will not be entertained.

     5) The Superintending Engineers/concerned are requested to serve the transfer orders forthwith after ensuring that the individual is not involved in D.P./Undergoing any punishment and to issue necessary reposting orders to the individual through the concerned Superintending Engineer with a copy to this office.

Encl :- Annexure

                                                                      CHIEF ENGINEER/PERSONNEL

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