Friday, September 16, 2011

TCL/ NMR Service counted the purpose of pensionary benefits orders


Pension – Counting the half of the temporary service rendered as Temporary Casual Labourer/Nominal Muster Roll for the purpose of Pensionary benefits – Orders - Issued.

(Per) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No.31  Dated the 8th  September, 2011.
                                                                             Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2042.                                                                                

1. G.O.Ms.No.408, Finance (Pension) Department, dated 25.08.2009.
2. Government's Letter No.52717/Finance (Pension) Department/
    2009-1, dated 23.10.2009.


          In G.O.Ms.No.408, Finance (Pension) Department, dated 25.08.2009, the Government have ordered that half of the service rendered by the Government servants in temporary service viz.Non-Provincialised service, Consolidated Pay, Honorarium and Daily Wages basis on or after 01.01.1961 and absorbed in regular service before 01.04.2003, shall be counted for pensionary benefits along with regular service, subject to the following conditions:-

a)     The service rendered in Non-Provincialised service, Consolidated Pay, Honorarium and Daily Wages basis shall be in a job involving in whole employment in Government Department.

b)     The service rendered shall be on Consolidated Pay, Honorarium or Daily Wages paid on monthly basis and subsequently absorbed in regular service under the State Government.

c)      The service rendered in Non-Provincialised service, Consolidated Pay, Honorarium or Daily Wages basis shall be followed by absorption in regular service before 01.04.2003 without a break.

Subsequently, in Letter No.52717/Finance (Pension) Department/2009-1, dated 23.10.2009, the Government have clarified that wherever there was break in service before their absorption in regular service before 01.04.2003, the same shall be specifically condoned by the orders of the Head of Departments, in which the employees were regularly absorbed and such period of break, shall not count for the purpose of pensionary benefits.

          2. Generally, the TANGEDCO (erstwhile Tamil Nadu Electricity Board) has been adopting the orders issued by the Government from time to time in connection with Pension and Pensionary benefits to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners. Most of the Pensioners' Associations have been requesting to adopt the said Government Orders in TANGEDCO and to extend the benefits to the employees/Pensioners/Family Pensioners of TANGEDGO duly counting the half of the temporary service rendered by the employees/Pensioners as Temporary Casual Labourer/Nominal Muster Roll.  During  the



meeting held on 08.03.2011 with all the Pensioners' Associations, it has been mutually agreed to extend the said benefits to the Employees/Pensioners/Family Pensioners of TANGEDCO with prospective effect. Accordingly, a proposal for adoption of the said Government Orders in TANGEDCO, has been placed before the Board of TANGEDCO for its approval.

          3. The TANGEDCO has carefully examined the above issue and decided to adopt the above orders of the Government, so as to extend the same benefits to the Employees/Pensioners/Family Pensioners of TANGEDCO. In pursuance of the above decision, the TANGEDCO issues the following orders:-

(i)              The half of the service rendered by the employees/Pensioners of TANGEDCO (erstwhile Tamil Nadu Electricity Board) in temporary service, viz.Nominal Muster Roll and Temporary Casual Labourer alone, on or after 01.01.1961 and absorbed in regular service before 01.04.2003, be counted for pensionary benefits along with regular service.

(ii)           Wherever there was break in service before their absorption in regular service before 01.04.2003, the same shall be specifically condoned by the orders of the Chairman-cum-Managing Director/TANGEDCO, in which the employees were regularly absorbed and such period of break, shall not count for the purpose of pensionary benefits.


(iii)         Wherever the documentary evidence proving the service rendered as Nominal Muster Roll/Temporary Casual Labourer is not available in the office, the documents produced by the retired/retiring employees duly verified and authorised by the concerned office may be accepted for counting the service for pensionary benefits.

          4. The temporary service (NMR/TCL) mentioned in para-3(i) above shall be in a job involving in whole employment in TANGEDCO and wages should have been paid by the TANGEDCO (erstwhile Tamil Nadu Electricity Board) to them directly, for the above said period.

         5. All the Pension Sanctioning Authorities are requested to veify the evidences furnished by the Pensioners for this purpose and revise their pension accordingly. The revised Pension Proposal should be forwarded to the Chief Internal Audit Officer/Audit Branch for authorizing the same without giving any room for complaints in this regard.

         6. The above orders shall come into effect from the date of issue of these orders (in respect of monetary benefits).

         7. The receipt of these proceedings shall be acknowledged in the slip enclosed.


                                                                SECRETARY (ADDITIONAL CHARGE).
All Chief Engineers.
The Chief Financial Controller/General and Revenue.

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