Monday, November 22, 2010

Medical Expenses Reimbursement ceiling limit Clarification issued

                Tamil Nadu Electricity Board -Medical Expenses .. Reimbursement of medical .
                expenses ceiling limit -Clarification -Orders -Issued.
                (Per) B.P. (FB) No.8                                                          Dated the 11th Novetnber 2010
                                                                                                           Iyppasi,25, Vikruthi
                                                                                                           Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2041

                                              i)  (Per.) BP. (FB) No.30 (SB) dt. 26.8.2010.
                                              ii) Government Finance (PC) Department, Secretariat, Chennai-9
                                                  Lr. No..34124/(Pay Cell)/2009-1, dt. 26.6.2009

                                        In the Board's Proceedings first cited, orders were issued that the annual
                          ceiling limit on reimbursement of medical expenses at the  revised rate of 30 % of
                         Basic Pay (Pay + Grade Pay) as on 1.12.2007 in the revised pay structure or as on the
                          date of option falling thereafter. The order came into effect from 26.8.2010.

                                     2.In the Government letter second cited had issued clarification that the
                          30% ceiling on medical reimbursement should be reckoned based on the Notional 
                          pay including Grade pay that the employee would have been entitled had he opted for
                          the revised pay scales on 1-1-2006.

                                     3. The Tamil Nadu Electricity Board after careful consideration hereby 
                          directs tllat the 30% ceiling on medical reimbursement should be reckoned based on
                          the Notional pay including ,Grade Pay that the employee would have been entitled
                          had he opted for the revised pay scale on 1.12.2007.
                                    4. The receipt of the Board's Proceedings shall be acknowledged.
                                                   (BY ORDER OF THE BOARD)
                                                                                                                Era. MATHVANAN
All Chief Engineers.
All Superintending Engineers
Copy to :-
The Chairman's Table.
The Member (Distribution)/Tamil Nadu Electricity Board/Chennai -2.
The Member (Generation)/Tamil Nadu Electricity Board/Chennai -2.

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