Thursday, January 23, 2014

Part time Conservancy Workers wage revision orders


Establishment – RWE –  Part time Conservancy Workers – Modified as            Rs.1300-3000+Rs.300 G.P. with notional effect from 01.12.2011 and monetary effect from 09.01.2014 – Orders – Issued.
(Administrative Branch)

(Per.) TANGEDCO Proceeding (FB) No.2                  Dated 23.01.2014
                                                                          ViJaya Aandu
                                                                          Thai 10,                                                                                                      Thiruvalluvur Aandu 2045.


(Per.) B.P. (FB) No.8, (Adm.Br.) dt.20.03.1997.

(Per.) B.P. (FB) No.95, (Sectt. Branch) dt.14.10.1998.


(Per.) B.P. (FB) No.1, (Adm.Br.) dt.03.01.2001.

(Per.) (FB) TANGEDCO Proceedings No.11 (Adm. Br.) dt. 02.08.2011.


                   In the Board’s Proceedings first read above, orders were issued to create a new category in Class-IV, Division-II RWE Cadre to be designated as Part-time Conservancy Workers for permanent absorption of the then existing Part-time Sweepers/Scavengers by fixing the working hours for the said worker as two hours from 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. or according to the convenience of the office concerned which should not exceed two hours a day; that the pay of Part-time Conservancy workers shall be fixed in a new time scale of pay of Rs.120-5-170-10-320 as applicable to the employees under the nutritious Noon-Meal Scheme in Government of Tamil Nadu.  In the Boards Proceedings second read above, orders were issued that the scale of pay of Rs.120-5-170-10-320 shall be revised to Rs.600-10-700-20-1100 with retrospective effect from 20.03.1997 and orders were also issued for absorption of all Contingent workers, who have completed 480 days of continuous service in 24 Calendar months in a phased manner commencing from 01.01.1998 onwards.  However, the orders issued in the Board’s Proceedings first read above, revising the scale of pay were cancelled vide Board’s Proceedings third read above, and the quantum of consolidated payment payable to Part-time Conservancy workers was enhanced from Rs.120/- to Rs.250/- with retrospective effect from 20.03.1997 and for creation of a new cadre to be designated  as  Part-time  Conservancy  Workers  in  the   scale  of  pay  of
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Rs.600-10-700-20-1100 but by restricting the area/offices to be cleaned to Central Office and Division Office where the Revenue Branches is also situated in the same premises.  In the said Board’s Proceedings third read above, a policy decision was also taken not to engage a regular Part-time Conservancy Workers in those places like Section Offices on the ground that the area to be cleaned etc.  is meager and in those places the system of employing Contingent Conservancy Workers is adequate.  In the TANGEDCO Proceedings fourth read above, it has been ordered (on consideration of the Supreme Court/New Delhi order dated 26.10.2010 in SLP (C) No.10611/2008) to create 3316 and 2330 numbers of posts of Part-time Conservancy Workers retrospectively from 04.04.2003 and 15.10.2005 respectively and to grant regular time scale of pay at Rs.600-10-700-20-1100 with D.A. with retrospective effect from 04.04.2003 or any other subsequent date as per eligibility/entitlement and for pay of arrears to them accordingly. 

             2)  Now, a settlement under Sec 12(3) of Industrial Dispute    Act 1947 has been secured on 09.01.2014, on revision of wages and revision of work allocation and staff pattern as approved by Board and it has been agreed that the pay scale of part-time conservancy workers be modified as       Rs.1300-3000+Rs.300/- Grade pay with notional effect from 01.12.2011 and monetary effect from the date of settlement of wage revision 2011 (i.e. from  09.01.2014).

             3)  Accordingly, it is hereby ordered as follows:-
“ The pay scale of Part-time conservancy workers be modified as Rs.1300-3000+Rs.300/- Grade Pay with notional effect from 01.12.2011 and monetary effect from the date of settlement of wage revision 2011 (i.e. from 09.01.2014)”.


                                                               CHIEF ENGINEER/PERSONNEL (I/c)
The Chief Engineer/Personnel
All Chief Engineer’s

Copy Submitted to
The Director (Generation)/TANGEDCO, Chennai – 2.
The Director (Distribution)/TANGEDCO, Chennai-2.

Copy to
The Chief Internal Audit Office/Audit Branch/TANGEDCO/Chennai-2.
The Chief Engineer/Information Technology/Chennai-2
The Superintending Engineer/Chairman’s Office.
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All Superintending Engineers
The Secretary/TANGEDCO, Chennai – 2.
The Deputy Chief Engineer/Administrative Branch, Chennai-2.
The Senior Personnel Officer/Recrutiment/Adm.Branch, Chennai-2.
The Senior Personnel Officer/Labour/Adm. Branch, Chennai-2.
The Senior Personnel Officer/Inspection/Adm. Branch, Chennai-2.
The Assistant Personnel Officer/Tamil Devepment (2 copies).
“A10” Section/B.O.S.B./Chennai – 2. (2 copies).
The Under Secretary/Establishment/Adm. Branch/Chennai-2.
The Under Secretary/Regulation/Adm. Branch/Chennai-2.
The Under Secretary/Wage Revision/Adm. Branch/Chennai-2.
The Under Secretary/Miscellaneous/Adm. Branch/Chennai-2.
B.P.Section/Adm.Branch/Chennai-2 (2 Copies).
The Stock file.



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