Thursday, December 30, 2010

IA to RS Promotion Allotment Memo


(Administrative Branch)

From                                                  To

Er.V.MANOHARAN, .B.E., M.I.E.,           The Superintending Engineer's,   
Chief Engineer/Personnel,                     Concerned.
8th, Floor, N.P.K.R.R., Maaligai,            
144  Anna Salai,  Chennai - 600 002.    

Letter No.071637/479/G.59/G.591/2010-9,  dated : 29.12.2010.


Sub :
Establishment - Class III Service - Inspector of Assessment/Supernumerary Revenue Supervisor/Selected for promotion as Revenue Supervisor Allotment orders issued.

Ref :

C.E./Pl's Memo.No.039082/324/G.59/G.592/
2009-50,  dated 27.12.2010.


                   I am to state that the Inspector of Assessment/Supernumerary Revenue Supervisor mentioned in the Annexure-A, who have been included in the panel for promotion to the post of Revenue Supervisor on Temporary basis in the Memo. cited, are allotted to the Circles noted against their names in the Annexure  against the existing vacancy.

                   2)  I am to inform that with reference to note (1) in Annexure-II referred to in Regulation 93 of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Service Regulation, orders of appointment and posting as Revenue Supervisor may be issued to the promotees relating to your circle alone up to Sl.No.626 in the Annexure - A of the panel under intimation to this Branch.  Before issue of appointment orders, it may be ensured that the promotees have passed the II class Language Test in Tamil as per T.N.E.B. S.R. 91(3).

                   3)  It is certified that the above Inspector of Assessment/
Supernumerary Revenue Supervisor possess the qualification to hold the post of Revenue Supervisor with effect from the date of their joining as Temporary Revenue Supervisor on promotion and report the date of joining duty promptly.

                   4)  I am also to inform that as per orders issued in para (iv) (b) of the (Per). B.P. (FB) No.68 (S.B.) dated 25.11.2002.  the Supernumerary Revenue Supervisor were already allowed the scale of pay of Revenue Supervisor.  As such they are not eligible for further fixation of pay in the post of Revenue Supervisor.

:: 2 ::

                   5)  I am also to request you to incorporate the following clause in the appointment and posting orders of the above promotees.

                             i)  If they do not join duty within the stipulated time,
                                 their promotion is liable for cancellation and the
                                 next junior will be promoted and posted.

                   6)  I am also request you to issue reposting orders within seven days from the date of receipt of allotment order as per instructions issued in Memo.No.100855/515/G.42/G.423/2002-1,  dated 30.08.2002.

                   7)  The seniority in this post of Revenue Supervisors will be fixed at the time of regularising the panel as Revenue Supervisor.

                                                                  Yours faithfully,
Encl: -  Annexure.
                                                          (T. THIRIPURASUNDARI)
                                                Assistant Personnel Officer/ Panel (N.T.)
                                                          for Chief Engineer/ Personnel.
Copy to Chief Engineer/Distribution/
Copy to G.25 Section.
Copy to G.592 Seat.
Copy to Stock File.

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Enhancement of HBA from 40 to 50 lakhs G.O. adoption orders

HBA Enhancement 40 to 50 lakhs