Saturday, November 30, 2013

JA/Typist (Adm) Promoted as Assistant Allotment orders covering letter

(Administrative Branch)

Er.A. RAJA, B.E.,F.I.E.,            
Chief Engineer/Personnel,         
8th Floor, NPKRR Maaligai,           
144 Anna Salai, Chennai - 600 002.      
The Chief Engineers Concerned.
The Superintending Engineers

Letter No.096390/1012/G33/G331/2013-1, dated :  26.11.2013.

Sub :
Establishment - Class III Service - J.A./Typist (Adm.) promoted as Assistant/Adm. - Allotment - Orders - Issued.

Ref :
This Office Memo No.023600/G35/G352/2013-6
dated : 11.11.2013.

                   I  am to state that the following Junior Assistants/Typist (Adm.) who   have  been selected for promotion to the post of Assistant/Adm. on regular basis as per the Annexure enclosed are allotted to your circle against the existing vacancy.

          2)       I therefore, request that as per Regulation 106(a) of TNEB's Service Regulation necessary appointment and posting orders as Assistant (Adm.) may be issued to the promotees with a condition to join duty within 15 days from the date of the reposting orders under intimation to this office.

          3)       If any one involves Disciplinary Proceeding/Undergoing punishment the reposting orders need not be served and the fact may be intimated to this office.

          4)       I also request you to report the date of relief/joining of the individuals immediately to this office.

                                                                      Yours faithfully,
 Encl : Annexure                                                   
                                                                    (S. MANJULA)
                                             ASST. PERSONNEL OFFICER/ADM. STAFF(I/C)
                                                               for CHIEF ENGINEER/PERSONNEL

Copy to the Chief  Engineers concerned.                } (**)
Copy to the Superintending Engineers concerned.  }
   (**)     He is requested to relieve the individual on receipt  of  appointment and posting orders from the Superintending  Engineers/Concerned  and reported the date of relieve/joining to this office.
Copy to G.35 Section.
Copy to Stock File.

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HBA Enhancement 40 to 50 lakhs